PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
MIT License
3.86k stars 1.54k forks source link

Failure! Could not update trainer location. running bot issue #5234

Closed evilness9999 closed 8 years ago

evilness9999 commented 8 years ago

Expected Behavior

view pokemongo-bot web ui with docker running windows 10

Actual Behavior

{ "auth_service": "", "username": "", "password": "", "location": "", "gmapkey": "", "encrypt_location": "", "websocket_server": false, "heartbeat_threshold": 10, "enable_social": true, "tasks": [ { "//NOTE: This task MUST be placed on the top of task list": {}, "type": "RandomAlivePause", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_duration": "00:00:10", "max_duration": "00:10:00", "min_interval": "00:05:00", "max_interval": "01:30:00" } }, { "type": "HandleSoftBan" }, { "type": "SleepSchedule", "config": { "enabled": false, "time": "22:54", "duration":"7:46", "time_random_offset": "00:24", "duration_random_offset": "00:43", "wake_up_at_location": "" } }, { "type": "RandomPause", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_duration": "00:00:10", "max_duration": "00:10:00", "min_interval": "00:10:00", "max_interval": "02:00:00" } }, { "type": "CompleteTutorial", "config": { "enabled": false, "// set a name": "", "nickname": "" } }, { "type": "CollectLevelUpReward", "config": { "collect_reward": true, "level_limit": -1 } }, { "type": "IncubateEggs", "config": { "enabled": true, "longer_eggs_first": true, "min_interval": 120, "infinite": [2,5,10], "breakable": [2,5,10] } }, { "type": "UpdateLiveStats", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_interval": 10, "stats": ["username", "uptime", "stardust_earned", "xp_earned", "xp_per_hour", "stops_visited"], "terminal_log": true, "terminal_title": true } }, { "type": "UpdateLiveInventory", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_interval": 120, "show_all_multiple_lines": false, "items": ["pokemon_bag", "space_info", "pokeballs", "greatballs", "ultraballs", "razzberries", "luckyegg"] } }, { "type": "TransferPokemon", "config": { "enabled": true, "min_free_slot": 5, "transfer_wait_min": 3, "transfer_wait_max": 5 } }, { "type": "NicknamePokemon", "config": { "enabled": false, "nickname_above_iv": 0.9, "nickname_template": "{ivpct}{iv_ads}" } }, { "type": "EvolvePokemon", "config": { "enabled": false, "evolve_all": "none", "first_evolve_by": "cp", "evolve_above_cp": 1000, "evolve_above_iv": 0.98, "logic": "or", "min_evolve_speed": 25, "max_evolve_speed": 30, "use_lucky_egg": false } }, { "type": "RecycleItems", "config": { "enabled": true, "min_empty_space": 15, "max_balls_keep": 150, "max_potions_keep": 50, "max_berries_keep": 70, "max_revives_keep": 70, "item_filter": { "Pokeball": { "keep" : 5 }, "Greatball": { "keep" : 25}, "Ultraball": { "keep" : 120}, "Masterball": { "keep" : 10}, "Potion": { "keep" : 0 }, "Super Potion": { "keep" : 0 }, "Hyper Potion": { "keep" : 40 }, "Max Potion": { "keep" : 0 }, "Revive": { "keep" : 30 }, "Max Revive": { "keep" : 0 }, "Razz Berry": { "keep" : 100 } }, "recycle_wait_min": 3, "recycle_wait_max": 5 } }, { "type": "CatchPokemon", "config": { "enabled": true, "catch_visible_pokemon": true, "catch_lured_pokemon": true, "min_ultraball_to_keep": 5, "berry_threshold": 0.35, "vip_berry_threshold": 0.9, "treat_unseen_as_vip": true, "catch_throw_parameters": { "excellent_rate": 0.1, "great_rate": 0.5, "nice_rate": 0.3, "normal_rate": 0.1, "spin_success_rate" : 0.6, "hit_rate": 0.75 }, "catch_simulation": { "flee_count": 3, "flee_duration": 2, "catch_wait_min": 3, "catch_wait_max": 6, "berry_wait_min": 3, "berry_wait_max": 5, "changeball_wait_min": 3, "changeball_wait_max": 5 } } }, { "type": "SpinFort", "config": { "enabled": true, "spin_wait_min": 3, "spin_wait_max": 5 } }, { "type": "MoveToMapPokemon", "config": { "enabled": true, "address": "", "max_distance": 500, "min_ball": 50, "prioritize_vips": true, "snipe": true, "snipe_high_prio_only": true, "snipe_high_prio_threshold": 400, "update_map": true, "mode": "priority", "map_path": "raw_data", "walker": "StepWalker", "max_extra_dist_fort": 10, "catch": { "==========Legendaries==========": 0, "Aerodactyl": 1000, "Snorlax": 1000, "Articuno": 1000, "Zapdos": 1000, "Moltres": 1000, "Dratini": 1000, "Dragonair": 1000, "Dragonite": 1000, "Mewtwo": 1000, "Mew": 1000,

        "==========Region Locked==========": 0,
        "Farfetch'd": 1000,
        "Kangaskhan": 1000,
        "Mr. Mime": 1000,
        "Tauros": 1000,

        "==========Very Rare==========": 0,
        "Lapras": 900,
        "Electabuzz": 900,
        "Magmar": 900,
        "Ditto": 900,

        "==========Starters==========": 0,
        "Bulbasaur": 400,
        "Ivysaur": 600,
        "Venusaur": 1000,

        "Charmander": 400,
        "Charmeleon": 600,
        "Charizard": 1000,

        "Squirtle": 400,
        "Wartortle": 600,
        "Blastoise": 1000,

        "Pikachu": 600,
        "Raichu": 1000,

        "==========Semi Rare==========": 0,
        "Porygon": 200,
        "Scyther": 200,
        "Jynx": 200,

        "==========Uncommon==========": 0,

        "Omanyte": 150,
        "Omastar": 500,

        "Seel": 300,
        "Dewgong": 500,

        "Grimer": 200,
        "Muk": 500,

        "Shellder": 200,
        "Cloyster": 500,

        "Gastly": 200,
        "Haunter": 500,
        "Gengar": 1000,

        "Onix": 600,

        "Drowzee": 600,

        "Hypno": 600,

        "Vulpix": 200,
        "Ninetales": 600,

        "Paras": 100,
        "Parasect": 500,

        "Growlithe": 200,
        "Arcanine": 700,

        "Tentacool": 200,
        "Tentacruel": 500,

        "Mankey": 150,
        "Primeape": 500,

        "Clefairy": 150,
        "Clefable": 500,

        "Jigglypuff": 150,
        "Wigglytuff": 500,

        "Venonat": 100,
        "Venomoth": 500,

        "Diglett": 200,
        "Dugtrio": 500,

        "Meowth": 250,
        "Persian": 500,

        "Psyduck": 150,
        "Golduck": 500,

        "Geodude": 100,
        "Graveler": 500,
        "Golem": 800,

        "Eevee": 600,
        "Vaporeon": 800,
        "Jolteon": 800,
        "Flareon": 800,

        "Kabuto": 150,
        "Kabutops": 500,

        "Magikarp": 600,
        "Gyarados": 800,

        "Pinsir": 150,

        "Ponyta": 200,
        "Rapidash": 500,

        "Slowpoke": 200,
        "Slowbro": 500,

        "Magnemite": 250,
        "Magneton": 500,

        "Krabby": 100,
        "Kingler": 500,

        "Voltorb": 200,
        "Electrode": 500,

        "Exeggcute": 250,
        "Exeggcutor": 500,

        "Cubone": 300,
        "Marowak": 800,

        "Hitmonlee": 400,

        "Hitmonchan": 400,

        "Lickitung": 500,

        "Koffing": 200,
        "Weezing": 500,

        "Rhyhorn": 200,
        "Rhydon": 500,

        "Chansey": 800,

        "Tangela": 300,

        "Horsea": 200,
        "Seadra": 600,

        "Goldeen": 150,
        "Seaking": 500,

        "Staryu": 200,
        "Starmie": 800,

        "==========T1 Evolvers==========": 0,
        "Caterpie": 10,
        "Metapod": 10,
        "Butterfree": 500,

        "Weedle": 10,
        "Kakuna": 10,
        "Beedrill": 500,

        "Pidgey": 10,
        "Pidgeotto": 10,
        "Pidgeot": 300,

        "==========T2 Evolvers==========": 0,
        "Nidoran F": 10,
        "Nidorina": 10,
        "Nidoqueen": 10,

        "Nidoran M": 10,
        "Nidorino": 10,
        "Nidoking": 10,

        "Oddish": 100,
        "Gloom": 200,
        "Vileplume": 600,

        "Poliwag": 200,
        "Poliwhirl": 400,
        "Poliwrath": 800,

        "Abra": 300,
        "Kadabra": 600,
        "Alakazam": 800,

        "Machop": 150,
        "Machoke": 400,
        "Machamp": 800,

        "Bellsprout": 100,
        "Weepinbell": 400,
        "Victreebel": 800,

        "==========Trash==========": 0,

        "Rattata": 10,
        "Raticate": 10,

        "Spearow": 10,
        "Fearow": 10,

        "Ekans": 10,
        "Arbok": 10,

        "Sandshrew": 10,
        "Sandslash": 10,

        "Zubat": 10,
        "Golbat": 10,

        "Doduo": 10,
        "Dodrio": 10
    "type": "MoveToFort",
    "config": {
      "enabled": true,
      "lure_attraction": true,
      "lure_max_distance": 2000,
      "walker": "StepWalker"
    "type": "FollowSpiral",
    "config": {
      "enabled": true,
      "diameter": 4,
      "step_size": 90
"map_object_cache_time": 5,
"forts": {
  "avoid_circles": true,
  "max_circle_size": 50,
  "cache_recent_forts": true
"pokemon_bag": {
  "// if 'show_at_start' is true, it will log all the pokemons in the bag (not eggs) at bot start": {},
  "show_at_start": true,
  "// if 'show_count' is true, it will show the amount of each pokemon (minimum 1)": {},
  "show_count": false,
  "// if 'show_candies' is true, it will show the amount of candies for each pokemon": {},
  "show_candies": false,
  "// 'pokemon_info' parameter define which info to show for each pokemon": {},
  "// the available options are": {},
  "// ['cp', 'iv_ads', 'iv_pct', 'ivcp', 'ncp', 'level', 'hp', 'moveset', 'dps']": {},
  "pokemon_info": ["cp", "iv_pct"]
"walk_max": 8.16,
"walk_min": 2.16,
"alt_min": 500,
"alt_max": 1000,
"gps_default_altitude": 8.0,
"replicate_gps_xy_noise": false,
"replicate_gps_z_noise": false,
"gps_xy_noise_range": 0.000125,
"gps_z_noise_range": 12.5,
"debug": false,
"test": false,
"health_record": true,
"location_cache": true,
"distance_unit": "km",
"reconnecting_timeout": 15,
"logging_color": true,
"daily_catch_limit": 800,
"catch": {
  "any": {"catch_above_cp": 0, "catch_above_iv": 0, "logic": "or"},
  "// Example of always catching Rattata:": {},
  "// Rattata": { "always_catch" : true }
"release": {
  "any": {"release_below_cp": 0, "release_below_iv": 0, "logic": "or"},
  "any": {"keep_best_iv": 2},
  "// Example of always releasing Rattata:": {},
  "// Rattata": {"always_release": true},
  "// Example of keeping 3 stronger (based on CP) Pidgey:": {},
  "// Pidgey": {"keep_best_cp": 3},
  "// Example of keeping 2 best (based on IV) Zubat:": {},
  "// Zubat": {"keep_best_iv": 2},
  "// Keep no more than 3 best IV pokemon for every pokemon type": {},
  "// any": {"keep_best_iv": 3},
  "// Discard all pokemon in bag except 100 pokemon with best CP": {},
  "// all": {"keep_best_cp": 100},
  "// Example of keeping the 2 strongest (based on CP) and 3 best (based on IV) Zubat:": {},
  "// Zubat": {"keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 3},
  "// Example of custom order of static criterion": {},
  "// Zubat": {"keep_best_custom": "iv, cp, hp_max", "amount":2}
"vips" : {
    "Any pokemon put here directly force to use Berry & Best Ball to capture, to secure the capture rate!": {},
    "any": {"catch_above_cp": 1200, "catch_above_iv": 0.9, "logic": "or" },
    "Lapras": {},
    "Moltres": {},
    "Zapdos": {},
    "Articuno": {},

    "// S-Tier pokemons (if pokemon can be evolved into tier, list the representative)": {},
    "Lapras": {},
    "Moltres": {},
    "Zapdos": {},
    "Articuno": {},
    "Bulbasaur": {},
    "Ivysaur": {},
    "Venusaur": {},
    "Charmander": {},
    "Charmeleon": {},
    "Charizard": {},
    "Squirtle": {},
    "Wartortle": {},
    "Blastoise": {},
    "Piedgeot": {},
    "Pikachu": {},
    "Arcanine": {},
    "Raichu": {},
    "Sandslash": {},
    "Ninetales": {},
    "Vileplume": {},
    "Golduck": {},
    "Poliwhirl": {},
    "Poliwrath": {},
    "Kadabra": {},
    "Alakazam": {},
    "Machoke": {},
    "Machamp": {},
    "Weepinbell": {},
    "Victreebel": {},
    "Golem": {},
    "Rapidash": {},
    "Muk": {},
    "Haunter": {},
    "Gengar": {},
    "Marowak": {},
    "Hitmonlee": {},
    "Hitmonchan": {},
    "Vaporeon": {},
    "Eevee": {},
    "Jolteon": {},
    "Flareon": {},
    "Porygon": {},
    "Omastar": {},
    "Aerodactyl": {},
    "Dratini": {},
    "Dragonair": {},
    "Dragonite": {},
    "Mewtwo": {},
    "Snorlax": {},
    "Gyarados": {},
    "Exeggutor": {},
    "Muk": {},
    "Weezing": {},
    "// Mew evolves to Mewtwo": {},
    "Mew": {}



Steps to Reproduce

run the PokemonGo-Bot-Start.bat

Other Information

OS: Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Branch: dev

Git Commit: Fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Python Version: 2.7.12

Any other relevant files/configs (eg: path files) windows 10 sux so does docker =/

MyShiLingStar commented 8 years ago

I can confirm I have similar issue where the web UI stop updating the position.

Usually after a "RandomAlivePause" with a "NotLoggedInException" like the one below.

File "pokecli.py", line 530, in main() File "pokecli.py", line 138, in main report_summary(bot) File "pokecli.py", line 147, in report_summary metrics.capture_stats() File "/home/raviss_e/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/metrics.py", line 76, in capture_stats response_dict = request.call() File "/home/raviss_e/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/api_wrapper.py", line 90, in call if not self.can_call(): File "/home/raviss_e/PokemonGo-Bot/pokemongo_bot/api_wrapper.py", line 58, in can_call raise NotLoggedInException() pgoapi.exceptions.NotLoggedInException

The simpleHTTPServer will only show "inventory" request but not "location" or "catchable" request.