Open Tomygames opened 8 years ago
is it a softball or permaban
Ok i got soft banned about 6 hours ago and heres what happened: -At first I couldn't catch pokemon or spin pokestops -After 2 hours I could catch pokemon but not spin pokestops -After the full 6 hours I could play normally
looks like they're increasing the softban severity in a addition to issuing permabans to hardcore botters. Bots are no longer safe to use until a workaround is found to bypass this. The bot's own softban bypass no longer works,
It looks like they are banning on IP.
Try to use 4g tethered instead and provide us a result.
For me, it is not passed !!! got softban after 5 min , updated
I'm not ban IP, but i've got 2 accounts with "Failed to get game data from server"
Same here Tomygames :( played one account to level 22 (legit!) and then I used the bot on it and now its gone. :(
@MrAppleMania permaban hammer =/
Same here "Failed to get game data from server"
is this a ban? or just server failure?
@myworkpool It's permaban
@tnsbm Thanks, :(
The new soft ban now bans you so you don't see pokestops, many users say it is because of the new "car passenger" alert, because it isn't dismissed and the bot still takes pokestops, it bans you,
I got banned 2 times+ ban IP I'm really pissed of rn, was level 24 , got banned , then started an other account and was level 8 and got banned.... even after setting my walk speed to 4 with a delay of 8s between actions