PocketMine / PocketMine-MP

Legacy PocketMine-MP repository. Head to https://github.com/pmmp for up to date software.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1.26k stars 660 forks source link

help #4291

Closed funny076 closed 6 years ago

funny076 commented 7 years ago

20:01:25 [INFO] Starting Minecraft: PE server version v0.10.5 alpha 20:01:25 [INFO] Loading pocketmine.yml... 20:01:25 [INFO] Loading server properties... 20:01:25 [INFO] Starting Minecraft PE server on 20:01:25 [INFO] This server is running PocketMine-MP version 1.4.1-980 "絶好(Zekkou)ケーキ(Cake)" (API 1.11.0) 20:01:25 [INFO] PocketMine-MP is distributed under the LGPL License 20:01:26 [CRITICAL] **\ FAILED TO BIND TO! 20:01:26 [CRITICAL] Perhaps a server is already running on that port? 20:01:26 [EMERGENCY] [RakLib Thread #2988] RakLib crashed! 20:01:28 [INFO] Loading PeacefulSpawn v2.5 20:01:28 [CRITICAL] Could not load plugin 'SimplePortals': Unknown dependency 20:01:28 [INFO] Loading TimeCommander v2.1 20:01:28 [CRITICAL] Could not load plugin 'SimplePortals': Unknown dependency 20:01:28 [CRITICAL] Could not load plugin 'SimplePortals': circular dependency detected 20:01:29 [INFO] Preparing level "world" 20:01:29 [INFO] Enabling PeacefulSpawn v2.5 20:01:29 [INFO] Enabling TimeCommander v2.1 20:01:32 [INFO] Starting GS4 status listener 20:01:32 [INFO] Setting query port to 19132 20:01:32 [INFO] Query running on 20:01:32 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL 20:01:32 [INFO] Done (8.485s)! For help, type "help" or "?" 20:01:32 [ERROR] RuntimeException: "RakLib Thread crashed [raklib\server\UDPServerSocket]: socket_bind(): unable to bind addr" (E_ERROR) in "/src/raklib/server/UDPServerSocket" at line 32exte. 20:01:32 [EMERGENCY] An unrecoverable error has occurred and the server has crashed. Creating a crash dump 20:01:33 [EMERGENCY] Please submit the "C:\Users\cococinelle\Desktop\SERVEUR\PocketMine-MP\CrashDump_Tue_Sep_27-20.01.32-BST_2016.log" file to the Bug Reporting page. Give as much info as you can. 20:01:33 [INFO] Disabling PeacefulSpawn v2.5 20:01:34 [INFO] Disabling TimeCommander v2.1 20:01:34 [INFO] Unloading level "world" bin\php\php.exe: Exit 1


PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Tue Sep 27 20:01:32 BST 2016

Error: RakLib Thread crashed [raklib\server\UDPServerSocket]: socket_bind(): unable to bind address [10049]: L’adresse demandée n’est pas valide dans son contexte.

File: /src/raklib/server/UDPServerSocket Line: 32 Type: error

Code: [23] [24] class UDPServerSocket{ [25] /* @var \Logger _/ [26] protected $logger; [27] protected $socket; [28] [29] public function __construct(\ThreadedLogger $logger, $port = 19132, $interface = ""){ [30] $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); [31] //socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1); //Allow sending broadcast messages [32] if(@socket_bind($this->socket, $interface, $port) === \true){ [33] socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 0); [34] $this->setSendBuffer(1024 * 1024 * 8)->setRecvBuffer(1024 * 1024 \ 8); [35] }else{ [36] $logger->critical("_*\ FAILED TO BIND TO " . $interface . ":" . $port . "!", \true, \true, 0); [37] $logger->critical("Perhaps a server is already running on that port?", \true, \true, 0); [38] exit(1); [39] } [40] socket_set_nonblock($this->socket); [41] } [42]


0 /src/pocketmine/network/RakLibInterface(143): pocketmine\network\RakLibInterface->doTick()

1 /src/pocketmine/Server(2216): pocketmine\network\RakLibInterface->process()

2 /src/pocketmine/Server(2110): pocketmine\Server->tick()

3 /src/pocketmine/Server(1986): pocketmine\Server->tickProcessor()

4 /src/pocketmine/Server(1703): pocketmine\Server->start()

5 /src/pocketmine/PocketMine(442): pocketmine\Server->__construct(pocketmine\CompatibleClassLoader object, pocketmine\utils\MainLogger object, string phar://C:/Users/cococinelle/Desktop/SERVEUR/PocketMine-MP/PocketMine-MP.phar/, string C:\Users\cococinelle\Desktop\SERVEUR\PocketMine-MP\, string C:\Users\cococinelle\Desktop\SERVEUR\PocketMine-MP\plugins)

6 (1): require(string phar://C:/Users/cococinelle/Desktop/SERVEUR/PocketMine-MP/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php)

PocketMine-MP version: 1.4.1 #980 [Protocol 20; API 1.11.0] Git commit: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 uname -a: Windows NT PC 6.1 build 7601 (Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1) i586 PHP Version: 5.6.6 Zend version: 2.6.0 OS : WINNT, win

Loaded plugins: PeacefulSpawn 2.5 by LDX for API(s) 1.0.0, 2.0.0 TimeCommander 2.1 by LDX for API(s) 1.0.0, 2.0.0

----------------------REPORT THE DATA BELOW THIS LINE-----------------------



Properties Config file

Tue Sep 27 20:01:34 BST 2016

server-name=SERVEUR server-ip= server-port=19132 memory-limit=256M gamemode=0 max-players=20 spawn-protection=16 white-list=on enable-query=on enable-rcon=off motd=Minecraft: PE Server announce-player-achievements=on allow-flight=off spawn-animals=on spawn-mobs=on force-gamemode=on hardcore=off pvp=off difficulty=1 generator-settings= level-name=world level-seed= level-type=DEFAULT rcon.password= auto-save=on

Sandertv commented 7 years ago

You have a very outdated pocketmine version, try a newer one.

archie426 commented 7 years ago

I think, if I am not mistaken, you are running two servers, on the same port at once.

buchwasa commented 7 years ago

There are multiple servers running on the same port. If you want to run multiple servers run them on different ports

ClockProgramming commented 7 years ago

@TheAppleGamer @funny076 @archie426 Pretty sure. He is using his public IP to host... Pretty sure you guys are not investigating properly.

archie426 commented 7 years ago

Yeah i totally knew that, wait, public ip, you should take that off the internet, edit your post.

DiegoGTRatty commented 7 years ago

@archie426 as if no one knew it to begin with aka the goverment.