I am in the process of generating oncoplots. When I executed the command to create the oncoplots, the following error message appeared in <top_bar_data[, colnames(numMat), drop = FALSE]: 'subscript out of bounds.' >
As a result, the oncoplots were not generated.
I have 38 MAF files, which I merged before proceeding.
maf_directory <- "D:/matched_tissue_MAF_files"
maf_files <- list.files(path = maf_directory, pattern = "\\.maf$", full.names = TRUE)
maf_list <- lapply(maf_files, function(file) {
read.maf(maf = file)
merged_maf <- merge_mafs(maf_list)
tiff(file = "D:/matched_tissue_MAF_files/20241107_ova_wes_matched_tissue_all_oncoprint_hs.tiff",
width = 18, heigh = 8, units = "in", res = 600)
oncoplot(maf = merged_maf, top = 10)
top_bar_data[, colnames(numMat), drop = FALSE]: 'subscript out of bounds.'
Describe the issue
I am in the process of generating oncoplots. When I executed the command to create the oncoplots, the following error message appeared in <top_bar_data[, colnames(numMat), drop = FALSE]: 'subscript out of bounds.' > As a result, the oncoplots were not generated.
Command I have 38 MAF files, which I merged before proceeding.
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