PokemonAutomation / ComputerControl

Computer-Control Programs for Pokémon Automation
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[REQ] - Tera Self Farmer Needs Auto Restart #164

Closed PhoenixRising26 closed 8 months ago

PhoenixRising26 commented 8 months ago




Description The Tera Self Farmer Program needs an auto-restart feature added in after about 10 cycles or so. There's such a significant reduction in framerate the longer the program runs...it eventually crashes after about 10-20 cycles. Closing the game and restarting seems to fully refresh the game.

Mysticial commented 8 months ago

This already exists. image

PhoenixRising26 commented 8 months ago

My bad. I must be running on an older version or just missed it entirely. Thank you!

PhoenixRising26 commented 8 months ago

Just downloaded the latest. It's there. Again, my bad! Thanks again.