PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
MIT License
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Error: Please run `pip install -r requirements.txt` #4181

Closed Dexter145 closed 7 years ago

Dexter145 commented 7 years ago

Expected Behavior

Bot starts running

Actual Behavior

Error: /root/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/datastore.py:17: UserWarning: Please run pip install -r requirements.txt to ensure you have the latest required packages warnings.warn('Please run pip install -r requirements.txt to ensure you have the latest required packages') Wed Aug 17 22:50:55 CEST 2016 Pokebot configs/config.json Stopped. Press any button or wait 20 seconds to continue.

Your FULL config.json (remove your username, password, gmapkey and any other private info)


Output when issue occurred

After latest update, before it was running well.

Steps to Reproduce

Run pip install -r requirements.txt

Other Information

OS: Debian 7 Branch: master Git Commit: 86fc77478dfe85ee3609169040be825d4fa3512e Python Version: 2.7.3 Any other relevant files/configs (eg: path files)

Dexter145 commented 7 years ago

It's working again, don't no why it stops working and a few minutes later works again.

cwild commented 7 years ago

Are you using virtualenv? I cannot reproduce this.

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

im getting this issue too not sure whats wrong, did `pip install -r requirements.txt and got Installing collected packages: pgoapi Running setup.py develop for pgoapi Successfully installed pgoapi-1.1.6

cwild commented 7 years ago

Are you on the same commit? Did you update the required packages?

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

yea updated it and yes same commit, still gives me the warning after the update

cwild commented 7 years ago

What does pip freeze show please?

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

alabaster==0.7.9 argh==0.26.2 Babel==2.3.4 backports-abc==0.4 certifi==2016.8.8 click==6.6 colorama==0.3.7 CommonMark==0.5.4 ConfigArgParse==0.10.0 contextlib2==0.5.4 decorator==4.0.10 demjson==2.2.4 docutils==0.12 enum34==1.1.6 eventlet==0.19.0 Flask==0.11.1 Flask-CacheBust==1.0.0 Flask-Compress==1.3.0 Flask-Cors==2.1.2 funcsigs==1.0.2 future==0.15.2 geopy==1.11.0 googlemaps==2.4.4 gpsoauth==0.3.0 gpxpy==1.1.1 greenlet==0.4.9 haversine==0.4.5 imagesize==0.7.1 iniherit==0.3.4 itsdangerous==0.24 Jinja2==2.8 LatLon==1.0.1 livereload==2.4.1 MarkupSafe==0.23 mock==2.0.0 networkx==1.11 numpy==1.11.0 pathtools==0.1.2 pbr==1.10.0 peewee==2.8.1 pgoapi==1.1.6 polyline==1.3.1 port-for==0.3.1 protobuf==3.0.0b4 protobuf-to-dict==0.1.0 pycryptodomex==3.4.2 Pygments==2.1.3 PyMySQL==0.7.5 pyproj== PySocks==1.5.6 python-engineio==0.9.2 python-slugify==1.2.0 python-socketio==1.4.2 pytz==2016.6.1 PyYAML==3.11 raven==5.23.0 recommonmark==0.4.0 requests==2.10.0 s2sphere==0.2.4 singledispatch== six==1.10.0 snowballstemmer==1.2.1 socketIO-client==0.7.0 Sphinx==1.4.5 sphinx-autobuild==0.6.0 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.1.9 timeout-decorator==0.3.2 tornado==4.4.1 Unidecode==0.4.19 virtualenv==15.0.3 watchdog==0.8.3 websocket-client==0.37.0 Werkzeug==0.11.10 xxhash==0.6.1 yoyo-migrations==5.0.3

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

any idea what it could be?

cwild commented 7 years ago

Could you add raise on the line above this: https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/blob/da8143e9655ed9ee3fb39c23bafa8981e15cd1e8/pokemongo_bot/datastore.py#L17

What output is shown now?

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

try: from yoyo import read_migrations, get_backend except ImportError: raise warnings.warn('Please run pip install -r requirements.txt to ensure you have the latest required packages') sys.exit(-1) like that?

cwild commented 7 years ago

Yes, just make sure you match the indentation with the correct number of spaces.

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "pokecli.py", line 42, in from pokemongo_bot import PokemonGoBot, TreeConfigBuilder File "/Users/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/init.py", line 32, in from pokemongo_bot.datastore import DatabaseManager, Datastore File "/Users/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/datastore.py", line 17, in Raise NameError: name 'Raise' is not defined Wed 17 Aug 2016 18:12:40 EDT Pokebot Stopped. Press any button or wait 20 seconds to continue.

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

try: from yoyo import read_migrations, get_backend except ImportError: Raise warnings.warn('Please run pip install -r requirements.txt to ensure you have the latest required packages') sys.exit(-1)

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

thats what how the edit looks in the file

cwild commented 7 years ago

Lowercase raise

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "pokecli.py", line 42, in from pokemongo_bot import PokemonGoBot, TreeConfigBuilder File "/Users/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/init.py", line 32, in from pokemongo_bot.datastore import DatabaseManager, Datastore File "/Users/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/datastore.py", line 15, in from yoyo import read_migrations, get_backend ImportError: No module named yoyo Wed 17 Aug 2016 18:15:27 EDT Pokebot Stopped.

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

i get that when raise is put in

cwild commented 7 years ago

I was kind of hoping for something else to be honest as the pip freeze showed yoyo-migrations==5.0.3 correctly.

Are you using a virtualenv? You haven't dropped out of it by mistake? Can you re-activate with source bin/activate (or as appropriate for the venv)?

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

yea thats what i downloaded, should still be there i can reinstall if anything, not to sre how to re activate

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

The directory '/Users/Paradox/Library/Caches/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag. The directory '/Users/Paradox/Library/Caches/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag. Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): virtualenv in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages

this is what i get when i reinstall virtualenv

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

got it to work had to ./setup.sh -i

cwild commented 7 years ago

Glad to hear it is resolved for you.

trademarrk commented 7 years ago

thanks for the help though (y)