Closed ejc043 closed 8 months ago
Thanks for the wonderful package! Was hoping to receive some support regarding this error: My script:
#Step-1. Extract the siganl for your loci of interst track_data = track_extract(bigWigs = bigWigs, loci = "chr16:3065403-3069530", custom_names = query_meta$km.cluster_ind) #Step-1a (optional). Summarize trcks by condition track_data = track_summarize(summary_list = track_data, condition = query_meta$km.cluster_ind, stat = "mean") pdf(file = paste0('/stg3/data1/eunice/Projects/FLS/Analysis/Taiji/Taiji_Analysis/03.Only30.30/', query_edge, '.pdf')) track_plot( summary_list = track_data, draw_gene_track = TRUE, #query_ucsc = TRUE, show_ideogram = TRUE, #y_max = 7347, build = "hg38", # regions = markregions, track_names_pos =1, #genename="P", #txname="", boxcol = "#FFA319FF", col = "#1B1919FF", gene_track_height=2, scale_track_height=1 )`
the error:
`Error in setnames(x, value): Can't assign 5 names to a 0 column data.table Traceback: 1. track_plot(summary_list = track_data, draw_gene_track = TRUE, . show_ideogram = TRUE, build = "hg38", track_names_pos = 1, . boxcol = "#FFA319FF", col = "#1B1919FF", gene_track_height = 2, . scale_track_height = 1) 2. .extract_cytoband(chr = chr, refBuild = build) 3. `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("chr", "start", "end", "band", . "stain")) 4. `names<-`(`*tmp*`, value = value) 5. `names<`(`*tmp*`, value = value) 6. setnames(x, value) 7. stop("Can't assign ", length(old), " names to a ", ncol, " column data.table")`
It seems the error is coming from the .extract_cytoband function?
Sorry for the delay. Somehow I overlooked the issue. Do you still have the problem?
Thanks for the wonderful package! Was hoping to receive some support regarding this error: My script:
the error:
It seems the error is coming from the