Podshot / MCEdit-Unified

Combined MCEdit & Pymclevel repository.
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Python Argument Error #990

Open xenickhd opened 4 years ago

xenickhd commented 4 years ago

MCEdit Unified bug report template. For MCEdit 2.0 bugs see here : https://github.com/mcedit/mcedit2

Description of Issue: receive this error when trying to edit an existing world. When I try to also create a new world in MCedit then open in Minecraft it works but then when I go back to reopen in MCedit it fails again with this error.

I have tried reinstalling this with a fresh copy and also using a completely different PC. Can't seem to get any world to open from the Bedrock Minecraft edition.

MCEdit Version:

Minecraft Version the world was last opened in: 1.12.2

Operating System: Win10 64bit

A screenshot or full text of the error from the console:

Annotation 2019-10-08 105655

How to reproduce:

Open any level.dat from the Windows 10 Bedrock Edition

Read before submitting

If we are not able to reproduce the error, we may ask for you to submit a world so we can test it. Same process for schematics. If you have included enough information for each section, please delete the above header and all the text below.

aarushbothra commented 3 years ago

Im running into this problem too. Do you have addons enabled on the world?