Pointifix / AutoDrill

Mindustry Mod that adds tools for automatically filling resource patches with drills. Pointifix#4403
29 stars 4 forks source link

Plasma Bore Placement non-functional (to the best of my ability to test) #5

Open ImNotThatBrave opened 1 year ago

ImNotThatBrave commented 1 year ago

When Attempting to auto-place Erekir plasma bores nothing happens / nothing is placed.

This is independent of any other mods and occurs irrespective of which direction is selected.

Steps to replicate: 1) clean mindustry install w/ only this mod loaded. 2) enter campaign or a custom map and select an ore wall -> select plasma bore -> pick direction to output

Pointifix commented 1 year ago

You have to pick the opposite direction (the direction the drills are supposed to face), i´ll include a video here that shows all erekir drills:


ImNotThatBrave commented 1 year ago

It's always possible I'm just being really dumb but in my tests I've always been trying all 4 directions Just loaded up (I was slightly lazy this time and didn't fully re-install, just disabled all other mods) then went into custom to test and yeah, still repeatable. If you'd like I can grab a video or something but it'll have to wait a bit as it's rather late.

ImNotThatBrave commented 1 year ago


iFla3meZi commented 11 months ago

same problem