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Raid channel posting overide field #472

Open kentlowt opened 4 years ago

kentlowt commented 4 years ago

Problem: Our discord server is divided up into 21 different raid channels that cover set areas. Each area has about 100 gyms in it. About 5-10 of those gyms per area are what I would call border gyms that are very close to the adjoining areas. People out raiding in area A might see a gym in area B that has a raid. If they post this raid in the area A raid posting channel no one in the area B channel will know about it unless they are looking in the active raid channel or browsing the raids categories for raids and just happen to see it but, with 21 channels posting raids who is going to see that since there could be forty or more raids going on at the same time(imagine what raid hour would look like). The result is the people that would normally raid that gym completely miss out on a raid that was in their area.

Solution: A possible solution could be to create a raid post channel override field that contains the name of the channel the raid should be posted in. If there is a channel name in this field PokeNav could override the default channel the raid is posted in (or at least duplicate the posting) in the override channel listed so that the correct people know about the raid. If nothing is in the field PokeNav performs its default action.

Alternatives: The only alternative we currently have is putting the channel name in the notes field and forcing users to use the gym-info command to find out where it should be posted before posting the raid.

Additional benefits: This would also help people that forget to look at what channel they are in before they post a raid and waste their quota of screen shots. This would also reduce mod work of having to tell people every day to post in the proper channel.

mikosoby commented 4 years ago

Possibly a duplicate of #161.

kentlowt commented 4 years ago

While I think his request is very worthy of consideration(I would like to see it implemented), it's not a duplicate at all. Giving PokeNav a way to recognize what room a raid should be posted in regardless of where it was actually posted is very different request. In fact what would be an OCD administrators warm fuzzy dream would be to have #161 and this one implemented. Not only would each posting channel have its own category but, if a user posted a screen shot in posting room A that should have been posted in posting room B PokeNav would recognize that and place the raid placeholder in posting room B instead of where it was inadvertently posted. This would reduce admins work quite a bit monitoring all the different raid rooms to make sure people are posting in the right place.

kentlowt commented 4 years ago

Another solution would be instead of redirecting the raid postings would be to be able to specify the category a raid from a certain gym would be posted in(I believe there are similar type of requests for this). Have a field in the gym data that stores the category it should be posted under. this way it wouldn't matter where the raid was posted people in that raid category would be able to see all the raids applicable to them even if it was posted under a different category. With a lot of reporting channels and several categories of raid reporting channels it gets difficult separating which raids apply to a person and which ones do not. The larger the discord the more difficult and confusing it can get.