PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
MIT License
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PolylineWalker no longer work in FollowPath with loitering #5248

Closed MyShiLingStar closed 8 years ago

MyShiLingStar commented 8 years ago

Expected Behavior

  1. Bot follow the path and walk to a point 1.
  2. Bot arrive at the point 1 and start loitering.
  3. Bot finish loitering at point 1 and follow the path and go to point 2 ...

    Actual Behavior

  4. Bot tried to follow the path but start loitering before reaching the point 1.
  5. Bot keeps start loitering right away before reaching any point at all.
  6. Resulting the bot no longer following any path but keep loitering around.

    Your FULL config.json (remove your username, password, gmapkey and any other private info)

{ "websocket_server": false, "heartbeat_threshold": 10, "enable_social": false, "live_config_update": { "enabled": false, "tasks_only": false }, "tasks": [ { "type": "TelegramTask", "config": { "enabled": false, "master": null, "// old syntax, still supported: alert_catch": ["all"], "// new syntax:": {}, "alert_catch": { "all": {"operator": "and", "cp": 1300, "iv": 0.95}, "Snorlax": {"operator": "or", "cp": 900, "iv": 0.9} } } }, { "//NOTE: This task MUST be placed on the top of task list": {}, "type": "RandomAlivePause", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_duration": "00:00:10", "max_duration": "00:10:00", "min_interval": "00:05:00", "max_interval": "01:30:00" } }, { "type": "HandleSoftBan" }, { "type": "RandomPause", "config": { "enabled": true, "min_duration": "00:02:00", "max_duration": "00:20:00", "min_interval": "00:10:00", "max_interval": "00:30:00" } }, { "type": "CompleteTutorial", "config": { "enabled": false, "// set a name": "", "nickname": "", "// 0 = No Team, 1 = Blue, 2 = Red, 3 = Yellow": "", "team": 0 } }, { "type": "CollectLevelUpReward", "config": { "collect_reward": true, "level_limit": -1 } }, { "type": "IncubateEggs", "config": { "enabled": true, "infinite_longer_eggs_first": false, "breakable_longer_eggs_first": true, "min_interval": 120, "infinite": [2,5,10], "breakable": [2,5,10] } }, { "type": "UpdateLiveStats", "config": { "enabled": true, "min_interval": 120, "stats": ["uptime", "level_stats", "xp_earned", "xp_per_hour", "stops_visited"], "terminal_log": true, "terminal_title": true } }, { "type": "UpdateLiveInventory", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_interval": 120, "show_all_multiple_lines": false, "items": ["pokemon_bag", "space_info", "pokeballs", "greatballs", "ultraballs", "razzberries", "luckyegg"] } }, { "type": "ShowBestPokemon", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_interval": 60, "amount": 5, "order_by": "cp", "info_to_show": ["cp", "ivcp", "dps", "hp"] } }, { "type": "TransferPokemon", "config": { "enabled": false, "min_free_slot": 5, "transfer_wait_min": 3, "transfer_wait_max": 5 } }, { "type": "NicknamePokemon", "config": { "enabled": false, "nickname_above_iv": 0.9, "nickname_template": "{ivpct}{iv_ads}", "nickname_wait_min": 3, "nickname_wait_max": 5 } }, { "type": "RecycleItems", "config": { "enabled": true, "min_empty_space": 5, "max_balls_keep": 150, "max_potions_keep": 50, "max_berries_keep": 70, "max_revives_keep": 70, "item_filter": { "Pokeball": { "keep" : 20 }, "Potion": { "keep" : 3 }, "Super Potion": { "keep" : 5 }, "Hyper Potion": { "keep" : 9 }, "Revive": { "keep" : 3 }, "Razz Berry": { "keep" : 20 } }, "recycle_wait_min": 3, "recycle_wait_max": 5, "recycle_force": false, "recycle_force_min": "00:01:00", "recycle_force_max": "00:05:00" } }, { "type": "CatchPokemon", "config": { "enabled": false, "catch_visible_pokemon": false, "catch_lured_pokemon": false, "min_ultraball_to_keep": 5, "berry_threshold": 0.35, "vip_berry_threshold": 0.9, "treat_unseen_as_vip": true, "daily_catch_limit": 800, "catch_throw_parameters": { "excellent_rate": 0.1, "great_rate": 0.5, "nice_rate": 0.3, "normal_rate": 0.1, "spin_success_rate" : 0.6, "hit_rate": 0.75 }, "catch_simulation": { "flee_count": 3, "flee_duration": 2, "catch_wait_min": 3, "catch_wait_max": 6, "berry_wait_min": 3, "berry_wait_max": 5, "changeball_wait_min": 3, "changeball_wait_max": 5, "newtodex_wait_min": 20, "newtodex_wait_max": 30 } } }, { "type": "SpinFort", "config": { "enabled": true, "spin_wait_min": 3, "spin_wait_max": 5, "daily_spin_limit": 1900 } }, { "type": "UpdateWebInventory", "config": { "enabled": false } }, { "type": "FollowPath", "config": { "enabled": true, "walker": "PolylineWalker", "path_mode": "loop", "path_start_mode": "closest", "path_file": "configs/path.json", "number_lap": -1, "timer_restart_min": "00:02:00", "timer_restart_max": "00:05:00" } }, { "type": "MoveToFort", "config": { "enabled": true, "lure_attraction": false, "lure_max_distance": 2000, "walker": "StepWalker", "log_interval": 5 } } ], "map_object_cache_time": 5, "forts": { "avoid_circles": true, "max_circle_size": 50, "cache_recent_forts": true }, "walk_max": 3.16, "walk_min": 1.16, "alt_min": 500, "alt_max": 1000, "sleep_schedule": [ { "time": "12:00", "duration": "1:00", "time_random_offset": "00:30", "duration_random_offset": "00:30", "wake_up_at_location": "" } ], "gps_default_altitude": 8.0, "replicate_gps_xy_noise": true, "replicate_gps_z_noise": true, "gps_xy_noise_range": 0.000125, "gps_z_noise_range": 12.5, "debug": false, "test": false, "walker_limit_output": true, "health_record": false, "location_cache": true, "distance_unit": "km", "reconnecting_timeout": 15, "logging": { "color": true, "show_datetime": true, "show_process_name": true, "show_log_level": true, "show_thread_name": false } }

Output when issue occurred

[2016-09-06 10:15:33] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (34.017514061580655, -118.4981729067343, 28.41121482849121) to (34.0154682, -118.4940773, 8.0), distance left: (0.44 km) .. [2016-09-06 10:15:33] [FollowPath] [INFO] Loitering for 120 seconds... -Loitering- [2016-09-06 10:17:44] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (34.0189508749339, -118.49902821769712, 31.98897552490234) to (34.0136095, -118.4938198, 8.0), distance left: (0.76 km) .. [2016-09-06 10:17:44] [FollowPath] [INFO] Loitering for 120 seconds... -Loitering- [2016-09-06 10:19:51] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (34.01884558125785, -118.4974402641989, 31.40217971801758) to (34.0114217, -118.492071, 8.0), distance left: (0.96 km) .. [2016-09-06 10:19:51] [FollowPath] [INFO] Loitering for 120 seconds... -Loitering- [2016-09-06 10:21:59] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (34.0202251628714, -118.49676640500223, 34.44631958007812) to (34.0092695, -118.4971806, 8.0), distance left: (1.22 km) .. [2016-09-06 10:21:59] [FollowPath] [INFO] Loitering for 120 seconds... [2016-09-06 10:22:27] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards... [2016-09-06 10:22:31] [ SpinFort] [INFO]...

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Setup a path with loiter setting.
  2. Add the task "FollowPath" and choose the "walker" to be "PolylineWalker".

    Other Information

OS: Win 10 Branch: master Git Commit: d4addb06c1910384c010e9fb4ee5a367953b8d00 Python Version: Python 2.7.12 Any other relevant files/configs (eg: path files)

[ {"location": "34.009269564176414, -118.49718064069748, 10", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.01007443455227, -118.4954908490181, 10", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.01191093341979, -118.4954908490181, 26", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.013467257297066, -118.49735766649245, 27", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.01489905006794, -118.49705994129181, 33", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.01754913695191, -118.50018203258513, 31"}, {"location": "34.01831391174419, -118.4992164373398, 38"}, {"location": "34.015646062797465, -118.4961050748825, 33", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.01546820321998, -118.49407732486725, 33", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.01360954834248, -118.49381983280183, 38", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.011421797166484, -118.49207103252411, 19", "loiter": 120}, {"location": "34.00934071324632, -118.49724233150484, 10"} ]

P.S. "StepWalker" does not seems to have the same problem.

alexyaoyang commented 8 years ago

@mjmadsen Might this be related to your changes?

mjmadsen commented 8 years ago

@Anakin5 @th3w4y Will the PR you're working on resolve this too? Otherwise I can look for an intermediary patch.

mjmadsen commented 8 years ago

@ShiLingStar Can you show me the StepWalker log?

I'm curious because the starting position for each position_update isn't at the last coord we moved (does loiter wander around?). It also looks like it's teleporting to a rounded variant of the waypoint coords set.

mjmadsen commented 8 years ago

@ShiLingStar They (anakin5 and th3w4y) have identified problems with the system on Windows in their walker improvement PR. They are aware and have a plan to fix - but that particular problem may not be related to your problem. If you could put up a long from StepWalker, and perhaps a web path image for each - I would find it quite helpful.

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

Can you explain briefly what this task is supposed to do so that I can see if our current implementation will be able to manage it ?

mjmadsen commented 8 years ago

I think it arrives at the point and waits around for the specified number of seconds. Apart from that, I have no idea - don't use path or loiter. :frowning:

deception83 commented 8 years ago

@mjmadsen @Anakin5 I'm experiencing the same problem. It seems like "follow path (polyline)" immediately assume that we have reached the next waypoint and perform 'loiter' without even moving although it knows that there is a distance between current location to the next waypoint.

As for "follow path (stepwalker)" it does correctly detects the distance and proceeds to walk to the waypoint.

As to what loiter does, to my understanding, upon reaching the waypoint which has been tagged to loiter for X seconds. It will perform the next task as listed in the config file ie. MovetoFort, Follow Cluster, etc.

Below is the logs I have for the 2 different walkers.

This is if Polyline Walker is being used. (Ignore the first distance to the waypoint as I directly teleported there)

[2016-09-07 14:49:31] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.00 km) .. [2016-09-07 14:49:31] [FollowPath] [INFO] Loitering for 150 seconds... [2016-09-07 14:49:31] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Tang Plaza - 0.06km [2016-09-07 14:49:34] [ShowBestPokemon] [INFO] [Dragonite, CP 1903, IVCP 0.61, DPS 15.04, HP 110/110] | [Dragonite, CP 1731, IVCP 0.69, DPS 12.94, HP 104/104] | [Exeggutor, CP 1672, IVCP 0.93, DPS 12.63, HP 120/120] | [Snorlax, CP 1592, IVCP 0.96, DPS 14.76, HP 188/188] | [Slowbro, CP 1312, IVCP 0.51, DPS 11.93, HP 115/115] [2016-09-07 14:49:36] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Skip ignored Rattata! [CP 265] [Potential 0.47] [A/D/S 8/8/5] [2016-09-07 14:49:37] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Tang Plaza - 0.05km [2016-09-07 14:49:40] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop Tang Plaza. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 4x Pokeball [2016-09-07 14:49:44] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop The Vase Statue - 0.06km [2016-09-07 14:49:50] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop The Vase Statue - 0.05km [2016-09-07 14:49:53] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Skip ignored Rattata! [CP 247] [Potential 0.38] [A/D/S 10/3/4] [2016-09-07 14:49:55] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop The Vase Statue - 0.05km [2016-09-07 14:50:01] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop The Vase Statue - 0.04km [2016-09-07 14:50:07] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop The Vase Statue. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 3x Pokeball, 1x Greatball [2016-09-07 14:50:11] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Glitterphant - 0.06km [2016-09-07 14:50:17] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Glitterphant - 0.05km [2016-09-07 14:50:22] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Glitterphant - 0.04km [2016-09-07 14:50:27] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Glitterphant - 0.04km [2016-09-07 14:50:29] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop Glitterphant. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 1x Potion, 1x Greatball, 1x Super Potion [2016-09-07 14:50:33] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.09km [2016-09-07 14:50:35] [IncubateEggs] [INFO] Eggs incubating: [0.97/5.0 km](Eggs left: 8, Incubating: 1) [2016-09-07 14:50:35] [ShowBestPokemon] [INFO] [Dragonite, CP 1903, IVCP 0.61, DPS 15.04, HP 110/110] | [Dragonite, CP 1731, IVCP 0.69, DPS 12.94, HP 104/104] | [Exeggutor, CP 1672, IVCP 0.93, DPS 12.63, HP 120/120] | [Snorlax, CP 1592, IVCP 0.96, DPS 14.76, HP 188/188] | [Slowbro, CP 1312, IVCP 0.51, DPS 11.93, HP 115/115] [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer [2016-09-07 14:50:39] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.09km [2016-09-07 14:50:44] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.08km [2016-09-07 14:50:49] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.07km [2016-09-07 14:50:59] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.06km [2016-09-07 14:51:05] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.06km [2016-09-07 14:51:13] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.05km [2016-09-07 14:51:19] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Kirin Kiwo - 0.05km [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer [2016-09-07 14:51:24] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop Kirin Kiwo. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 1x Potion, 2x Pokeball, 1x Greatball [2016-09-07 14:51:29] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Tree Fern Sign - 0.08km [2016-09-07 14:51:35] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Tree Fern Sign - 0.07km [2016-09-07 14:51:36] [ShowBestPokemon] [INFO] [Dragonite, CP 1903, IVCP 0.61, DPS 15.04, HP 110/110] | [Dragonite, CP 1731, IVCP 0.69, DPS 12.94, HP 104/104] | [Exeggutor, CP 1672, IVCP 0.93, DPS 12.63, HP 120/120] | [Snorlax, CP 1592, IVCP 0.96, DPS 14.76, HP 188/188] | [Slowbro, CP 1312, IVCP 0.51, DPS 11.93, HP 115/115] [2016-09-07 14:51:40] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Tree Fern Sign - 0.07km [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer [2016-09-07 14:51:45] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Tree Fern Sign - 0.05km [2016-09-07 14:51:51] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Tree Fern Sign - 0.04km [2016-09-07 14:51:54] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop Tree Fern Sign. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 1x Potion, 1x Pokeball, 1x Greatball [2016-09-07 14:52:00] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Girontondo Ring Dance - 0.07km [2016-09-07 14:52:04] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304393390750219, 103.83317681185609, 23.06998100138842) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.09 km) .. [2016-09-07 14:52:05] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043653263536008, 103.83316282930208, 26.49545288085938) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.26 km) .. [2016-09-07 14:52:05] [FollowPath] [INFO] Loitering for 150 seconds... [2016-09-07 14:52:05] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Girontondo Ring Dance - 0.06km (attraction of lure 0.06km) [2016-09-07 14:52:11] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Girontondo Ring Dance - 0.04km (attraction of lure 0.04km) [2016-09-07 14:52:14] [CatchPokemon] [INFO] Lured pokemon at fort Girontondo Ring Dance (6d929139c5ea4351afa386c35d3d94a9.16) [2016-09-07 14:52:14] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] A wild Beedrill appeared! [CP 233] [NCP 0.16] [Potential 0.09] [A/D/S 2/0/2] [2016-09-07 14:52:20] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Threw a Razz Berry! Catch rate with Greatball is now: 31.03 [2016-09-07 14:52:28] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] OK throw! Used Greatball, with chance 31.03 (4 left) [2016-09-07 14:52:28] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Beedrill capture failed.. trying again! [2016-09-07 14:52:36] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Threw a Razz Berry! Catch rate with Greatball is now: 31.03 [2016-09-07 14:52:43] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Nice Curveball throw! Used Greatball, with chance 31.03 (3 left) [2016-09-07 14:52:44] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Pokeball thrown to Beedrill missed.. trying again! [2016-09-07 14:52:54] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] OK Curveball throw! Used Greatball, with chance 31.03 (2 left) [2016-09-07 14:52:54] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Captured Beedrill! [CP 233] [NCP 0.16] [Potential 0.09] 2/0/2 [+110 exp] [+100 stardust] [2016-09-07 14:52:54] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] You now have 13 Weedle candy! ^C[2016-09-07 14:52:57] [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Bot caught SIGINT. Shutting down. [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Ran for 0:04:34 [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Total XP Earned: 555 Average: 7295.12/h [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Travelled 0.00km [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Visited 6 stops [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Encountered 6 pokemon, 2 caught, 0 released, 0 evolved, 0 never seen before () [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Threw 6 pokeballs [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Earned 200 Stardust [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Hatched eggs 0 [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Next egg hatches in 4.03 km [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Highest CP Pokemon: Beedrill [CP: 233] [IV: 2/0/2] Potential: 0.09 [2016-09-07 14:52:58] [ cli] [INFO] Most Perfect Pokemon: Paras [CP: 186] [IV: 13/13/2] Potential: 0.62 Wed Sep 7 14:52:58 SGT 2016 Pokebot Stopped. Press any button or wait 20 seconds to continue.

This is using Stepwalker

[2016-09-07 15:00:26] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3041633752626591, 103.83314108925119, 8.156870580397785) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.10 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:27] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3041680410372003, 103.83312544360054, 7.965861105303709) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.09 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:28] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304185039843822, 103.83309639459928, 7.812104163029886) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.09 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:30] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304193235698557, 103.83307625840679, 7.6976261187156565) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.09 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:31] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3042026663219264, 103.83305494826017, 7.838623976566118) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.09 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:32] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3042124944709073, 103.83303577344228, 7.962934339291948) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.08 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:33] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304226788930364, 103.8330112157395, 8.085424197008262) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.08 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:34] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304235965026269, 103.8329850995272, 8.01382952851011) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.08 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:35] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3042489779828257, 103.8329656167008, 8.09674861030856) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.07 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:36] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3042571339520022, 103.83295408316012, 8.184807377749072) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.07 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:38] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3042646984974904, 103.83294155202128, 8.00154965082752) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.07 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:39] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3042811917818495, 103.83291361294951, 8.16922678489739) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.07 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:40] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3042910218213377, 103.83289178299226, 8.341142794664457) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.06 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:41] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043030415734886, 103.83286725596352, 8.148966698276043) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.06 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:43] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043118660041433, 103.8328423415662, 8.060859866349402) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.06 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:43] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Skip ignored Rattata! [CP 265] [Potential 0.47] [A/D/S 8/8/5] [2016-09-07 15:00:45] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304319165927492, 103.83282675708372, 8.190643732054765) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.06 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:46] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043264448426166, 103.8328033658972, 8.048561442875132) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.05 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:48] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043364272471554, 103.83278245912717, 8.174001249629926) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.05 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:48] [ShowBestPokemon] [INFO] [Dragonite, CP 1903, IVCP 0.61, DPS 15.04, HP 110/110] | [Dragonite, CP 1731, IVCP 0.69, DPS 12.94, HP 104/104] | [Exeggutor, CP 1672, IVCP 0.93, DPS 12.63, HP 120/120] | [Snorlax, CP 1592, IVCP 0.96, DPS 14.76, HP 188/188] | [Slowbro, CP 1312, IVCP 0.51, DPS 11.93, HP 115/115] [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer [2016-09-07 15:00:49] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043551645003468, 103.83275187049429, 8.055183751412988) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.05 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:51] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043647846408548, 103.83272687956861, 8.066549249037784) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.04 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:52] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304377372597045, 103.83270906083422, 8.236791496552712) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.04 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:53] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043867319145948, 103.83268698973237, 8.12438234727511) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.04 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:54] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043949737303302, 103.8326757737968, 8.148481050934317) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.04 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:56] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044015459090388, 103.83265066635605, 8.258006246973423) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.04 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:58] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044034620446643, 103.832635589512, 8.389533169553417) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.03 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:00:59] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044076061069547, 103.83261592224542, 8.518364031785604) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.03 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:02] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304420835765141, 103.83259515916198, 8.355315353482688) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.03 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:03] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044270896321148, 103.83258076844355, 8.44526867523393) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.03 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:04] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044408840251558, 103.8325548275484, 8.428410485381903) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.02 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:05] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044490169188283, 103.8325293051157, 8.34457329325657) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.02 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:07] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044607075723087, 103.83250451483767, 8.234082289859503) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.02 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:08] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop ION Orchard. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 2x Pokeball, 1x Revive [2016-09-07 15:01:15] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044674800205143, 103.83248496306572, 8.049626059858896) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.02 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:17] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044767655618796, 103.83247296244244, 7.978851575513665) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.01 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:19] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044847248502076, 103.83244748880463, 7.832849009396927) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.01 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:21] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304494175560978, 103.83242447111657, 7.92331919769774) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.01 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:22] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3045071012245044, 103.83239461406771, 8.046739210649466) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.00 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:01:22] [FollowPath] [INFO] Loitering for 150 seconds... [2016-09-07 15:01:22] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Van Gogh Au Chevalet - 0.06km (attraction of lure 0.06km) [2016-09-07 15:01:26] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Skip ignored Rattata! [CP 145] [Potential 0.6] [A/D/S 7/9/11] [2016-09-07 15:01:27] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Skip ignored Pidgey! [CP 348] [Potential 0.33] [A/D/S 4/3/8] [2016-09-07 15:01:29] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Van Gogh Au Chevalet - 0.05km (attraction of lure 0.05km) [2016-09-07 15:01:34] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Van Gogh Au Chevalet - 0.05km (attraction of lure 0.05km) [2016-09-07 15:01:40] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Van Gogh Au Chevalet - 0.04km (attraction of lure 0.04km) [2016-09-07 15:01:45] [CatchPokemon] [INFO] Lured pokemon at fort Van Gogh Au Chevalet (ab1fa7b36ccb49c89e7fc0718af15bd0.16) [2016-09-07 15:01:45] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] A wild Spearow appeared! [CP 298] [NCP 0.43] [Potential 0.4] [A/D/S 10/1/7] [2016-09-07 15:01:55] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Nice Curveball throw! Used Greatball, with chance 47.94 (2 left) [2016-09-07 15:01:56] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Pokeball thrown to Spearow missed.. trying again! [2016-09-07 15:02:11] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] OK throw! Used Greatball, with chance 47.94 (1 left) [2016-09-07 15:02:12] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Spearow capture failed.. trying again! [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer [2016-09-07 15:02:24] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Nice Curveball throw! Used Greatball, with chance 47.94 (0 left) [2016-09-07 15:02:25] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Spearow capture failed.. trying again! [2016-09-07 15:02:29] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Threw a Razz Berry! Catch rate with Pokeball is now: 52.93 [2016-09-07 15:02:33] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Great Curveball throw! Used Pokeball, with chance 52.93 (94 left) [2016-09-07 15:02:34] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Pokeball thrown to Spearow missed.. trying again! [2016-09-07 15:02:43] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] OK Curveball throw! Used Pokeball, with chance 52.93 (93 left) [2016-09-07 15:02:44] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Captured Spearow! [CP 298] [NCP 0.43] [Potential 0.4] 10/1/7 [+110 exp] [+100 stardust] [2016-09-07 15:02:44] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] You now have 25 Spearow candy! [2016-09-07 15:02:49] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Van Gogh Au Chevalet - 0.04km (attraction of lure 0.04km) [2016-09-07 15:02:51] [IncubateEggs] [INFO] Eggs incubating: [1.00/5.0 km](Eggs left: 8, Incubating: 1) [2016-09-07 15:02:51] [ShowBestPokemon] [INFO] [Dragonite, CP 1903, IVCP 0.61, DPS 15.04, HP 110/110] | [Dragonite, CP 1731, IVCP 0.69, DPS 12.94, HP 104/104] | [Exeggutor, CP 1672, IVCP 0.93, DPS 12.63, HP 120/120] | [Snorlax, CP 1592, IVCP 0.96, DPS 14.76, HP 188/188] | [Slowbro, CP 1312, IVCP 0.51, DPS 11.93, HP 115/115] [2016-09-07 15:02:51] [PokemonOptimizer] [INFO] Pokemon Bag: 221/250 [2016-09-07 15:02:51] [RecycleItems] [INFO] Forcing item recycle based on schedule [2016-09-07 15:02:51] [RecycleItems] [INFO] Next forced item recycle at 15:07:16 [2016-09-07 15:02:54] [ItemRecycler] [INFO] Discarded 1x Revive. [2016-09-07 15:02:58] [ItemRecycler] [INFO] Discarded 13x Pokeball. [2016-09-07 15:03:02] [ItemRecycler] [INFO] Discarded 5x Potion. [2016-09-07 15:03:07] [ItemRecycler] [INFO] Discarded 1x Super Potion. [2016-09-07 15:03:11] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop Van Gogh Au Chevalet. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 1x Razz Berry, 3x Pokeball [2016-09-07 15:03:16] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Ba Panda - 0.07km [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer [2016-09-07 15:03:20] [PokemonCatchWorker] [INFO] Skip ignored Rattata! [CP 177] [Potential 0.69] [A/D/S 8/15/8] [2016-09-07 15:03:22] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Ba Panda - 0.07km [2016-09-07 15:03:28] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Ba Panda - 0.06km [2016-09-07 15:03:33] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Ba Panda - 0.05km [2016-09-07 15:03:39] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Ba Panda - 0.05km [2016-09-07 15:03:46] [MoveToFort] [INFO] Moving towards pokestop Ba Panda - 0.04km [2016-09-07 15:03:49] [ SpinFort] [INFO] Spun pokestop Ba Panda. Experience awarded: 50. Items awarded: 3x Pokeball [2016-09-07 15:03:54] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044578310169492, 103.83204595892437, 7.533369392345174) to (1.304528, 103.83236, 8.0), distance left: (0.04 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:03:54] [ShowBestPokemon] [INFO] [Dragonite, CP 1903, IVCP 0.61, DPS 15.04, HP 110/110] | [Dragonite, CP 1731, IVCP 0.69, DPS 12.94, HP 104/104] | [Exeggutor, CP 1672, IVCP 0.93, DPS 12.63, HP 120/120] | [Snorlax, CP 1592, IVCP 0.96, DPS 14.76, HP 188/188] | [Slowbro, CP 1312, IVCP 0.51, DPS 11.93, HP 115/115] [2016-09-07 15:03:59] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044595453711534, 103.83207040257784, 7.658823176582968) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.37 km) .. [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer [2016-09-07 15:04:00] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304448503622904, 103.8320885161808, 7.518522525682169) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.37 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:01] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044438116489194, 103.8321108347401, 7.445914716934588) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.37 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:02] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044348418408123, 103.83213032761418, 7.3967972145802365) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.36 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:03] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.304427888395851, 103.83215786830218, 7.321163823498077) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.36 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:04] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044173784083508, 103.83218013271659, 7.1731895887294375) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.36 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:08] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3044048689545134, 103.83220912600173, 7.186830978104598) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.36 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:12] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043890738227646, 103.83224083076921, 7.136280632783603) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.35 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:13] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043837580060307, 103.8322625302301, 7.290994670774462) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.35 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:15] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043717233394547, 103.83228294659652, 7.3588397249465505) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.35 km) .. [2016-09-07 15:04:16] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (1.3043585605179087, 103.83230986891654, 7.492758299737591) to (1.303149, 103.835146, 8.0), distance left: (0.34 km) .. ^C[2016-09-07 15:04:19] [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Bot caught SIGINT. Shutting down. [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Ran for 0:04:41 [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Total XP Earned: 385 Average: 4935.39/h [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Travelled 0.03km [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Visited 5 stops [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Encountered 6 pokemon, 1 caught, 0 released, 0 evolved, 0 never seen before () [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Threw 7 pokeballs [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Earned 100 Stardust [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Hatched eggs 0 [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Next egg hatches in 4.00 km [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Highest CP Pokemon: Spearow [CP: 298] [IV: 10/1/7] Potential: 0.4 [2016-09-07 15:04:20] [ cli] [INFO] Most Perfect Pokemon: Spearow [CP: 298] [IV: 10/1/7] Potential: 0.4 Wed Sep 7 15:04:20 SGT 2016 Pokebot Stopped. Press any button or wait 20 seconds to continue.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

It is most mostly only a display issue.. That will be fixed in https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/pull/5184

th3w4y commented 2 days ago • edited This will also fix some display related issues... it will no longer display going from O to D when we need to pass through points [a-z]

Currently it emits going from O to a, a to b, b to c .... z to D

The new approach will display: Going from O to D, a to D, b to D, .... z to D

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

@deception83 also in https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/pull/5184

StepWalker will return False for those cases... when final destination is not reached...

If the follow task you only need to handle return True/False from the walker.step() method you should not look at distances...

In the commit that the bug opener refers: https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/commit/d4addb06c1910384c010e9fb4ee5a367953b8d00 we were anyway returning still False... (unless closer then 10meters to the destination... I guess I am indirectly confirming the bug you are mentioning here Yes it could have loitered in the 10m vicinity) https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/blob/d4addb06c1910384c010e9fb4ee5a367953b8d00/pokemongo_bot/walkers/polyline_walker.py#L26

Never mind this also is fixed in https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/pull/5184

deception83 commented 8 years ago

@th3w4y cool shall wait for the next commit fix.


deception83 commented 8 years ago

Seems that it had been solved with the latest dev commit 6aea15fc0a201d529de8c9d4cb3bf19cebc1cbb4

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

@ShiLingStar & @deception83 thanks for reporting and checking that the issue is fixed!