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Combined MCEdit & Pymclevel repository.
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[Bug] Menu shortcut and desktop shortcut not working on Linux Mint KDE 18.1 x64 #775

Open Tsoccerguy3 opened 7 years ago

Tsoccerguy3 commented 7 years ago

A menu shortcut is created but does not launch MCEdit . There is no Desktop shortcut created . The installation some how disables Bash so it no longer launches any shell scripts on the OS

LaChal commented 7 years ago

This is annoying, indeed :/

Nothing in the installer is explicitly disabling bash, or the ability to run shell scripts.

Can you tell which version of MCEdit installation causes this? Also, which desktop environment are you using?

Edit: Did not noticed the 'KDE' part of the title. By the way, the tests I made with the Cinnamon environment were fine.

Tsoccerguy3 commented 7 years ago

MCEdit v1.5.6.0 64bit . I installed the package successfully . The first thing I noticed , no desktop icon link . Then I went to the menu under games and clicked on mcedit , the cursor started its animation like it was about to open the launcher , but nothing happened after that . I have my system partitioned as follows part 1 20gigs root part 2 32 gigs swap part 3 500gigs home mcedit was installed to home drive . I have to go to the /home/mcedit- directory and right click on mcedit.sh and then select Actions Run in Konsole to get it to launch to use it . If i right click Open with Konsole , The Konsole just opens to /mcedit- $ , Then I have to type bash mcedit.sh to run it . Same directory , If I click on MCEdit Unified Decktop Icon , the animated cursor opens then closes . my solution was to right click mcedit.sh , then properties , File Type Options and add a Application Preference of Python 2.7 , then on first run choose always open instead of execute The thing I noticed was , under preferences for file type .sh , there was just bash

Edit : when the link in the menu was created , it was created like this , wds/home/mcedit- it should be , /bin/bash{space) before the directory MCEdit.sh is in. Changing the menu link then all worked . I fixed it by hand so it works . Found that KDE plasma with the Dolphin File Manager a bit different than other flavors of Mint . I'm really liking Mint KDE Plasma . Also , did a bit of reading KDE prefers a different directory for desktop links