PocketRelay / Server

Mass Effect 3 Rust Server Emulator, LAN and WAN private server
MIT License
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On-demand dashboard updates #35

Closed jacobtread closed 1 year ago

jacobtread commented 1 year ago


Currently for the server to get upstream changes for the dashboard they have to be compiled into a new server release. This solution works well for ensuring the server always has access to a dashboard regardless of internet connection however this means new releases have to be made every time the dashboard changes.

Proposed Solution

Leave the current solution as-is where the dashboard is compiled into the server but also extend this functionality to at server startup to request the dashboard GitHub to see if there is a new dashboard version released (Include associated information in the releases so that the server can determine whether its compatible with the new dashboard version) and if everything is compatible the server could download the new dashboard and save it in the server data folder to serve to clients instead


jacobtread commented 1 year ago

Implementation for "Automatic updates" is being delayed as a possible future update, (Likely to be canceled) serving files from file system has been implemented which allows users to manually update their dashboard by downloading the new sources from the dashboard this should be documented as the solution