PointCloudLibrary / pcl

Point Cloud Library (PCL)
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[compile error] "VC++, C2061 syntax error in pcl/io/low_level_io.h(58,17) regarding the identifier 'SSIZE_T'." #5852

Open koomiy opened 1 year ago

koomiy commented 1 year ago

Error Details Hello. When compiling pcl with VC++, I get a C2061 syntax error in pcl/io/low_level_io.h(58,17) regarding the identifier 'SSIZE_T'.

Here is the error code. C:\devel\vcpkg\packages\pcl_x64-windows\include\pcl/io/low_level_io.h(58,17): error C2061: 構文エラー: 識別子 'SSIZE_T'

To Reproduce

My development environment is Windows 11, Visual Studio Community 2019. And I use Cmake for compilation.

First of all, vcpkg was installed in the C:/devel directory and pcl was installed via vcpkg. As a result, pcl was installed in C:/devel/vcpkg/packages/pcl_x64-windows.

I'm trying to install pcl as an external library in choreonoid's sample package vnoid. I have written choreonoid/ext/vnoid/src/CmakeList.txt as follows: =================choreonoid/ext/vnoid/src/CmakeList.txt==============

set(PCL_DIR "C:/devel/vcpkg/packages/pcl_x64-windows/share/pcl")

find_package(PCL 1.13.1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS common io)



choreonoid_add_library(vnoid_lib STATIC ${VNOID_HEADERS} ${VNOID_SOURCES})

target_link_libraries(vnoid_lib CnoidBody ${PCL_LIBRARIES})

choreonoid_add_body_handler(SwingBridgeHandler SwingBridgeHandler.cpp)


Then, I cross-compiled using the following code:

cmake -B C:\devel\choreonoid\build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:\devel\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake

With that compilation, configure and generate succeeded.

Next, I wrote the following program to obtain a 3D point cloud and attempted to build it. =================choreonoid/ext/vnoid/src/mycamera.cpp==============

#include "mycamera.h"

namespace cnoid {
namespace vnoid {

MyCamera::MyCamera() {
    timeStep = 1.0;

void MyCamera::Init(SimpleControllerIO* io) {
    // enable camera
    cameras << io->body()->devices();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i) {
        Device* camera = cameras[i];

        OPD("Device type: %s, ", camera->typeName());
        OPD("id: %s, ", camera->id());
        OPD("name: %s.\n", camera->name());

    timeCounter = 0.0;
    timeStep = io->timeStep();

void MyCamera::TerrainAnalysis() {
    //// sample code of image saving
    /* for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) {
        RangeCamera* camera = cameras[i];
        std::string filename = camera->name() + ".png";

        OPD("The image of %s", camera->name());
        OPD("has been saved to \"%s\".\n", filename);

    //// here is the program of getting point cloud data
    // get cameras
    // when there are several cameras
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) {
        RangeCamera* camera = cameras[i];
    // only one camera
    RangeCamera* camera = cameras[0];

    // Get an image of the current scene
    const Image& RangeImage = camera->constImage();
    // Save an image of current scene
    // width and height of this image
    const int width = RangeImage.width();
    const int height = RangeImage.height();
    // get color data of this image
    const unsigned char* pixels = RangeImage.pixels();

    // point cloud variable declaration
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> cloud;
    // initialize point cloud
    cloud.width = width;
    cloud.height = height;
    cloud.is_dense = false;
    cloud.points.resize(cloud.width * cloud.height);

    // Stores values (coordinates, color) for each point in a point cloud
    std::size_t i = 0;
    for (const auto& e : camera->constPoints()) {
        // X, Y, Z
        cloud[i].x = e(0);
        cloud[i].y = e(1);
        cloud[i].z = e(2);

        // color(R, G, B)
        cloud[i].r = pixels[3 * i + 0];
        cloud[i].g = pixels[3 * i + 1];
        cloud[i].b = pixels[3 * i + 2];


    // save the point cloud data
    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinaryCompressed("pointcloud.pcd", cloud);
    OPD("save pointcloud\n");


}  // namespace vnoid
}  // namespace cnoid

========================================================= =================choreonoid/ext/vnoid/src/mycamera.h===============

#pragma once

#include <cnoid/SimpleController>
#include <cnoid/EigenTypes>
#include <cnoid/RangeCamera>

#include <iostream>

#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>

#include "debug.h"

namespace cnoid {
namespace vnoid {

class MyCamera : RangeCamera
    DeviceList<RangeCamera> cameras;
    double timeCounter;
    double timeStep;

    virtual void Init(SimpleControllerIO* io);
    virtual void TerrainAnalysis();



}  // namespace vnoid
}  // namespace cnoid

========================================================= However, it could not be built correctly because of the error described at the beginning of this article.

I would appreciate any insight into this error.

mvieth commented 1 year ago

That is strange. According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winprog/windows-data-types#ssize_t , SSIZE_T should be available after including basetsd.h Which compiler do you use to compile mycamera.cpp? Also Visual Studio 2019? You mentioned something about cross-compiling?

koomiy commented 1 year ago

Yes this is strange. I also use Visual Studio 2019 to compile mycamera.cpp.

Cross-compilation with Cmake was performed to remember dependencies between choreonoid and external source or/and header files (e.g. pcl). All choreonoid project (including mycamera.cpp) was compiled with Visual Studio 2019.

mvieth commented 1 year ago

Maybe search your computer for basetsd.h and check whether SSIZE_T is defined in there?