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Ability to link different #announce-raids-here and #active-raids channels to differing Raid Party Categories #161

Open cyngrrl opened 6 years ago

cyngrrl commented 6 years ago

Tie each #announce-raids-here channel to a specific #active-raids channel and Raid Party Channel creation either next to the Raid Lobby where it was announced or in a specific Raid Party Category.

This will help large communities organize channels by location, as so:

Category: Region 1 Raids Channel: region-1-announce-raids-here Channel: region-1-active-raids Channel: T#-gym-announced-in-region-1

Category: Region 2 Raids Channel: region-2-announce-raids-here Channel: region-2-active-raids Channel: T#-gym-announced-in-region-2


It is not necessary for PokeNav to understand the regions, this simple feature will be reliant on end users posting in the correct channel. A variation on the region split might be by raid level split (instead of Region 1 it could be Egg level 1-3 for example).

Note: I have found multiple requests for this in #feature-requests and #support with IVpips responding. I am unable to provide links to these messages, per IVpips the links I provided in discord messages did not resolve to the correct message.

fortepc commented 6 years ago


cyngrrl commented 6 years ago

I see that #40 is the same but I don't understand how "version one of multiple region support" enables the abilities I've described. Can anyone walk me through it?

fortepc commented 6 years ago

It doesn't exactly, I just wanted to tag my earlier request for the same thing for organizational sake.

Basically though the idea is that by letting the bot deleting all non raid party messages it will essentially be a active raids channel for that region where people can still submit new raids. So like.. actually let me switch to my PC to type this out.

xqus commented 6 years ago


jordb22 commented 6 years ago

This would be fantastic! I’ve got multiple towns wanting to join and I’m hesitant to expand the server until a feature like this is available!

xxsytriskxx commented 5 years ago

My community desperately needs this feature as well. As we are currently covering two cities and the clutter on active raids is crazy @.@

cyngrrl commented 5 years ago

236 is touching on this - more than one active raid channel. It goes further to request geography assignment - but as a first step I would settle for more than one active raid channel.

fortepc commented 5 years ago

I've requested this exact thing a few times, just throwing my name behind it again since another person has made the same feature request. If you look up multiple region support you'll find my other issue tickets feature request things.

fortepc commented 5 years ago

Charlotte North Carolina has a good 20 different reporting regions for Meowth, and if they're ever going to switch to pokenav then this feature would be a must

ThriKreen commented 5 years ago

Definitely need this for Toronto as well, 24+ regions, some are super active, others less so. It would get very overwhelming I think the easiest solution is have the #active-raids and raid party channels match the category of the originating #announce-raid-here when something is posted.

ThriKreen commented 5 years ago

Ah, went searching on the discord and stumbled on this:

[10:39 AM] IVpips: @iamlatepurple I think I understand you and yes [10:39 AM] IVpips: if you have a category for each "region" you need a raid / ex raid lobby in each category [10:40 AM] IVpips: then delete the raid and ex raid category made by the bot and it will post it in the same category as the channel it was announced under

I think this resolves the issue right? Just need to add this to the docs so people are aware.

cyngrrl commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/PokeNavBot/issue-tracker/issues/161#issuecomment-448320101 Still no solution for active-raids channel, would like to set up one per region.

jordb22 commented 5 years ago

It also does not solve this for raid notifications

MarekPrime commented 5 years ago

I have a large community that would benefit from this feature. Do we know if this option is in the works?

maconleary commented 5 years ago

I'd like this too, more because it would allow us to split tiers of raids than splitting regions. With a single active-raids channel, there are so many raids that I've had to rule that we'll only use PokeNav for level 4s and 5s as raids get lost in the clutter otherwise.

People really want to be alerted about bronzor & shinx: if low level raids went to a separate channel, there's less of an issue with clutter and I'd happily write the alerts.

kentlowt commented 4 years ago

Our discord is divided into 21 raiding channels this would certainly be helpful to us as well having 21 channels posting into one raid category is a lot of raids to sort through in the category and in the active raids channel.