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pvp / iv rank command #509

Open dandesousa opened 4 years ago

dandesousa commented 4 years ago

I think it would be handy if the pvp iv command had an "all" keyword (or no keyword) for a quick summary of your IV's ranks across leagues, e.g.: $pvp iv pinsir 2-15-14 all

Great: #271 CP: 1479 - L18.5 Ultra: #2 CP: 2499 - L32.5 Master: #448 CP: 2799 - L40 You could also do something similar with the pvp rank, e.g.:

$pvp rank cresselia all

Great: #13 Score: 91.8 Ultra: #1 Score: 97.9 Master: #81 Score: 70.1

mikosoby commented 4 years ago

I personally love how the Calcy IV app handles this.

So for every pkmn I can see their PvP Stat Prod Percentage and PvP Rank in each viable league also for its possible evolutions. Btw the PvP Rank is enough in case of an aggregated output. It would help a lot if the evolutions would be taken into account in the output, because many people use the $pvp iv cmds for the pkmn they have, not the evolved ones... after they realize this, they use the cmd again for the evolutions.

Not sure exactly how Calcy IV handles this, because as the screen shows not all posibilities are listed. I would suggest that in case the max CP of a pkmn(it's stage) is like <200CP below the Great/Ultra League CP cap, it's rank will not be listed. Another thing might be the Stat product percentage... if it's below 90% it should not be listed?

Just throwing some ideas how to have everything relevant in one command/output...