PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
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Niantic Server responses changed. Can't catch pokemon or see pokestops #2540

Closed TianCNCA closed 8 years ago

TianCNCA commented 8 years ago

EDIT from TheSavior:

It looks like the request structure has changed. Every bot, map, and 3rd party app is currently working to update.

Niantic changed their API. People are working on a fix but there is no ETA yet. If you want to know what changed read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/4w1cvr/pokemongo_current_api_status/

Original Post:

[15:04:18] PokemonGO Bot v1.0 [15:04:18] Configuration initialized [15:04:18] [x] Coordinates found in passed in location, not geocoding. [15:04:18] [15:04:18] Location Found: 40.776426, -73.969657 [15:04:18] GeoPosition: (40.776426, -73.969657, 0) [15:04:18] [15:04:18] [x] Parsing cached location... [15:04:18] [15:04:18] [x] Last location flag used. Overriding passed in location [15:04:18] [x] Last in-game location was set as: (40.7761427978432, -73.9701562 916473, 0) [15:04:18] [15:04:18] Attempting login to Pokemon Go. 2016-08-03 15:04:20,665 [pgoapi.pgoapi] [ERROR] Login failed - unexpected serve response! [15:04:20] [X] Login Error, server busy [15:04:20] [X] Waiting 10 seconds to try again 2016-08-03 15:04:32,917 [pgoapi.pgoapi] [ERROR] Login failed - unexpected serve response! [15:04:32] [X] Login Error, server busy [15:04:32] [X] Waiting 10 seconds to try again [15:04:37] Exiting PokemonGo Bot [15:04:42] Server seems to be busy or offline - try again - 4/15 [15:04:43] Server seems to be busy or offline - try again - 5/15 [15:04:44] Server seems to be busy or offline - try again - 6/15 [15:04:45] Server seems to be busy or offline - try again - 7/15 [15:04:47] Server seems to be busy or offline - try again - 8/15 [15:04:48] Server seems to be busy or offline - try again - 9/15

This happens to all my accounts including the ones I only use with the bot. Login from phone is fine, however.

scascacha commented 8 years ago

Can't wait for the fix!!

ryanluton commented 8 years ago

Cert Pinning makes this a little less exciting. lol

DrBlackross commented 8 years ago

well if the bots use a dead reckoning approach to poke stops, like in parks etc, then saving the locations locally.... that would take the loads off their servers.... then its just hunt and peck for pokemon with incense and lures.

plus the walking would seem more like a person stumbling around hunting

MFizz commented 8 years ago

Here are some guys capturing/ decoding the new packets

iruy commented 8 years ago

Those guys rocks

guokan-shang commented 8 years ago

PokemonGO Current API Status

PlanetoftheMapes commented 8 years ago

Taking a look, seems cryptographic signing is involved at first glance. Perhaps a HMAC or some sort do request checksum, plus there may be some sort of jailbreak protection in place. The fix will be less trivial than originally hoped. I'll be toying with it but this may take some moderate RE'ing muscle.

vipero07 commented 8 years ago

because of this new file added in .31 https://github.com/FabianTerhorst/PokemonGo/blob/22ee9af7f40c9fa2bfe2b063e430e8be488f1584/java/com/nianticlabs/nia/network/NianticTrustManager.java I'm under the belief it has to do with ssl key pinning

ironbishop commented 8 years ago

well, was great until it lasted :P

@pokemongof , update the README, warning people that the whole thing is not working anymore

Tych0n commented 8 years ago

Guys in https://github.com/AeonLucid/POGOProtos/issues/131#issuecomment-237464690 report that https://map.goradar.io/ is working.

firzzen commented 8 years ago

It is working, just checked it out.

jrjhealey commented 8 years ago

I haven't tested this extensively, but it appears as though the walking behaviour of the master branch bot still accrues distance. The way points it navigates between do have different co-ords, and it reports a travel time for each iteration. When I checked with the phone app, it looked like I had accrued some distance, but as I say, I haven't tested this very extensively.

takenek commented 8 years ago

@PlanetoftheMapes Can You update status of fix please?

Thank You. Best Regards

MFizz commented 8 years ago

Guys in AeonLucid/POGOProtos#131 (comment) report that https://map.goradar.io/ is working.

https://map.goradar.io does not work by using APIs. So this is useless for the bot.

Here is an updated summary of what we currently know.

Current task is to locate the code that creates "unknown6", a field that was also created and sent in previous versions, but not processed. This seems to be the only way to communicate with the api atm.

because of this new file added in .31 https://github.com/FabianTerhorst/PokemonGo/blob/22ee9af7f40c9fa2bfe2b063e430e8be488f1584/java/com/nianticlabs/nia/network/NianticTrustManager.java I'm under the belief it has to do with ssl key pinning

At the moment the java part seem uninteresting.

Guerras98 commented 8 years ago

It was fixed?

delta0Andy commented 8 years ago

First time user of this app. I set it up running last night and it ran for an hour or so before being logged off. I ran it again this morning. It is logging in fine and seems to be working. However it only appears to be walking and not actually catching anything.

MFizz commented 8 years ago

@ All pls read the thread before posting. It becomes harder to get information, if everybody is posting the same.

Philipp59 commented 8 years ago

Iam pretty sure that unknown6 is now checked from the server site because of the pokemon go plus. The launch should be UNTIL september so its pretty easy to get, that the app and server site should be ready for it. And also I read on the store that through that PokemonGo Plus you are able to catch pokemon with just hitting a key and don't have to use your smartphone. Sounds pretty interesting...

itsjayzilla commented 8 years ago

I'm just a freeloader who wanted to say thanks for the hard work you guys do for us, hopefully we'll get a fix soon. I have never looked into coding, but this project really makes me excited to learn more about it.

g2384 commented 8 years ago

Solution has been found by one guy. He was threatened by niantic to not access their server again, so he cannot reveal the solution.

MFizz commented 8 years ago

Solution has been found by one guy. He was threatened by niantic to not access their server again, so he cannot reveal the solution.

https://github.com/AeonLucid/POGOProtos/issues/131 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhryILX3NI0&feature=youtu.be

jurjen2000 commented 8 years ago

He just posted proof that he can access the pokestop data again. Just a matter of time now for this to be fixed I'd say. :)

firzzen commented 8 years ago

@MFizz lol i like the readme.md on Mila's commit :D

MFizz commented 8 years ago

@MFizz lol i like the readme.md on Mila's commit :D

https://github.com/Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API if anyone wants to see it ^^

jokoast commented 8 years ago

You're close guys :D. In hope to catch those Snorlax 2k6 in NYC :D.


takenek commented 8 years ago

Fast question: Anyone from dev. will public a FIX? i just get information fix is already complete but not public because ppl run a bots and later selling accounts... Anyone can confirm from Developers?

Dunduro commented 8 years ago

what i understand of the situation is that 1 guy found a fix but niantec told him to fuk off and keep silent more or less so i dont know if our dev team has the solution in hand, but a video has been posted of the succesful attempt @takenek

MFizz commented 8 years ago

No, there is one person claiming to have the hash algorithm. This person is flipflopping that he isn't going to release first because of cease and desist from niantec, then because of monetization of bots, etc. So wether he's doing it for attention or just doesn't talk doesn't matter. Many people are looking for the algorithm and it'll be ready when it's ready. People who want to actively re (and know how) can go here - This channel is solely for developers

GepLik commented 8 years ago

The fix will make it there. No worries to have about that. The short version of the story is that someone found the fix, didn't want to share because of a C&D order / didn't want bot to be sold / wanted to sell it by himself. But like any community project, a lot of other people were searching for it too, and the solution will be implemented soon.

takenek commented 8 years ago

@Likael So Mila is not from dev team of this bot? i saw he is in "credits" in main page:

Credits tejado many thanks for the API Mila432 for the login secrets elliottcarlson for the Google Auth PR AeonLucid for improved protos AHAAAAAAA for parts of the s2sphere stuff

SamuraiKal commented 8 years ago

Friendly reminder to anyone taking the Discord link provided by @MFizz: That is a dev chat, please do not post anything at all if you don't understand what is going on; you will only disrupt their productivity and make it take longer for a fix.

If you want to get a better understanding of the issue, you can go here and here

GepLik commented 8 years ago

@takenek Mila is indeed not part of the present project. He is in the credit though, because the bot uses his great work on the API. It is the same for tejado, AeonLucid, etc... They developed external tool to make the API of PoGo accessible, but they are not directly involved in this project.

ironbishop commented 8 years ago

"I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain." --Mila, probably


SamuraiKal commented 8 years ago

@takenek Mila's code in their bot was used by this bot with permission from Mila (if I understand correctly). Also, in reference to your earlier post, this is the video showing where someone (supposedly Mila) implemented a solution to the issue, but doesn't show the code or any methods used to fix it and Mila isn't sharing the secret. It looks like he has been shut down by Niantic; he pulled all of his code off of his bot on here

There will be a public fix eventually, but there's no way to put a timeline on something like this so we'll just have to be patient.

koprall123 commented 8 years ago

every body please tell us if the bot fix and ready use! give the link too thanks so much!

gpires commented 8 years ago

@koprall123 and that's why we can't have nice things. 90% here are leeching others work...

nujabse commented 8 years ago

Maybe we should update the README.md to give others a clear warning on this issue, so that people can avoid submitting issues all the same like this.

guokan-shang commented 8 years ago

Mila received a warning letter from NIANTIC So he cleaned his API project I think, we should update the README.md and be patient.

mrseeker commented 8 years ago

Well, latest news is that they found the code, but are now in the progress of replicating it... Might take 4-6h depending on their skills...

ghost commented 8 years ago

Well, if that 4-5 h have everything ready to use the bot ?

osnwt commented 8 years ago

Have anybody thought that using bots you f..ed up a lot of people playing the game? I am also a developer, I am also may have fun programming bots. But it was ok while people run and catch pokemons. When people started to fight in gyms using cheated accounts, the game was completely over for a lot of not cheating people. Including me. I spent a lot of time (3 weeks) going to level 23 and walking by legs 100+ km, some guys - to level 30. And then in no time a lot of 25-30 level "players" came around. It was fun while it lasted, but now the fun is over.

I am not even talking about the ToS of Niantic. But using bots you f..cked up a lot of human players, and it was NOT fun.

MZorzy commented 8 years ago

@osnwt free to exit outdoor and give a real life. pogo it's a f.ing GAME ! code a bot is non only for cheating as you think

osnwt commented 8 years ago

For those who downvotes my msg: I do not expect other in this thread. I also can agree that it is a bit stupid game. Still, due to it a lot of people came outdoor and talked to each other. And that was the real fun. Coding bots it a fun also since pokemons are same for all, and resource are not limited. But again, it is true until you start killing game experience for innocent players putting such players in gyms - that a lot of idiots really do. Many bot writers said they do not support fighting in gyms for that reason. But when anyone can run a bot, no more reason to play humans.

SamuraiKal commented 8 years ago

@osnwt First off, this isn't the place to vent your opinions. Secondly, bots will always exist, and many people (like myself) will use them as an opportunity to learn coding for new languages they haven't tried yet and will never partake in PvP/Gym battles. It's up to Niantic to clean up the accounts that bot AND do gym battles.

On topic: progress has been made, but there's still a lot of investigating to do before an actual solution is found.

sli2-14 commented 8 years ago

when will the no pokestop be fixed pls

zvvzzvvz commented 8 years ago

@osnwt I think there are always going to be balance issues in this game. Some people live right under constantly lured pokestops. How are people that live in the middle of nowhere supposed to compete with that? What this game really needs are ai controlled gyms according to level and leagues. Then botting and spoofing won't effect anyone else.

osnwt commented 8 years ago

It's ok to learn coding for personal use. Not ok to fight in gyms and make bots available to childish script kiddies (those downvote here), writing detailed instructions how to run (not code) bots in 5 minutes knowing nothing in programming.

I also agreed that Niantic must pay more attention to protect the game, they were stupid to not account for it. Still writers of ready-to-run bots just pissed off a lot of humans making them available for everyone with no knowledge to code and no wish to learn. There are 10 bots (not bot instances), may be, but thousands people who stopped playing due to this.

NilakArgento commented 8 years ago

@osnwt go home, you are drunk !

jurjen2000 commented 8 years ago

@osnwt Please keep in mind that there will always be a large group of players for who the game is not fun anymore. Many people simply don't have the time to play hours a day because they have a job and use the bot just to stay at a similar level to the average player, so they can still enjoy the game....

SamuraiKal commented 8 years ago

@osnwt Still not the place to vent your opinions. This is the comment section for an issue with the bot and comments should be limited to topics relevant to the issue. If you have complaints about bots, go complain to Niantic; or better yet, help Niantic find a way to discover bot behavior and help ban the accounts using bots and fighting in Gym battles. Considering the people here, your complaints will not change anyone's opinion.

Side note: Looks like they made the debugging channel in Discord private thanks to people claiming credit for a fix on social media. Might still get updates on the google doc I linked earlier.