PoeticMediaLab / Lacuna

Lacuna: Digital Annotation for Teaching and Learning
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Migrating Lacunastories to new Ubuntu host #222

Closed pguerr061703 closed 5 years ago

pguerr061703 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have LacunaStories running on a Ubuntu 16.04 host on premise. I have lots of content and users on this host. I have created a new host in the cloud -- Same version of Ubuntu 16.04

Any way I can migrate the data over to the Ubuntu cloud version? Should I do a mysql dump and import? What directories are needed to get the data over to the new server?

Sorry a newbie on this migration, however it is the same platform operating system - Ubuntu 16.04 Any specific instructions would be greatly appreciated.

mwidner commented 5 years ago

I would recommend using Drupal's "Backup and Migrate" module, which is already installed in Lacuna. It has an option to download all of your data plus files and to import them into a new system. The one limitation is that it might be too large of a file for your server configuration to accept.

If that's the case, then yes, mysqldump for the database, then copying all the files in the sites/default directory should also get you migrated. For the files, you might want to use rsync; that's pretty standard.

Beyond that, you'll need all the code, of course, but you can either just copy your entire application directory wholesale (which will also include all the uploaded files) or download the latest version of Lacuna.

Because I think (IIRC) that you have customized your install some, I would recommend just copying all the files over, plus the database. Then you should be done!

pguerr061703 commented 5 years ago

Thank you!!! Can you be specific with the application directory? I just need sites/default copied over or more directories? which ones?

How do I find out my version of LacunaStories? Would an upgrade of LacunaStories change the migration procedure?

mwidner commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure what your set up is like, but the application directory is just wherever you installed Lacuna. I would recommend that you just copy everything as-is first, then, if you want to upgrade, follow the upgrade procedures outlined here:


For a general overview of migrating a Drupal site to another server, you can take a look at this:


pguerr061703 commented 5 years ago

first command ...already aborted on me.

root@servername:/var/www/html/lacunastories# git pull origin master remote: Counting objects: 3687, done. remote: Total 3687 (delta 2112), reused 2112 (delta 2112), pack-reused 1574 Receiving objects: 100% (3687/3687), 3.43 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (2609/2609), completed with 1046 local objects. From https://github.com/PoeticMediaLab/LacunaStories

mwidner commented 5 years ago

Don't update first. Migrate everything. Then, if you want, update the code on the new server.