PoGo-Devs / PoGo

UWP Client for Pokemon Go
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(Suggestion) Github to Twitter integration #4

Open jakubsuchybio opened 8 years ago

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

Regarding https://github.com/ST-Apps/PoGo-UWP/issues/886 I also thought about posting on twitter on every new release day before that issue ^^

There is one solution that I found. It's https://zapier.com you can basically create zap, that checks the repo every 15 minutes and if it finds something new it can create tweet. The problem is for now, that it can only act on certain things and New Release is not in it. But we could create new branch on every release and that could be checked for zap. Idk if this is too much cumbersome.. I already posted to their support, if they will support New Release as a trigger.

I will search a little more if there is something else.

Edit: So I got reponse from support, they say that it is the most requested feature for github triggers, but they have no ETA.

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

Also I could do the obvious thing and make some easy script that will be checking our repo via Github API and then if new release is found, save the commit number of that last release and tweet it. Then if new release with different commit number is found, it will tweet it again. The problem with this is.. Where to host this. I have my server, but some hosted solution would be always better.

DarkAngelFR-zz commented 8 years ago

I may have an azure account to run this kind of stuff...

christosk92 commented 8 years ago

I'm reading this now(Sorry for late reaction) I think this would be a nice feauture to have!

christosk92 commented 8 years ago

https://twitter.com/PoGoUWP :D

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

Ok, so another solution. :D Microsoft Azure Functions. You can create function that will accept Github Webook for release events and with that you publish new tweet. EZPZ, except it doesn't work... At least for me :/ It does not correctly generate the function for me. More here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/43f775f9-2e41-4be0-9b1c-39c445cddefe/github-secret-is-blank?forum=AzureFunctions

But when I get this resolved. With release traffic that we have it will be free for us. (Free is like 4GB of data and 1M events. So.... One release event have like 1kB max? One release per week? => Free)

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

Ok so I finished it. Sent @ST-Apps tutorial how to do it and we should be good to go!

It looks like this in the end: