Pointcept / PointTransformerV3

[CVPR'24 Oral] Official repository of Point Transformer V3 (PTv3)
MIT License
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PTv3: Train model with nuScenes dataset using RTX 2080Ti #43

Open william-ngvn opened 1 month ago

william-ngvn commented 1 month ago

Hi author, Thank you for share the great project. I'm trying to train the PTv3 with my Graphics Card: RTX 2080. So can you help me to reply some questions, please: 1, Can I use GPU: RTX 2080Ti (11GB) and FlashAttention1.x.x for train PTv3 with nuScenes dataset ? 2, Do I need to pay some attentions to installation when using this GPU? 3, Just to confirm. In PTv3, Did you used 4 GPUs: RTX 4090? My Setup: • Dataset: nuScenes • Graphics Card: 1 x RTX 2080 (11GB V-Ram) • Models: [semseg-pt-v3m1-0-base.py] Thank you so much.