PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

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"FollowPath" Did not work. #5362

Open maxprzemo opened 8 years ago

maxprzemo commented 8 years ago

Expected Behavior

Working "FollowPath"

Actual Behavior

A week ago everything worked (I have not used a bot by week) . No changes to the settings (I do not see the changes to be introduced in config.json).

FULL config.json


Output when issue occurred

[2016-09-10 09:49:07] [MainThread] [FollowPath] [INFO] Great job, lot of calories burned! Taking a break now for 0:27:15, will resume at 10:16:22.

The first point of "path_file" It is the end of the loop. I cleaned folder /PokemonGo-Bot/data , I cleaned files cells-XXXXX.json, last-location-XXXXXX.json, XXX.db, mqtt_client_id

"MoveToFort" works correctly

Other Information

OS: Debian 8.5 Branch: master Git Commit: ./setup.sh -r today morning

Lntnam commented 8 years ago

How do you define "not working".

You didn't provide any problem statement in your post.

maxprzemo commented 8 years ago

I wrote The first point of "path_file" It is the end of the loop. [INFO] Great job, lot of calories burned! Taking a break now for 0:27:15, will resume at 10:16:22

Bot should visit over a dozen points. And not only the first. I do not see error in the file .json

[ {"location": "51.649248, 17.815931"}, {"location": "51.649298, 17.817352"}, {"location": "51.650875, 17.817767"}, {"location": "51.650092, 17.821311"}, {"location": "51.648132, 17.821406"}, {"location": "51.647845, 17.819335"}, {"location": "51.647224, 17.817184"}, {"location": "51.647391, 17.814938"}, {"location": "51.645923, 17.814339"}, {"location": "51.643867, 17.814540"}, {"location": "51.644918, 17.813323"}, {"location": "51.647485, 17.811350"}, {"location": "51.649158, 17.811037"}, {"location": "51.648709, 17.812522"} ] A week ago everything worked. I do not see in the documentation of changes.

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

Need more log, giving us only the last line is not going to help a lot. Where are the lines "Walking from..." and every other logs output by the FoolowPath task ?

maxprzemo commented 8 years ago


Edit: "StepWalker" Works correctly. Something is broken on the line "FollowPath" -> "PolylineWalker"

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

It only looks like you are already at he final location but cannot confirm because you removed your starting position.. Maybe put more loop than only one in your config.

maxprzemo commented 8 years ago

"MoveToFort" -> "walker": "StepWalker" It works "MoveToFort" -> "walker": "PolylineWalker" It works "FollowPath" -> "walker": "StepWalker" It works "FollowPath" -> "walker": "PolylineWalker" Does not want to work

I'm sorry that it did not immediately turned off "walker_limit_output": false, Now you can see in the log much more http://hastebin.com/hiwalaredu.coffee

See "distance left:" Each step is another target. 13 steps to 13 targets with my file path.json Bot has walked only a few meters zrzut ekranu z 2016-09-10 18 53 34

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

Should be fine now after my PR is merged

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

@maxprzemo your output seems correct in regards to increase decrease in distances...

See "distance left:" Each step is another target. 13 steps to 13 targets with my file path.json Bot has walked only a few meters

We don't handle yet displaying of the real walking distances when using PolylineWalker What you see there as an increase and decrease in distance is the fact that you took a corner....

For display the point-to-point distance is used which is smaller then the polyline distance for the walking path....

Now you can see in the log much more http://hastebin.com/hiwalaredu.coffee

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

Was this here?.. as I see you took a corner....

screen shot 2016-09-11 at 22 59 16
julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

I fix the issue, his problem comes from the dist < 1 in FollowPath task.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

@Anakin5 yes you fixed it i confirm!

I was providing a comment regarding the decrease-increase in the displayed distance

See "distance left:"

We still have a issue there In all PolylineWalker tasks.. but to fix that... Tasks would need a step_walker.get_remaining_dist() instead of calculating the distances themselves or something...

but since he was only side-mentioning this... I consider it low priority thus I would possibly close this bug as fixed... (having in mind that a huge refactor would be needed to fix that display issue... and weighting the value against work involved)

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

Wait a second... http://hastebin.com/hiwalaredu.coffee

The walking speed is hugely strange... 70-200m/s

Don't want to zoom yet... @Anakin5 you probably have the code still fresh in your mind... was that related with the bug you fixed... is there any possibility that the bug would have manifested as these speed bumps as below?

[2016-09-10 18:52:33] [MainThread] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (51.649009968668885, 17.817190031250046, 135.2562561035156) to (51.645923, 17.814339, 8.0), distance left: (0.40 km) ..
[2016-09-10 18:52:34] [MainThread] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (51.64898998661595, 17.81721003114866, 135.2562561035156) to (51.643867, 17.81454, 8.0), distance left: (0.60 km) ..
[2016-09-10 18:52:35] [MainThread] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (51.64897092415763, 17.81725439513088, 135.4530792236328) to (51.644918, 17.813323, 8.0), distance left: (0.53 km) ..
[2016-09-10 18:52:36] [MainThread] [FollowPath] [INFO] Walking from (51.648959984976194, 17.817280059939826, 135.5178833007812) to (51.647485, 17.81135, 8.0), distance left: (0.44 km) ..
julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

@th3w4y I have still 2 issues to fix in a commit PR. One is related to the fact that we don't always sleep 1 second between step(). The effect is that we can have sudden speed bump because step is called several times per second. The second issue is that there is a scenario in which we never converge to the final destination.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago


1) I though the sleep one was fixed... in dev

One is related to the fact that we don't always sleep 1 second between step().

now it all makes sense... he is using master...

OS: Debian 8.5 Branch: master Git Commit: ./setup.sh -r today morning

2) we don't get close enough to return True you mean? That is strange... This one should also have been fixed in dev.... [the whole rewrite of PolylineWalker and StepWalker are not in master yet i believe...]

The second issue is that there is a scenario in which we never converge to the final destination.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

@solderzzc when do we plan to merge dev into master?

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

@th3w4y When we do not converge, it is not because we do not get close enough. I do not have yet the source of the problem but at some point and under certain conditions, the get_next_position enter an infinite loop and repeatedly make us navigate in a very small area without getting closer to the destination, ever.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

@Anakin5 is dev right?

It is in stepWalker?

because i don't see the offset_angle formula anymore... offset_angle = (100/self.speed)*(precision/1.74) where did that one disappeared?

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

random_azi = uniform(inverse["azi1"] - 90, inverse["azi1"] + 90) is much more then precision + epsilon https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/commit/755ef56d6c123a3ee5fcc76ed5120b30c7aa6746#commitcomment-18983106

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

It is an angle, precision is a distance

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

you are calculated the theoretical distance then offset by and angle.... (if that is more then offset_angle it can tick back....)

you are getting close then tick back... then tick back.... then distance is alway > precision + epsilon

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

The important thing to see in this block is next_lat, next_lng

random_azi = uniform(line.azi1 - 90, line.azi1 + 90)
random_dist = uniform(0.0, self.precision)
direct = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(next_lat, next_lng, random_azi, random_dist)

Anyway, I think the issue comes from the MoveToFort task. I have a scenario in which the MoveToFort makes us switch between 2 forts forever.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

offset_angle was making sure that the azimuth modification were towards the direction of walking.... +/- x degrees to the current azimuth in such a way that the arrival destination was only one "precission" away from the theoretical... but towards the final destination...

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

I let you read it and draw it on paper. You will see that the angle between origin and the final computed next is always towards the destination.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

you have +/- 90

if angle is 90 degrees... distancetodest**2 = 2(precission+eps**2) distancetodest > precission+eps

or actually to generalize for any angle > +/- 60 degrees distancetodest > precission+eps

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago


th3w4y commented 8 years ago

When random azimuth is +/-90

In the destination vicinity.... (precision distance from destination...)

You will never converge... for angles > +/- 60 degrees

screen shot 2016-09-12 at 13 52 28
julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

I don't see the problem on your graph, Starting from origin, any point in the red area is a valid point and contribute to go toward the destination. The starting point is Origin, it is not 1st next. I highlighted 1st next because we compute two next_point in the get_next_destination function.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

check my update on your graph... https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/5362#issuecomment-246324525

Green areas have a potential to not converge... in precision vicinity from destination...

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

Can you put a legend ? I don't understand what is the new black line and the new black point.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

new black point is the final destination....!!!!!

black line was distance to the most extreme point to destination...

Check update above... https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/5362#issuecomment-246325429

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

so the red half circle is around it like that: image

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

Ohh i see so is self correcting in next step you mean...

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

You are never more that precision away from the theoretical path, and you move along the theoretical path. So mathematically, at some point, your are less than precision away from your destination.

You can, in extreme random cases, get a bit further from your destination than you were at previous point, but that is giving you more chance to get closer at the next step.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

Yes.. i see i was missing that it will self correct on next step...

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

The center of the red circle is not the origin point (the previous step point). It is the next calculated point along the theoretical path.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

Hey I am thinking that if you change that angle to +/- 60 you will converge directly... and would be safer....

Otherwise you might have a worker Task that does not receive the proper awaited "True" and does not do its stuff at destination...


  1. identifyDestinations_based_on_distance()!!! but discarding the too close ones...
  2. create_step_walker()
  3. step_walker.step()
  4. wait _for_true()
  5. do stuff if True... (at destination...)

When such a Task loops... it will select a new destination at part (1.) but never did received True in ( 4.) thus would have not ever executed (5.)

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

You are supposed to call step() until it is true. You cannot predict the fact that the walker might be a polyline and thus might go away from your destination because that is how the road is. So even if you choose a destination at 10 meters from you and your speed is 10, it is not a guarantee that the next step will return true.

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

I am referring to smaller distances... around precission...

But in principle if +/- 60 degrees should be safer and still correct why not use that? why would you want to have few extra steps (at random times....) until it converges?

Look in follow_cluster... it can make the difference between this message being displayed or not ""Arrived at cluster. {num_points} {forts} pokestops are in a range of {radius}m radius."" ... while SpinFort spins the fort and removes if from the fort list.

(follow_cluster is probably the most non-standard code anyway... :) no WorkerStatus.RUNNING nor SUCCESS :) most probably the SpinFort remove the closest fort way before being close to destination... since MAX_DISTANCE_FORT_IS_REACHABLE = 38... but i was giving that as an close enough example to illustrate what one extra step could result in.... )

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

Can you describe the scenario in which you see it diverging ? Is it a bit more than precision or a bit less ?

th3w4y commented 8 years ago

Or this one if not step_walker.step()

        if pokemon['is_vip'] or nearest_fort is None:
            # lock catching(with pokemon_id specified) while moving to vip pokemon or no fort around
            self.bot.capture_locked = pokemon['pokemon_id']
            step_walker = self._move_to(pokemon)
            if not step_walker.step():

                if pokemon['dist'] < Constants.MAX_DISTANCE_POKEMON_IS_REACHABLE:
                    self.bot.capture_locked = False  # unlock catch_worker
                    return WorkerResult.SUCCESS
                    return WorkerResult.RUNNING

            step_walker = self._move_to_pokemon_througt_fort(nearest_fort, pokemon)
            if not step_walker or not step_walker.step():
                return WorkerResult.RUNNING

If i look deep i also think we might have broke movetomap while refactoring StepWalker... https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/4540

julienlavergne commented 8 years ago

Which part do you think is broken ? What is the scenario ?

avexus commented 7 years ago

Question, what is the diameter with in the path will the bot spin the poke stop? I have a path file too. copied from some map that i know of. when i copied those coordinates from google map, and put them into the path file, only half of the stops are spun.