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Train other .bin files using the best.pth from nuscene. #23

Closed LSu666 closed 2 months ago

LSu666 commented 2 months ago

I want to use NuScenes' best.pth to train other .bin files, but I encountered an error and can't figure out where the problem lies.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/test.py", line 38, in main() File "tools/test.py", line 27, in main launch( File "/home/lsr/myproject/PointTransformerV3/Pointcept/pointcept/engines/launch.py", line 89, in launch main_func(cfg) File "tools/test.py", line 19, in main_worker tester = TESTERS.build(dict(type=cfg.test.type, cfg=cfg)) File "/home/lsr/myproject/PointTransformerV3/Pointcept/pointcept/utils/registry.py", line 214, in build return self.build_func(args, **kwargs, registry=self) File "/home/lsr/myproject/PointTransformerV3/Pointcept/pointcept/utils/registry.py", line 56, in build_from_cfg raise type(e)(f"{obj_cls.name}: {e}") UnboundLocalError: SemSegTester: NuScenesDataset: local variable 'data_list' referenced before assignment