PodcastGenerator / PodcastGenerator

Open Source Podcast Publishing Solution since 2006
GNU General Public License v3.0
575 stars 159 forks source link

Main/Index not loading – HTTP ERROR 500 #752

Open KevDoy opened 7 months ago

KevDoy commented 7 months ago

System Information Podcast Generator Version: 3.2.7 Webserver: Percona Server PHP Version: 7.4.33

Podcast Generator Config


$podcastgen_version = '3.2.7'; // Versions

$first_installation = 1570416905;

CENSORED installationKey

$scriptlang = 'en_US';


$absoluteurl = '/home2/bcwebadm/public_html/sermons/'; // The location on the server

$theme_path = ;

$upload_dir = 'media/'; // 'media/' the default folder (Trailing slash required). Set chmod 755

$img_dir = 'media/'; // (Trailing slash required). Set chmod 755

$feed_dir = ''; // Where to create feed.xml (empty value = root directory). Set chmod 755

$max_recent = All; // How many file to show in the home page

$recent_episode_in_feed = 'All'; // How many file to show in the XML feed (1,2,5 etc.. or 'All')

$episodeperpage = 10;

$enablestreaming = 'yes'; // Enable mp3 streaming? ('yes' or 'no')

$freebox = 'yes'; // enable freely customizable box

$enablepgnewsinadmin = 'no';

$strictfilenamepolicy = 'yes'; // strictly rename files (just characters A to Z and numbers) 

$categoriesenabled = 'yes';

$cronAutoIndex = 1; //Auto Index New Episodes via Cron

$cronAutoRegenerateRSS = 1; //Auto regenerate RSS via Cron

$indexfile = 'index.php';    // Path of the index file

$podcastPassword = '';       // Password to protect the podcast generator webpages, this will NOT protect the audio or XML files. Leave blank to disable.

$customtagsenabled = 'yes';   // Advanced functionality for custom RSS tag input

$timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles';              // Timezone used for displaying dates and times


# XML Feed stuff

$podcast_guid = ''; // Globally unique identifier for your podcast

CENSORED podcast_title

CENSORED podcast_subtitle

CENSORED podcast_description

$podcast_cover = 'itunes_image.jpg';

CENSORED author_name

CENSORED author_email

# The e-mail of the technical admin of the podcast

$webmaster = [CENSORED];

$itunes_category[0] = 'Religion & Spirituality:Christianity'; // iTunes categories (mainCategory:subcategory)

$itunes_category[1] = 'Religion & Spirituality';

$itunes_category[2] = 'Education';

$link = '$url."?name='; // permalink URL of single episode (appears in the <link> and <guid> tags in the feed)

$feed_language = 'en';

$feed_sort = 'timestamp'; // sort method used to order episodes in the feed (by timestamp or by season/episode number)

$feed_locked = ''; // podcast:locked status ('yes', 'no', '' for off)

CENSORED copyright

$feed_encoding = 'utf-8';

CENSORED explicit_podcast

$users_json = [CENSORED]


# WebSub

$websub_server = '';


# Podcast Index

$pi_api_key = '';

$pi_api_secret = '';

$pi_podcast_id = 0; // is the podcast in Podcast Index? This is its show ID there.


Description of your problem: "This page isn’t working – [URL] is currently unable to handle this request." I am able to login to the admin panel, but the landing page that lists all the episodes is suddenly not available.

KevDoy commented 7 months ago

Just upgraded to 3.2.9. I'm still able to access the admin panel. Sadly no luck on fixing the issue.

KevDoy commented 7 months ago

Additional information. I have two separate instances running on this server. The other is still working.

jasonsgroovemachine commented 2 months ago

I had this some problem. What eventually fixed it for me was changing the Episode Sort Order from "Season and Episode Number" to "Timestamp".

I don't know why that worked but it worked.

KevDoy commented 2 months ago

I ended up just taking the settings and content and doing a fresh install to solve it.