PokemonAutomation / ComputerControl

Computer-Control Programs for Pokémon Automation
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[REQ] - Flying Time Trial Farming For BP #167

Closed Qas89 closed 6 months ago

Qas89 commented 6 months ago




Description (Farming BP in the Flying Time Trial. I think using this method can produce a passive income of BP since the easy or normal run would take less than 5 min to complete and yield about 120BP/hr - 240BP/hr. From my early experiment on the easy run, using the Turbo Macro Program, you are able to skip some rings to go to the end faster. The problem that i have encontered is the unstable frame rate mess up my movement setting me up off course and failing the trial.)

Additional context (Start from the NPC, choose the difficulty level. Image recognition for when the trial start and finish. I am not sure if we need to check if we are succesuflly passing throught the rings. I added the json file for the macro starting in front of the NPC !!! IS NOT RELIABLE !!!). macro1.json

NympheaR commented 6 months ago

Hi thank you for the suggestion, this has already been worked on and are under testing since last week. You are welcomed to check/share any development ideas in our public arduino channels on discord as well.

Qas89 commented 6 months ago

Thanks. I looked at the discord channels now that you mentioned, probably i should have looked earlier. I just wanna say that you guys ara doing a great job. Thank you again.