PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
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Proposal for ConcurentWalking "Rickshaw" sharing between the tasks that have to walk #5367

Closed th3w4y closed 7 years ago

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

Below proposal is related to all tasks that are changing bot.position [via StepWalker]

Currently we achieve already a great deal (almost everywhere) to standardise the bot.position changes to only use the StepWalker.step() [be it the PolylineWalker(StepWalker)]


Identified Issues:

Reason for the proposal against a refactoring alternative:

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

Metaphor: I propose the tasks to befriend each other and share the "Rickshaw" of the task that that drives to the closest destination.

Implementation details: Proposal for decorator that stores all tasks destinations and returns them to the Task call only in a smarter way... based on a distance cost calculation

Assumming bot.position (0,0)

Will check:

import inspect

class ConcurrentWalking(object):
    # this will store all previously seen walker object and validate/ invalidate them
    _WALKER_CONTAINER = data_container_for_all_StepWalker objects # [] or {} - to be defined!!!

    def _step(foo):
        def magic(self):
            caller_stack = inspect.stack()[1][0]
            if 'self' in caller_stack.f_locals.keys():
                # We identified the callerTask
                callerTask = caller_stack.f_locals['self'].__class__.__name__
                #   is this the same callerTask object with same destination validate invalidate 
                # cache..
                #                               ... main logic to be defined....
                #     Here we'd also look up the existing walker in the _WALKER_CONTAINER
                #               and will identify their costs
                # ####################################################

                if cost(callerTask) == smallestCost:
                    return False
                # This is a pure new StepWalker().step() thus we return unmodified!
        return magic
    def step(self):
    _step = staticmethod(_step)
th3w4y commented 7 years ago

And (this with all the cost calculations explained above for every tasks...) would be activated easily by decorating the step() in the StepWalker [the only change to existing code]

class StepWalker(object):
    # The only change in StepWalker would be decorating the step() function!!!!
    def step(self, speed=1):
th3w4y commented 7 years ago

I would want your input:

For the moment i will make two big assumptions:

sohje commented 7 years ago

Just sleepy thoughts: why not just implement some sort of priority queue with some kind of limit over Walker; on step() method we will extract and calculate less cost position and move to that coords, etc?

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

@sohje I am afraid that might not fix everything...

And anyway there is not much difference between your suggestion and what i had in mind..(functionally).

I just believe the decorator approach would prevent us from adding this TrafficControlor logic to the StepWalker class and thus keep that class readability, plus that storing those object in a different class the StepWalker will also solve some persistency.

Second part is that pure StepWalker objects are differentiated from the StepWalker object leaving inside a different Class (taskBase type).

Thus we'd still be able to test StepWalker logic in unit test without looking at the queue part with is not needed for the pure StepWalker class. (and we'll create separate test for the TrafficController)

mjmadsen commented 7 years ago

I've been thinking about if our destination picking tasks (movetofort, catchpokemon, etc) help build a list of possible destinations (from all read cells). We then run an algorithm where we map out our next and future destinations - updating our path as we pick up new stops, new pokemon, etc. Maybe use a+ plus some priority bits based on config settings (rarer pokemon, etc), estimated exp gain by heading towards a larger group of lured stops, etc. Then our fort spinner and pokemon catching tasks don't call our stepper - instead they only do those things and our walker task is the only thing directly using stepwalker.

As an added bit, we could have our map show your planned route. To go a step further, we could use our starting position and a new config setting for max distance from the starting position - anything, except for VIP pokemon, outside of that range is ignored. That would solve a very old FR.

I know this isn't quite what you're looking for as far as input, but I hope it can be helpful!

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

@mjmadsen yes i think i can solve all this with my above proposal... The decorator i am proposing can act like Rickshaw driver/ TrafficController... [This is actually want i am trying to achieve..] It would be aware of all workers... and were they want to go, do the routing and tell which stepper to take

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

I don't have a fixation on decorator approach [some may be scared only when they read this word] but i see advantage:

sohje commented 7 years ago

If i understand you correctly, we can make a singlton class and every task will get the same object and operate on it. Also, decorator can implement call method instead ugly classmethod like @ConcurrentWalking._step, but its not about implementation, not about this concept in mention in this issue.

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

@sohje every task will get "an" object, the coordinated by logic one... in order to precompute paths and so on... it cannot be the same one [new object could also be created if needed based on ALL the Tasks destinations combined and could be called from here.]

(The uglyness was only for code exemplification... to show that it become a static method)

Also, decorator can implement call method instead ugly classmethod like @ConcurrentWalking._step, but its not about implementation, not about this concept in mention in this issue.

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

To simplify a bit currently:

Phase 0: # current implementation

Phase 1: Could be skipped if we agree to go for phase 2 directly Without refactoring all workers:

Phase 2:

julienlavergne commented 7 years ago

Identified Issues:

  • Different Tasks Concurrently request different Destinations [Classic example FollowSpiral conflicting with MoveToFort (well actually conflicting with anything)]
  • Certain tasks want the bot.position to not change [loitering for example] and others want it to change.
  • Tasks that use PolylineWalker are conflicting with task that don't use it

I don't understand this "conflict" issue. There is bug in MoveToFort line 112, it is returning SUCCESS instead of RUNNING. You change that single line and all the issues you mention above are gone. Also my comments on each point:

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

@Anakin5 I suggest please take the time and read completely this proposal, The examples I gave as issues were mere examples don't focus on those per say (are the first verified identified issues that pop to mind) (One more example of conflicting direction if you want https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/5186#issue-174961761)

I don't understand this "conflict" issue. There is bug in MoveToFort line 112, it is returning SUCCESS instead of RUNNING. You change that single line and all the issues you mention above are gone.

Your comments are valid in .tick() context not at a higher level (end result achieved)

Also my comments on each point:

  • This is only true if one of the moving tasks wrongly return SUCCESS instead of RUNNING. If this condition is true, there is no two tasks giving different positions.
  • Again, it is related to SUCCESS and RUNNING status.
  • I do not have that issue, I use Polyline on one of my task and StepWalker in another and they go well with each other. What is the scenario ?

As long as people write new Tasks new such issues will arise... (Or even that one single line that you were mentioning https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/5382 is changing the behaviour in more then that one Task that you modified [is indirectly changing behaviour for PokemonCatch for example] depending on the order the tasks are configured...)

This proposal focuses also on future.. Is not limited at the currently identified issues....

I was mentioning in Assumptions:

  • We don't want to spend time explaining the users what are valid walking task combinations and what not! or to explain them in what order the tasks should be configured....
  • We expect all the walking Tasks to befriend each other!

I am proposing a sort of TrafficController to "rule them all" (in the decorator form - but hey forget implementation details for now!) and to do future destinations path routing...

...and you are saying that the exampled i gave are fixed...

Are you saying we don't need such a Traffic Controller?

julienlavergne commented 7 years ago

Are you saying we don't need such a Traffic Controller?

Yes, maybe we just make sure 2 tasks cannot drive the position in same time. I proposed something simple as a comment in my PR:

in MoveToFort

if self.bot.move_lock is not None and self.bot.move_lock != "MoveToFort":

self.bot.move_lock == "MoveToFort"
<do my logic here>

in FollowPath

if self.bot.move_lock is not None and self.bot.move_lock != "FollowPath":

self.bot.move_lock == "FollowPath"
<do my logic here>

You can do that with decorator as well, but that is an implementation detail

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

@Anakin5 what about conflicting destination how do you solve that? because you just locked the first one you received!

What about calculating best route?

julienlavergne commented 7 years ago

There is only one task giving destination, all others are silent. Priority is handled with order in the task list, just like for other tasks.

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

I think you ignore this part

@th3w4y What about calculating best route?

@Anakin5 we collaborated in few PRs and issues before and I believe we're both quick to contradict each other at times... [but thats's usually because we provide close to real-time feedbacks to each other] But i tend to believe we still did generally found value in each other's comments. (Once we get to make our point understood by the other person...)

Please take the time to also check if there is a positive value in this proposal not only contradict.

So far it looks to me that your focus was only on the identifies issues examples.

mjmadsen commented 7 years ago

I will say I think you guys work well together after you both get on the same page. The walker updates you guys put in are great. Keep up the great work! We should try to use our chat more often (including private chats) so establish our thoughts. We all have the same goal of making an awesome bot. You're both very good programmers and have a great deal of insight. :+1:

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

I have to mention that I like that @Anakin5 is usually able to come up with a simpler solution...

But i still see dead peoples here: @Anakin5 how does MoveToFort play together with FollowPath? imagine them in whatever order you want (then revert the order) and think what results you'd get even with lock...

One high level result I would expect as a user is to go from A..B...C...Z (from my path file) but also pick all the pokestops in the way... in both cases.

julienlavergne commented 7 years ago

I guess people use FollowPath because they want the bot to stick to a route. FollowPath is also spinning Forts, so there is no need to especially move to a fort.

Let's say you still want to mix them to achieve something. There is a of issues in front. What forts are you allowed to visit while following the path ? Is it a distance from the path ? How do you compute distance from the path with a Polyline anyway ?

We are only moving to spin fort and hatch eggs. It does not matter much whether you were able to find the shortest way to spin the 250 forts of your area. Even if you imagine that you know in advance the location of the Pokemon, you will just find a way to catch all the ones you are interested in and disregard the forts.

I am just feeling this is going to take a very long time to get something working. And then another very long time to fix bugs. And then everything is going to be more complicated to implement.

But I mean, you asked for thoughts :), I am OK if you do something and it works as well. I just don't feel that work is going to be used much.

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

@Anakin5 Thanks! feedback appreciated... this one i found to be more constructive.

one of the side advantage to my proposal would be that we could possibly show the computed path in the web GUI, that would be a candy future to have...

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

I plan to do some changes but not push yet to upstream branches yet that would modify the Polyline object to support base line segments operations... https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/5374 https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/5379 to minimise the nr. of API calls and to use Polyline.get_total_distance() for distance calculations.

How do you compute distance from the path with a Polyline anyway ?

th3w4y commented 7 years ago

lets just also add that i would consume less API calls if i know more destinations in advance... I can send up to 10 waypoints in one API call to google and google will return directions back in the order according to the best path computed by them (then i would create either one Polyline with best route... or 10 small polylines out of one(1) API call - depending on the use case)

Thus much of the computation would be done indirectly on the Google side.