PointCloudLibrary / pcl

Point Cloud Library (PCL)
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Faster octree radiusSearch #6045

Closed mvieth closed 1 month ago

mvieth commented 1 month ago

... by improving the check whether an octree node might contain a point within radius. Previously this was done by a sphere around the node center (some nodes were checked although that would not have been necessary), now this is done exact (like a rounded cube).

Benchmarks: NormalEstimation (without OpenMP) with octree: NormalEstimation Old New
r=0.01, cloud=milk 914 ms 756 ms
r=0.01, cloud=mug 1133 ms 881 ms
r=0.02, cloud=milk 1979 ms 1784 ms
r=0.02, cloud=mug 2642 ms 2244 ms
Calling radiusSearch on every (valid) point of a cloud (r is tuned so that 5 and 50 neighbours are found on average, respectively): Search Old New
r=0.0016, cloud1 267 ms 175 ms
r=0.0022, cloud2 319 ms 210 ms
r=0.0072, cloud3 421 ms 293 ms
r=0.005, cloud1 440 ms 356 ms
r=0.0068, cloud2 513 ms 441 ms
r=0.024, cloud3 877 ms 873 ms