PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
MIT License
3.87k stars 1.54k forks source link

error on launch bot : ssl #3789

Closed Tagada22 closed 8 years ago

Tagada22 commented 8 years ago

Hello guys ,

i have a problems when i launch my bot .

i have this error

(PokemonGo-Bot) root@vps302994:/home/PokemonGo-Bot# ./run.sh configs/config.json Traceback (most recent call last): File "pokecli.py", line 33, in import ssl File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 97, in import _ssl # if we can't import it, let the error propagate ImportError: No module named _ssl Fri Aug 12 22:17:48 CEST 2016 Pokebot configs/config.json Stopped. Press any button or wait 20 seconds to continue.

i don't know how to fix that , if you have an idea please .

a copy of my config.json

{ "auth_service": "google", "username": "txxxxxxxxxr@gmail.com", "password": "xxxxxxxx", "location": "-33.870034, 151.207964", "gmapkey": "Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "libencrypt_location": "", "tasks": [ { "type": "HandleSoftBan" }, { "type": "CollectLevelUpReward" }, { "type": "IncubateEggs", "config": { "longer_eggs_first": true } }, { "type": "TransferPokemon" }, { "type": "EvolvePokemon", "config": { "evolve_all": "none", "first_evolve_by": "iv", "evolve_above_cp": 500, "evolve_above_iv": 1, "logic": "or", "evolve_speed": 20, "use_lucky_egg": false } }, { "type": "RecycleItems", "config": { "item_filter": { "Pokeball": { "keep" : 10 }, "Greatball": { "keep" : 100 }, "Ultraball": { "keep" : 100 }, "Max Revive": { "keep" : 20 }, "Potion": { "keep" : 0 }, "Super Potion": { "keep" : 0 }, "Hyper Potion": { "keep" : 10 }, "Revive": { "keep" : 10 }, "Razz Berry": { "keep" : 100 } } } }, { "type": "CatchVisiblePokemon" }, { "type": "CatchLuredPokemon" }, { "type": "SpinFort" }, { "type": "MoveToMapPokemon", "config": { "address": "http://15xxx.xxx.x28:2020", "max_distance": 1000, "min_time": 60, "min_ball": 50, "prioritize_vips": true, "snipe": true, "snipe_high_prio_only": true, "snipe_high_prio_threshold": 400, "update_map": true, "mode": "priority", "map_path": "raw_data", "catch": { "==========Legendaries==========": 0, "Aerodactyl": 1000, "Snorlax": 1000, "Articuno": 1000, "Zapdos": 1000, "Moltres": 1000, "Dratini": 1000, "Dragonair": 1000, "Dragonite": 1000, "Mewtwo": 1000, "Mew": 1000, "==========Region Locked==========": 0, "Farfetch'd": 1000, "Kangaskhan": 1000, "Mr. Mime": 1000, "Tauros": 1000, "==========Very Rare==========": 0, "Lapras": 900, "Electabuzz": 900, "Magmar": 900, "Ditto": 900, "==========Starters==========": 0, "Bulbasaur": 400, "Ivysaur": 600, "Venusaur": 1000, "Charmander": 400, "Charmeleon": 600, "Charizard": 1000, "Squirtle": 400, "Wartortle": 600, "Blastoise": 1000, "Pikachu": 600, "Raichu": 1000, "==========Semi Rare==========": 0, "Porygon": 200, "Scyther": 200, "Jynx": 200, "==========Uncommon==========": 0, "Omanyte": 150, "Omastar": 500, "Seel": 300, "Dewgong": 500, "Grimer": 200, "Muk": 500, "Shellder": 200, "Cloyster": 500, "Gastly": 200, "Haunter": 500, "Gengar": 1000, "Onix": 600, "Drowzee": 600, "Hypno": 600, "Vulpix": 200, "Ninetales": 600, "Paras": 100, "Parasect": 500, "Growlithe": 200, "Arcanine": 700, "Tentacool": 200, "Tentacruel": 500, "Mankey": 150, "Primeape": 500, "Clefairy": 150, "Clefable": 500, "Jigglypuff": 150, "Wigglytuff": 500, "Venonat": 100, "Venomoth": 500, "Diglett": 200, "Dugtrio": 500, "Meowth": 250, "Persian": 500, "Psyduck": 150, "Golduck": 500, "Geodude": 100, "Graveler": 500, "Golem": 800, "Eevee": 200, "Vaporeon": 800, "Jolteon": 800, "Flareon": 800, "Kabuto": 150, "Kabutops": 500, "Magikarp": 150, "Gyarados": 800, "Pinsir": 150, "Ponyta": 200, "Rapidash": 500, "Slowpoke": 200, "Slowbro": 500, "Magnemite": 250, "Magneton": 500, "Krabby": 100, "Kingler": 500, "Voltorb": 200, "Electrode": 500, "Exeggcute": 250, "Exeggcutor": 500, "Cubone": 300, "Marowak": 800, "Hitmonlee": 400, "Hitmonchan": 400, "Lickitung": 500, "Koffing": 200, "Weezing": 500, "Rhyhorn": 200, "Rhydon": 500, "Chansey": 800, "Tangela": 300, "Horsea": 200, "Seadra": 600, "Goldeen": 150, "Seaking": 500, "Staryu": 200, "Starmie": 800, "==========T1 Evolvers==========": 0, "Caterpie": 10, "Metapod": 10, "Butterfree": 500, "Weedle": 10, "Kakuna": 10, "Beedrill": 500, "Pidgey": 10, "Pidgeotto": 10, "Pidgeot": 300, "==========T2 Evolvers==========": 0, "Nidoran F": 10, "Nidorina": 10, "Nidoqueen": 10, "Nidoran M": 10, "Nidorino": 10, "Nidoking": 10, "Oddish": 100, "Gloom": 200, "Vileplume": 600, "Poliwag": 200, "Poliwhirl": 400, "Poliwrath": 800, "Abra": 300, "Kadabra": 600, "Alakazam": 800, "Machop": 150, "Machoke": 400, "Machamp": 800, "Bellsprout": 100, "Weepinbell": 400, "Victreebel": 800, "==========Trash==========": 0, "Rattata": 10, "Raticate": 10, "Spearow": 10, "Fearow": 10, "Ekans": 10, "Arbok": 10, "Sandshrew": 10, "Sandslash": 10, "Zubat": 10, "Golbat": 10, "Doduo": 10, "Dodrio": 10 } } }, { "type": "MoveToFort", "config": { "lure_attraction": true, "lure_max_distance": 2000 } }, { "type": "FollowSpiral", "config": { "diameter": 4, "step_size": 70 } } ], "map_object_cache_time": 5, "forts": { "avoid_circles": true, "max_circle_size": 50 }, "websocket_server": false, "walk": 4.16, "action_wait_min": 1, "action_wait_max": 4, "debug": false, "test": false, "health_record": true, "location_cache": true, "distance_unit": "km", "reconnecting_timeout": 15, "evolve_captured": "NONE", "catch_randomize_reticle_factor": 1.0, "catch_randomize_spin_factor": 1.0, "logging_color": true, "catch": { "any": {"catch_above_cp": 0, "catch_above_iv": 0, "logic": "or"}, "// Example of always catching Rattata:": {}, "// Rattata": { "always_catch" : true } }, "release": { "any": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Arbok": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Golbat": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Charmeleon": {"keep_best_iv": 2}, "Raticate": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Sandslash": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Nidoqueen": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Nidoking": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Pidgeotto": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Spearow": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Ekans": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Kakuna": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Clefairy": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Clefable": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Persian": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Primeape": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Arcanine": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Machamp": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Golem": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Rapidash": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Onix": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Kingler": {"keep_best_iv": 1}, "Rhydon": {"keep_best_iv": 1} }, "vips" : { "Any pokemon put here directly force to use Berry & Best Ball to capture, to secure the capture rate!": {}, "any": {"catch_above_cp": 1200, "catch_above_iv": 0.9, "logic": "or" }, "Lapras": {}, "Moltres": {}, "Zapdos": {}, "Articuno": {}, "Blastoise": {}, "Piedgeot": {}, "Pikachu": {}, "Arcanine": {}, "Raichu": {}, "Sandslash": {}, "Ninetales": {}, "Vileplume": {}, "Golduck": {}, "Poliwhirl": {}, "Poliwrath": {}, "Kadabra": {}, "Alakazam": {}, "Machoke": {}, "Machamp": {}, "Weepinbell": {}, "Victreebel": {}, "Golem": {}, "Rapidash": {}, "Muk": {}, "Haunter": {}, "Gengar": {}, "Marowak": {}, "Hitmonlee": {}, "Hitmonchan": {}, "Vaporeon": {}, "Jolteon": {}, "Flareon": {}, "Porygon": {}, "Omastar": {}, "Aerodactyl": {}, "Dratini": {}, "Dragonair": {}, "Dragonite": {}, "// S-Tier pokemons (if pokemon can be evolved into tier, list the representative)": {}, "Mewtwo": {}, "Snorlax": {}, "// Mew evolves to Mewtwo": {}, "Mew": {}, "Gyarados": {}, "Exeggutor": {} } }

I verified my config with json editor online and i have no error .


Arlion commented 8 years ago

Do you have the packages, openssl and python-openssl installed?

k4n30 commented 8 years ago

Please read before you delete the text in the issue template, your missing key information which would help us help you