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Black Star Promos - one "set" or multiple "sets"? #10

Open immewnity opened 3 years ago

immewnity commented 3 years ago

A handful of places use just PR for promos - notably, the Play! Pokémon deck registration sheets, RK9, and the PokeGym decklist creator. The only need for not just using PR for all Black Star Promos is to distinguish between WotC-era and EX/"Nintendo" cards, as everything DP-onwards use prefixes (heck, even then, you could tell the difference if you use the zero-padding as shown on cards, but I digress). The PokeGym decklist creator handles this by calling the WotC promos SP, which is... interesting.

Most places, though, use different codes for each era, in formats like PR-SM, SMP, SMBSP, Promo_SM, etc.


MatiasOETamminen commented 3 years ago

I would follow the official deck sheet abbreviations here and use PR for EX era onwards and something else for WotC promos and have the prefixes as a part of the card number. I personally do consider them different sets, but I guess the semantics of what constitutes a set gets fuzzy and maybe kind of irrelevant if multiple sets use the same abbreviation.

Having PR-[era] would constitute a more logical set abbreviation system, but then the printed card numbers would get confusing and we would get redundant monstrosities like PR-SWSH-SWSH001 or something similar really easily in actual use.

link--11 commented 3 years ago

For practical reasons, I really dislike the idea of having only one single set for all promos. I think a card database and related features clearly want to list them as seperate sets, otherwise it would be very inconvenient to work with them. I like "SMP", "XYP" etc as the set abbreviations.