Pointcept / PointTransformerV3

[CVPR'24 Oral] Official repository of Point Transformer V3 (PTv3)
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A question about "-1 in Scannet Dataset" #45

Open QWTforGithub opened 1 month ago

QWTforGithub commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for sharing your well organized code. I have a question about ScanNet dataset. I noticed that there is "-1" in the label of the processed ScanNet training set. Is this part of the mask removed during preprocessing? Or does the "-1" label already exist in ScanNet?

Gofinge commented 1 month ago

Hi, -1 means ignore_label in Pointcept

QWTforGithub commented 1 month ago

Hi, -1 means ignore_label in Pointcept

Thank you for your reply. Does this mean that in ScanNet, those ignored labels do not belong to the 20 categories? Sorry, I'm not particularly familiar with the ScanNet dataset.

Gofinge commented 1 month ago


QWTforGithub commented 1 month ago


Thank you very mush!