Podshot / MCEdit-Unified

Combined MCEdit & Pymclevel repository.
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Can't move (WASD doesnt work) #1012

Open zer0grand opened 3 years ago

zer0grand commented 3 years ago

MCEdit Unified bug report template. For MCEdit 2.0 bugs see here : https://github.com/mcedit/mcedit2

Description of Issue: WASD, space, and shift dont do anything. Numbers like 123 work for switching the tool though.

MCEdit Version: built from current repo

Minecraft Version the world was last opened in: 1.12.2

Operating System: windows

A screenshot or full text of the error from the console:

How to reproduce: build the current repo and run mcedit.py

Read before submitting

If we are not able to reproduce the error, we may ask for you to submit a world so we can test it. Same process for schematics. If you have included enough information for each section, please delete the above header and all the text below.

AlbinEsko commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem. However, it appears the keys are weirdly cross-wired instead of not functioning. Rebinding a feature to the kebind allows the use of the actual key. Note that ctrl-combinations work as normal. The keys I've identified is: Keybind -> Actual key 'W' -> 'numpad +' 'A' -> 'numpad 9' 'S' -> 'num lock' 'D' -> 'F11' 'I' -> 'ins' 'J' -> 'home' 'K' -> 'pg up' 'L' -> 'del'

I also don't have the option to upgrade/change the version due to another framework based on this one.

AlbinEsko commented 3 years ago

I have found a solution, the sourcecode framework requires pygame 1.9.4 and not the latest version. Simply uninstall pygame then install the older version by using "pip install pygame==1.9.4"

MadMartian commented 2 years ago

This is the definition of Python dependency hell, is there a fork or a branch of MCEdit with a nicely prepackaged virtual environment? Everything should be containerized going forward (never thought I would ever say that), regressions like these have made that an unavoidable reality.