PointCloudLibrary / pcl

Point Cloud Library (PCL)
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Test executables should always handle option --gtest_list_tests #2704

Open SunBlack opened 5 years ago

SunBlack commented 5 years ago

I started to use VS 2017 + PCL project with environment variables, so I can start apps, tests and all other stuff from IDE. But now I'm getting a lot of exception windows after opening PCL project. Output of tests window see end of this MR (because GitHub doesn't collapse it)


Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ear_clipping.exe
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\vector
Line: 1733

Expression: vector subscript out of range

For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.

(Press Retry to debug the application)

Abort   Retry   Ignore   

Reasons for this: VS2017 has an integrated GoogleTestAdapter (since 15.5, before it was an extension). This adapter tries to discover all tests by searching for executables containing test in name (with a regex, so a bit more complicated) and calling --gtest_list_tests on found executables. But some/mosts executables are not handling this parameter correct, because they are expecting more parameters and are not able to even lists tests without this additional parameters

E.g. take a look at https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/blob/60f2b298b14c4e2eef31295d199fea066a80e420/test/features/test_rops_estimation.cpp#L121-L168

Following code should always be called, so parameters to GoogleTests are always handled

   testing::InitGoogleTest (&argc, argv); 
   return (RUN_ALL_TESTS ());

Fix: Use shared resources between tests in the same test case or use global set-up and tear-down (prefer first).

Another thing: Imho test files should not be passed as parameter, because mostly a test case is for a specific test file, so test file should be fix. So test file should be loaded relative to working directory.

Output of tests window:

[11.12.2018 17:03:18 Informational] ------ Discover test started ------
[11.12.2018 17:03:18 Warning] Test run will use DLL(s) built for framework Framework45 and platform X86. Following DLL(s) will not be part of run: 
pcl_add_gaussian_noise_debug.exe, pcl_apps_debug.dll, pcl_boundary_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_cc_tool_interface_debug.dll, pcl_cloud_composer_debug.exe, pcl_cluster_extraction_debug.exe, pcl_common_debug.dll, pcl_compute_cloud_error_debug.exe, pcl_compute_hausdorff_debug.exe, pcl_concatenate_points_pcd_debug.exe, pcl_converter_debug.exe, pcl_convert_pcd_ascii_binary_debug.exe, pcl_convolve_debug.exe, pcl_crf_segmentation_debug.exe, pcl_cuda_features_debug.dll, pcl_cuda_sample_consensus_debug.dll, pcl_cuda_segmentation_debug.dll, pcl_demean_cloud_debug.exe, pcl_elch_debug.exe, pcl_example_check_if_point_is_valid_debug.exe, pcl_example_copy_point_cloud_debug.exe, pcl_example_cpc_segmentation_debug.exe, pcl_example_difference_of_normals_debug.exe, pcl_example_extract_clusters_normals_debug.exe, pcl_example_extract_indices_debug.exe, pcl_example_fast_point_feature_histograms_debug.exe, pcl_example_get_keypoints_indices_debug.exe, pcl_example_get_max_min_coordinates_debug.exe, pcl_example_half_edge_mesh_debug.exe, pcl_example_lccp_segmentation_debug.exe, pcl_example_normal_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_example_nurbs_fitting_closed_curve3d_debug.exe, pcl_example_nurbs_fitting_closed_curve_debug.exe, pcl_example_nurbs_fitting_curve2d_debug.exe, pcl_example_nurbs_fitting_surface_debug.exe, pcl_example_organized_point_cloud_debug.exe, pcl_example_outofcore_debug.exe, pcl_example_outofcore_with_lod_debug.exe, pcl_example_point_feature_histograms_debug.exe, pcl_example_principal_curvatures_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_example_region_growing_debug.exe, pcl_example_remove_nan_from_point_cloud_debug.exe, pcl_example_rift_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_example_scope_time_debug.exe, pcl_example_shape_contexts_debug.exe, pcl_example_sift_keypoint_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_example_sift_normal_keypoint_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_example_sift_z_keypoint_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_example_spin_images_debug.exe, pcl_example_stereo_baseline_debug.exe, pcl_example_supervoxels_debug.exe, pcl_extract_feature_debug.exe, pcl_face_trainer_debug.exe, pcl_fast_bilateral_filter_debug.exe, pcl_features_debug.dll, pcl_feature_matching_debug.exe, pcl_filters_debug.dll, pcl_fpfh_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_fs_face_detector_debug.exe, pcl_generate_debug.exe, pcl_gp3_surface_debug.exe, pcl_gpu_containers_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_features_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_kinfu_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_kinfu_large_scale_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_octree_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_people_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_segmentation_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_surface_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_tracking_debug.dll, pcl_gpu_utils_debug.dll, pcl_grid_min_debug.exe, pcl_hdl_grabber_debug.exe, pcl_hdl_viewer_simple_debug.exe, pcl_icp2d_debug.exe, pcl_icp_debug.exe, pcl_io_debug.dll, pcl_io_ply_debug.dll, pcl_kdtree_debug.dll, pcl_keypoints_debug.dll, pcl_linemod_detection_debug.exe, pcl_local_max_debug.exe, pcl_lum_debug.exe, pcl_manual_registration_debug.exe, pcl_marching_cubes_reconstruction_debug.exe, pcl_match_linemod_template_debug.exe, pcl_mesh2pcd_debug.exe, pcl_mesh_sampling_debug.exe, pcl_mls_smoothing_debug.exe, pcl_ml_debug.dll, pcl_modeler_debug.exe, pcl_morph_debug.exe, pcl_multiscale_feature_persistence_example_debug.exe, pcl_ndt2d_debug.exe, pcl_ndt3d_debug.exe, pcl_nn_classification_example_debug.exe, pcl_normal_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_obj2pcd_debug.exe, pcl_obj2ply_debug.exe, pcl_obj2vtk_debug.exe, pcl_obj_rec_ransac_accepted_hypotheses_debug.exe, pcl_obj_rec_ransac_hash_table_debug.exe, pcl_obj_rec_ransac_model_opps_debug.exe, pcl_obj_rec_ransac_orr_octree_debug.exe, pcl_obj_rec_ransac_orr_octree_zprojection_debug.exe, pcl_obj_rec_ransac_result_debug.exe, pcl_obj_rec_ransac_scene_opps_debug.exe, pcl_octree_debug.dll, pcl_octree_viewer_debug.exe, pcl_organized_pcd_to_png_debug.exe, pcl_outlier_removal_debug.exe, pcl_outofcore_debug.dll, pcl_outofcore_print_debug.exe, pcl_outofcore_process_debug.exe, pcl_outofcore_viewer_debug.exe, pcl_passthrough_filter_debug.exe, pcl_pcd2ply_debug.exe, pcl_pcd2png_debug.exe, pcl_pcd2vtk_debug.exe, pcl_pcd_change_viewpoint_debug.exe, pcl_pcd_convert_NaN_nan_debug.exe, pcl_pcd_image_viewer_debug.exe, pcl_pcd_introduce_nan_debug.exe, pcl_pcd_organized_edge_detection_debug.exe, pcl_pcd_organized_multi_plane_segmentation_debug.exe, pcl_pcd_video_player_debug.exe, pcl_pclzf2pcd_debug.exe, pcl_people_debug.dll, pcl_people_pcd_prob_debug.exe, pcl_plane_projection_debug.exe, pcl_ply2obj_debug.exe, pcl_ply2pcd_debug.exe, pcl_ply2ply_debug.exe, pcl_ply2raw_debug.exe, pcl_ply2vtk_debug.exe, pcl_plyheader_debug.exe, pcl_png2pcd_debug.exe, pcl_point_cloud_editor_debug.exe, pcl_poisson_reconstruction_debug.exe, pcl_ppf_object_recognition_debug.exe, pcl_progressive_morphological_filter_debug.exe, pcl_pyramid_surface_matching_debug.exe, pcl_radius_filter_debug.exe, pcl_recognition_debug.dll, pcl_registration_debug.dll, pcl_registration_visualizer_debug.exe, pcl_sac_segmentation_plane_debug.exe, pcl_sample_consensus_debug.dll, pcl_search_debug.dll, pcl_segmentation_debug.dll, pcl_spin_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_statistical_multiscale_interest_region_extraction_example_debug.exe, pcl_stereo_debug.dll, pcl_stereo_ground_segmentation_debug.exe, pcl_surface_debug.dll, pcl_surfel_smoothing_test_debug.exe, pcl_test_nurbs_fitting_surface_debug.exe, pcl_test_search_speed_debug.exe, pcl_tiff2pcd_debug.exe, pcl_timed_trigger_test_debug.exe, pcl_tracking_debug.dll, pcl_train_linemod_template_debug.exe, pcl_train_unary_classifier_debug.exe, pcl_transform_from_viewpoint_debug.exe, pcl_transform_point_cloud_debug.exe, pcl_unary_classifier_segment_debug.exe, pcl_uniform_sampling_debug.exe, pcl_vfh_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_viewer_debug.exe, pcl_virtual_scanner_debug.exe, pcl_visualization_debug.dll, pcl_vlp_viewer_debug.exe, pcl_voxel_grid_debug.exe, pcl_voxel_grid_occlusion_estimation_debug.exe, pcl_vtk2obj_debug.exe, pcl_vtk2pcd_debug.exe, pcl_vtk2ply_debug.exe, pcl_xyz2pcd_debug.exe, test_2d.exe, test_base_feature.exe, test_bearing_angle_image.exe, test_board_estimation.exe, test_boundary_estimation.exe, test_brisk.exe, test_buffers.exe, test_centroid.exe, test_clipper.exe, test_colors.exe, test_common.exe, test_common_io.exe, test_common_point_type_conversion.exe, test_copy_make_borders.exe, test_copy_point.exe, test_correspondence_estimation.exe, test_correspondence_rejectors.exe, test_cppf_estimation.exe, test_curvatures_estimation.exe, test_cvfh_estimation.exe, test_ear_clipping.exe, test_eigen.exe, test_features_ptr.exe, test_filters.exe, test_filters_bilateral.exe, test_filters_grid_minimum.exe, test_filters_local_maximum.exe, test_filters_sampling.exe, test_flann_search.exe, test_flare_estimation.exe, test_fpcs_ia.exe, test_gasd_estimation.exe, test_gaussian.exe, test_generator.exe, test_geometry.exe, test_gp3.exe, test_grabbers.exe, test_gradient_estimation.exe, test_grid_projection.exe, test_grsd_estimation.exe, test_ii_normals.exe, test_intensity.exe, test_invariants_estimation.exe, test_io.exe, test_iss_3d.exe, test_iterator.exe, test_iterators.exe, test_kdtree.exe, test_kdtree_search.exe, test_keypoints.exe, test_kfpcs_ia.exe, test_macros.exe, test_marching_cubes.exe, test_mesh.exe, test_mesh_circulators.exe, test_mesh_conversion.exe, test_mesh_data.exe, test_mesh_get_boundary.exe, test_mesh_indices.exe, test_mesh_io.exe, test_model_outlier_removal.exe, test_moment_of_inertia_estimation.exe, test_morphological.exe, test_moving_least_squares.exe, test_narf.exe, test_non_linear.exe, test_normal_estimation.exe, test_octree.exe, test_octree_iterator.exe, test_octree_search.exe, test_operators.exe, test_organized_fast_mesh.exe, test_organized_search.exe, test_outofcore.exe, test_pca.exe, test_people_detection.exe, test_pfh_estimation.exe, test_plane_intersection.exe, test_ply_io.exe, test_ply_mesh_io.exe, test_point_cloud_image_extractors.exe, test_polygon_mesh.exe, test_ppf_estimation.exe, test_quad_mesh.exe, test_random_walker.exe, test_range_coder.exe, test_recognition_cg.exe, test_recognition_ism.exe, test_registration.exe, test_registration_api.exe, test_rift_estimation.exe, test_rops_estimation.exe, test_rsd_estimation.exe, test_sample_consensus.exe, test_sample_consensus_line_models.exe, test_sample_consensus_plane_models.exe, test_sample_consensus_quadric_models.exe, test_search.exe, test_segmentation.exe, test_shot_estimation.exe, test_shot_lrf_estimation.exe, test_spin_estimation.exe, test_transforms.exe, test_triangle_mesh.exe, test_vector_average.exe, test_visualization.exe, test_warps.exe, test_wrappers.exe, pcl_gtest_debug.lib are built for Framework None and Platform X64.
 Go to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=236877&clcid=0x409 for more details on managing these settings.
[11.12.2018 17:03:29 Informational] Test Adapter for Google Test: Test discovery starting...
[11.12.2018 17:03:59 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_2d.exe
[11.12.2018 17:03:59 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_2d.exe
[11.12.2018 17:03:59 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_bearing_angle_image.exe
[11.12.2018 17:03:59 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_bearing_angle_image.exe
[11.12.2018 17:03:59 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_base_feature.exe
[11.12.2018 17:03:59 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_base_feature.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:03 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_board_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:03 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_board_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:08 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_boundary_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:08 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_boundary_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:15 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_brisk.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:15 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_brisk.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:22 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_buffers.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:22 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_buffers.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:29 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_centroid.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:29 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_centroid.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:29 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_clipper.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:29 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_clipper.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:29 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_colors.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:29 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_colors.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:34 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:34 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:39 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:39 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:45 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common_point_type_conversion.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:45 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common_point_type_conversion.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:52 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_copy_make_borders.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:52 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_copy_make_borders.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:59 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_copy_point.exe
[11.12.2018 17:04:59 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_copy_point.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:00 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_correspondence_rejectors.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:00 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_correspondence_rejectors.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:00 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_correspondence_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:00 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_correspondence_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:04 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_cppf_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:04 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_cppf_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:09 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_curvatures_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:09 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_curvatures_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:15 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_cvfh_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:15 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_cvfh_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:22 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ear_clipping.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:22 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ear_clipping.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:30 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_features_ptr.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:30 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_features_ptr.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:30 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_eigen.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:30 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_eigen.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:30 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:30 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:34 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_bilateral.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:34 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_bilateral.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:35 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_grid_minimum.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:35 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_grid_minimum.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:36 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_local_maximum.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:36 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_local_maximum.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:37 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_sampling.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:37 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_sampling.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:38 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_flann_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:38 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_flann_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:39 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_flare_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:39 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_flare_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:41 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_fpcs_ia.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:41 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_fpcs_ia.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:42 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gasd_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:42 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gasd_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:44 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gaussian.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:44 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gaussian.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:45 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_generator.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:45 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_generator.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:47 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_geometry.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:47 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_geometry.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:48 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gp3.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:48 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gp3.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:50 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grabbers.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:50 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grabbers.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:51 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gradient_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:51 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gradient_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:56 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grid_projection.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:56 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grid_projection.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:57 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grsd_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:57 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grsd_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:58 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ii_normals.exe
[11.12.2018 17:05:58 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ii_normals.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:00 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_intensity.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:00 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_intensity.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:00 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_invariants_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:00 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_invariants_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:00 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:00 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:02 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iss_3d.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:02 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iss_3d.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:04 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iterator.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:04 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iterator.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:05 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iterators.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:05 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iterators.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:07 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kdtree.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:07 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kdtree.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:07 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kdtree_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:07 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kdtree_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:08 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_keypoints.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:08 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_keypoints.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:09 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kfpcs_ia.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:09 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kfpcs_ia.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:09 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_macros.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:09 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_macros.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:12 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_marching_cubes.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:12 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_marching_cubes.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:13 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:13 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:14 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_circulators.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:14 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_circulators.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:15 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_conversion.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:15 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_conversion.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:16 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_data.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:16 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_data.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:17 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_get_boundary.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:17 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_get_boundary.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:17 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_indices.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:17 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_indices.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:22 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:22 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:23 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_model_outlier_removal.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:23 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_model_outlier_removal.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:24 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_moment_of_inertia_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:24 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_moment_of_inertia_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:25 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_morphological.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:25 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_morphological.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:27 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_moving_least_squares.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:27 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_moving_least_squares.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:30 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_narf.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:30 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_narf.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:30 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_non_linear.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:30 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_non_linear.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:30 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_normal_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:30 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_normal_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:31 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:31 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:31 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree_iterator.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:31 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree_iterator.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_lrf_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_lrf_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_lrf_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 6 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus_quadric_models.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ppf_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ppf_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ppf_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 3 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_plane_intersection.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 11 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_triangle_mesh.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 1 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_vector_average.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 6 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_polygon_mesh.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_spin_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_spin_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_spin_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ply_mesh_io.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ply_mesh_io.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test files were given. Please add the path to TUM_Rabbit.vtk to this test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ply_mesh_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_cg.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_cg.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test file given. Please download `milk.pcd` and `milk_cartoon_all_small_clorox.pcd` and pass their paths to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_cg.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus_plane_models.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus_plane_models.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `sac_plane_test.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus_plane_models.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_pfh_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code 1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_pfh_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_pfh_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 2 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_range_coder.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 1 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rift_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 66 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ply_io.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 3 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_operators.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 21 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_transforms.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 2 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_warps.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_people_detection.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_people_detection.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test file given. Please download 'five_people.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_people_detection.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_segmentation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_segmentation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
This test requires three point clouds. The first one must be 'bun0.pcd'.
The second must be 'car6.pcd'. The last one must be 'colored_cloud.pcd'.
Please download and pass them in the specified order(including the path to them).
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_segmentation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 27 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_random_walker.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 3 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_pca.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rsd_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rsd_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rsd_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test files given. Please download `bun0.pcd`, `bun4.pcd` and `milk_color.pcd` pass their path to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 11 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_point_cloud_image_extractors.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 2 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus_line_models.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 16 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_outofcore.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 2 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 8 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_quad_mesh.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 9 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_wrappers.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rops_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rops_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test file given. Please download `rops_cloud.pcd`, `rops_indices.txt` and `rops_triangles.txt` and pass their paths to the test.
[11.12.2018 17:06:33 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rops_estimation.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:34 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_organized_fast_mesh.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:34 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_organized_fast_mesh.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:34 Informational] Found 2 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_organized_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:37 Error] ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_visualization.exe': process execution failed with exit code 3
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_visualization.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to find match for field 'x'.
Failed to find match for field 'y'.
Failed to find match for field 'z'.
[11.12.2018 17:06:37 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_visualization.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:47 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_ism.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:47 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_ism.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:48 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration_api.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:48 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration_api.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:54 Error] ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:54 Informational] Found 0 tests in executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:54 Informational] Test discovery completed, overall duration: 00:03:24.7848600
[11.12.2018 17:06:54 Error] ERROR: 
The following errors and warnings have occured during test discovery  (enable debug mode for more information):
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_2d.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_bearing_angle_image.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_base_feature.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_board_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_boundary_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_brisk.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_buffers.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_centroid.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_clipper.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_colors.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common_io.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_common_point_type_conversion.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_copy_make_borders.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_copy_point.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_correspondence_rejectors.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_correspondence_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_cppf_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_curvatures_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_cvfh_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ear_clipping.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_features_ptr.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_eigen.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_bilateral.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_grid_minimum.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_local_maximum.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_filters_sampling.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_flann_search.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_flare_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_fpcs_ia.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gasd_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gaussian.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_generator.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_geometry.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gp3.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grabbers.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_gradient_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grid_projection.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_grsd_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ii_normals.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_intensity.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_invariants_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_io.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iss_3d.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iterator.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_iterators.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kdtree.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kdtree_search.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_keypoints.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_kfpcs_ia.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_macros.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_marching_cubes.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_circulators.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_conversion.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_data.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_get_boundary.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_indices.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_mesh_io.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_model_outlier_removal.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_moment_of_inertia_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_morphological.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_moving_least_squares.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_narf.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_non_linear.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_normal_estimation.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree_iterator.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_octree_search.exe
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_lrf_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_lrf_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ppf_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ppf_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_shot_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_spin_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_spin_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ply_mesh_io.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_ply_mesh_io.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test files were given. Please add the path to TUM_Rabbit.vtk to this test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_cg.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_cg.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test file given. Please download `milk.pcd` and `milk_cartoon_all_small_clorox.pcd` and pass their paths to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus_plane_models.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_sample_consensus_plane_models.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `sac_plane_test.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_pfh_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code 1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_pfh_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_people_detection.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_people_detection.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test file given. Please download 'five_people.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_segmentation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_segmentation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
This test requires three point clouds. The first one must be 'bun0.pcd'.
The second must be 'car6.pcd'. The last one must be 'colored_cloud.pcd'.
Please download and pass them in the specified order(including the path to them).
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rsd_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rsd_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to read test file. Please download `bun0.pcd` and pass its path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test files given. Please download `bun0.pcd`, `bun4.pcd` and `milk_color.pcd` pass their path to the test.
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rops_estimation.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_rops_estimation.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
No test file given. Please download `rops_cloud.pcd`, `rops_indices.txt` and `rops_triangles.txt` and pass their paths to the test.
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_organized_fast_mesh.exe
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_visualization.exe': process execution failed with exit code 3
Command executed: 'D:\pcl_build\bin\test_visualization.exe --gtest_list_tests', working directory: 'D:\pcl_build\bin'
Output of command:
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '--gtest_list_tests'.
Failed to find match for field 'x'.
Failed to find match for field 'y'.
Failed to find match for field 'z'.
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_recognition_ism.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_registration_api.exe
ERROR: Test discovery was cancelled after 30 s for executable D:\pcl_build\bin\test_search.exe
[11.12.2018 17:06:55 Informational] ========== Discover test finished: 202 found (0:03:36,438489) ==========
taketwo commented 5 years ago

Another thing: Imho test files should not be passed as parameter, because mostly a test case is for a specific test file, so test file should be fix. So test file should be loaded relative to working directory.

:+1: In my projects I typically write CMake script that computes test data location path and then passes it as a compiler definition when building tests.

SunBlack commented 5 years ago

We are copying data, so we have no fixed path in executable

taketwo commented 5 years ago

Not sure I understand you. The test data is inside our repository, why can't we incorporate paths to these files into the test binaries? Even if you copy test data elsewhere afterwards, how does it matter for the unit tests?

SunBlack commented 5 years ago

Example from our project: Sometimes I copy build artifact from our build server to another server. If it is a new server I copy test executable, too, so I can check if all dependencies (dynamic linkes libraries, required other data, ...) are correct in place.

Pro of copying data: No fixed path Cons of copying data: Duplication of test files. Don't know how big all test files accumulated in PCL are, but as far as I can see (~50MB in pcl/test) there are no big testfiles, so it is no real issue.

An alternative to both variants: a environment variable containing path to test data. Imho better than fixed paths, but still ugly compared to relative paths.

SergioRAgostinho commented 5 years ago

+1 In my projects I typically write CMake script that computes test data location path and then passes it as a compiler definition when building tests.

I'm ok in going with this, (passing relative paths. relative paths can rendered useless in some out of tree builds as pointed out below.)

taketwo commented 5 years ago

Relative to what exactly? Please note that sometimes build/ directory is placed completely outside of the source tree. (For example, on a different partition where an SSD drive is mounted.)

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

Marking this as stale due to 30 days of inactivity. It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs.