PokemonAutomation / ComputerControl

Computer-Control Programs for Pokémon Automation
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[REQ] - Make program select list collapsible #142

Open jon-dunn opened 1 year ago

jon-dunn commented 1 year ago



Description (Make the program select list collapsible so that the current program uses the full window size)

Additional context (I generally run two instances each with half the monitor, but on a 24 inch monitor, you have to scroll horizontally to select the reset serial button. If the program list were to be collapsible, you could have two instances side by side and see all options for the selected program ).

Mysticial commented 1 year ago

Duplicate: https://github.com/PokemonAutomation/Arduino-Source/issues/12

Super low priority since you can double-click the video feed to pop it out into a separate window.