Pocket-Plane-Group / Lure_Of_Sirines_Call

Adds a quest - and pirates! - to the sirines and the southern part of the lighthouse map
4 stars 6 forks source link

Extended Lighthouse Area doesn't install on Original Saga, ERROR: error loading [sirinescall/base/bmp/AR3600SR.bmp] #11

Open LeiFangBaby opened 1 month ago

LeiFangBaby commented 1 month ago

BG TOTSC version, not EE/TuTu/BGT, the Original Saga, got an error, retried on clean version no mods except BG1VARFIX (it only modifies the .exe) installed.

Here's a WEIDU excerpt:

`Install Component [Extended Lighthouse Area]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Extended Lighthouse Area] [v16.3]

Baldur's Gate detected. Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AR3600.are] loaded, 19212 bytes override/AR3600.are copied to sirinescall/backup/1/AR3600.are, 19212 bytes Copied [AR3600.are] to [override/AR3600.are] Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [AR3600LM.bmp] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600LM.bmp] Copying 1 file ... Copied [AR3600HT.bmp] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600HT.bmp] Copying 1 file ... [sirinescall/base/wed/AR3600.wed] loaded, 220922 bytes Copied [sirinescall/base/wed/AR3600.wed] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600.wed] Copying 1 file ... ERROR: error loading [sirinescall/base/bmp/AR3600SR.bmp] Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Extended Lighthouse Area], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [sirinescall/backup/1/OTHER.1]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "sirinescall/backup/1/OTHER.1") [sirinescall/backup/1/UNSETSTR.1] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 4 files for [SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2] component 1. Restoring backed-up [sirinescall/backup/1/AR3600.are] sirinescall/backup/1/AR3600.are copied to override/AR3600.are, 19212 bytes Uninstalled 4 files for [SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2] component 1. [.\Chitin.key] loaded, 238496 bytes [.\Chitin.key] 159 BIFFs, 16694 resources Unable to Unlink [sirinescall/backup/1/READLN.1]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "sirinescall/backup/1/READLN.1") Unable to Unlink [sirinescall/backup/1/READLN.1.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "sirinescall/backup/1/READLN.1.TEXT") BG1VARFIX/SETUP-BG1VARFIX.TP2 0 0 Installed SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2 0 0 Installed ~The Lure of the Sirine's Call~ ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "sirinescall/base/bmp/AR3600SR.bmp") Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-SIRINESCALL.DEBUG and look for support at: http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/topic,17901.0.html Using Language [English] [English] has 1 top-level TRA files [sirinescall/translations/english/setup-sirinescall.TRA] has 16 translation strings`

There's actually no file named sirinescall/base/bmp/AR3600SR.bmp, only sirinescall/base/bmp/AR3600SR.bmp, the folder only has AR3600LN.bmp and AR3600SR_changes.2da

LeiFangBaby commented 1 month ago

Searching my PC for this file (AR3600SR.bmp), I found it in the override where I installed Lure of the Sirine Call main component (just before Extended Lighthouse Area). I manually copied it from Override/AR3600SR.bmp to sirinescall/base/bmp/ and Extended Lightouse Area worked on next install attempt. I have no idea if I broke something with this, and unfortunately, do not have time to test. Would appreciate if you look into it, right now it seems second component is looking for the file in the wrong place. Here's the DEBUG file:

`WeiDU v 24900 Log

E:\Games\Baldur's Gate\Setup-SirinesCall.exe [.\Chitin.key] loaded, 238496 bytes [.\Chitin.key] 159 BIFFs, 16694 resources [./Baldur.ini] loaded, 1158 bytes Possible HD/CD Path: [e:\games\Baldur's Gate] Possible HD/CD Path: [I:\CD1] Possible HD/CD Path: [I:\CD2] Possible HD/CD Path: [I:\CD3] Possible HD/CD Path: [I:\CD4] Possible HD/CD Path: [I:\CD5] Possible HD/CD Path: [e:\games\Baldur's Gate] [./dsound.ini] loaded, 65 bytes [./Keymap.ini] loaded, 4277 bytes [.\dialog.tlk] loaded, 3419061 bytes [.\dialog.tlk] 24215 string entries Using Language [English] [English] has 1 top-level TRA files [sirinescall/translations/english/setup-sirinescall.TRA] has 16 translation strings BG1VARFIX/SETUP-BG1VARFIX.TP2 0 0 Installed SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2 0 0 Installed

Install Component [The Lure of the Sirine's Call]? [R]e-Install, [N]o Change or [U]ninstall or [Q]uit? Skipping [The Lure of the Sirine's Call]

Install Component [Extended Lighthouse Area]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Extended Lighthouse Area] [v16.3]

Baldur's Gate detected. Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AR3600.are] loaded, 19212 bytes override/AR3600.are copied to sirinescall/backup/1/AR3600.are, 19212 bytes Copied [AR3600.are] to [override/AR3600.are] Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [e:\games\Baldur's Gate\DATA\AREA3600.BIF] [e:\games\Baldur's Gate\DATA\AREA3600.BIF] 25224348 bytes, 5 files, 1 tilesets Copied [AR3600LM.bmp] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600LM.bmp] Copying 1 file ... Copied [AR3600HT.bmp] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600HT.bmp] Copying 1 file ... [sirinescall/base/wed/AR3600.wed] loaded, 220922 bytes Copied [sirinescall/base/wed/AR3600.wed] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600.wed] Copying 1 file ... [sirinescall/base/bmp/AR3600SR.bmp] loaded, 51318 bytes Copied [sirinescall/base/bmp/AR3600SR.bmp] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600SR.bmp] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../a7#inlined/a7arch.bat] to [override/a7arch.bat] Copying and patching 1 file ... [override/a7arch.txt] loaded, 7 bytes Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/a7tileconv_AR3600/AR3600.mos] loaded, 222168 bytes Copied [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/a7tileconv_AR3600/AR3600.mos] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600.mos] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../a7#inlined/a7arch.bat] to [override/a7arch.bat] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/a7tileconv_AR3600/AR3600.tis copied to sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600.tis, 24627224 bytes Copied [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/a7tileconv_AR3600/AR3600.tis] to [sirinescall/bif/WAAR3600/AR3600.tis] [data/WAAR3600.bif] will contain 6 resources totalling 25275554 bytes [data/WAAR3600.bif] incorporating [SIRINESCALL/BIF/WAAR3600/AR3600SR.BMP] [data/WAAR3600.bif] incorporating [SIRINESCALL/BIF/WAAR3600/AR3600LM.BMP] [data/WAAR3600.bif] incorporating [SIRINESCALL/BIF/WAAR3600/AR3600HT.BMP] [data/WAAR3600.bif] incorporating [SIRINESCALL/BIF/WAAR3600/AR3600.WED] [data/WAAR3600.bif] incorporating [SIRINESCALL/BIF/WAAR3600/AR3600.MOS] [data/WAAR3600.bif] incorporating [SIRINESCALL/BIF/WAAR3600/AR3600.TIS] KEY: Duplicate: AR3600.3ec KEY: Duplicate: AR3600SR.1 KEY: Duplicate: AR3600HT.1 KEY: Duplicate: AR3600LM.1 KEY: Duplicate: AR3600.3e9 CHITIN.KEY copied to sirinescall/backup/1/CHITIN.KEY, 238496 bytes KEY saved (160 biffs, 16695 resources) [chitin.key] loaded, 238540 bytes [chitin.key] 160 BIFFs, 16695 resources

Saving This Log: BG1VARFIX/SETUP-BG1VARFIX.TP2 0 0 Installed SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2 0 0 Installed SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2 0 1 Installed ~Extended Lighthouse Area~ [sirinescall/translations/english/setup-sirinescall.TRA] has 16 translation strings


    WeiDU Timings

OUTER_INNER_PATCH_SAVE 0.000 parsing .tra files 0.000 <<<<<<<< 0.000 ACTION_FOR_EACH 0.000 unmarshal BIFF 0.000 ACTION_MATCH 0.000 adding translation strings 0.000 DELETE 0.000 ACTION_BASH_FOR 0.000 load TLK 0.000 DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION 0.000 DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION 0.000 OUTER_SPRINT 0.000 OUTER_SET 0.000 INCLUDE 0.000 BUT_ONLY 0.000 MKDIR 0.000 ACTION_DEFINE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY 0.000 parsing .log files 0.000 AT_NOW 0.000 function overhead 0.000 OUTER_FOR 0.000 DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO 0.000 OUTER_INNER_PATCH 0.000 ACTIONIF 0.000 PRINT 0.000 Resolving LABELs 0.000 READ* 0.000 ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY 0.000 LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION 0.000 saving files 0.000 COPY_LARGE 0.000 DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO 0.000 COPY 0.000 eval_pe 0.016 marshal KEY 0.016 BIFF 0.016 loading files 0.016 unmarshal KEY 0.031 stuff not covered elsewhere 0.031 unmarshal TLK 0.031 Parsing TP2 files 0.047 process_patch2 0.078 Parsing TPA files 0.078 TOTAL 0.359`

P.S. Now tried on both 6CD and TOS versions, same errors.