PokemonAutomation / ComputerControl

Computer-Control Programs for Pokémon Automation
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Boxes 'blacking out' when clicking #189

Open ElliottM40 opened 4 days ago

ElliottM40 commented 4 days ago

i'm getting this when trying to click anything in the 'Max lair boss finder' on the latest version of PA-Serial programs


Mysticial commented 4 days ago

Are you using the official release or building from source? If the latter, what platform, Windows, Linux, Mac?

ElliottM40 commented 4 days ago

I'm using the official release from github

Mysticial commented 4 days ago

That's weird. It doesn't seem to happen with anyone else. How did you "install" it? Did you upgrade from an older version by simply overwriting the binaries? Or did you extract to a new folder and transferred your settings to it?