PokemonAutomation / ComputerControl

Computer-Control Programs for Pokémon Automation
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[REQ] - Ogre Oustin Automation #170

Open jon-dunn opened 6 months ago

jon-dunn commented 6 months ago



Description Automate the easy level of ogre oustin to farm mochi. May well not be possible/worth it.

Additional context Detect the random course given. Detect required berries. IF balloon placement is the same per course each time, record an automatic route to collect berries from balloons. Have the route have several break points where - if the correct berries have been collected or berries are full - it can return to the berry tables.

Possible two device mode where one player stays by the berry tables and spams roar to frighten off any wild pokemon.

Whole idea flops if the balloon placement isn't the same each time.