PoiScript / orgize

A Rust library for parsing org-mode files.
MIT License
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org validation failed error #69

Closed CGenie closed 7 months ago

CGenie commented 7 months ago


I got this error from orgize when trying to parse bunch of my org files. I'm using version 0.9.0 from crates.io.

Org validation failed. 1 error(s) found:
ExpectedChildren { at: NodeId { index1: 21, stamp: NodeStamp(0) } } at DynBlock(DynBlock { block_name: "clocktable", arguments: Some(":maxlevel 2 :scope file :block lastmonth :step month :stepskip0 t :formula \"$4=$2*42.0;t\""), pre_blank: 1, post_blank: 0 })
thread 'main' panicked at ~/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/orgize-0.9.0/src/validate.rs:203:17:
Looks like there's a bug in orgize! Please report it with your org-mode content at https://github.com/PoiScript/orgize/issues.
PoiScript commented 7 months ago

hello, could you try to parse it with version v0.10.0-alpha.1?

if it still fails, please provide a minimal reproducible example.

CGenie commented 7 months ago


Just tested with v0.10.0-alpha.1 and still I get the error. Minimal org file that I have with this error is:

#+TITLE: test

* First heading

| cat | {3} |

The error I'm getting:

thread 'main' panicked at /home/przemek/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/orgize-0.10.0-alpha.1/src/syntax/object.rs:93:13:
object must have at least three characters: "3}"
PoiScript commented 7 months ago

@CGenie thanks for the quick response. resolved in v0.10.0-alpha.2:

CGenie commented 7 months ago

Thank you, how all my org files work correctly!