PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
MIT License
3.86k stars 1.54k forks source link

Stuck at 'Configuration initialized' #5726

Open leafiy opened 7 years ago

leafiy commented 7 years ago

Expected Behavior

start the bot

Actual Behavior

Stuck at [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized

Your FULL config.json (remove your username, password, gmapkey and any other private info)

    "websocket_server": true,
    "heartbeat_threshold": 10,
    "enable_social": false,
    "live_config_update": {
        "enabled": false,
        "tasks_only": false
    "tasks": [{
        "//NOTE: This task MUST be placed on the top of task list": {},
        "type": "RandomAlivePause",
        "config": {
            "enabled": false,
            "min_duration": "00:00:13",
            "max_duration": "00:12:11",
            "min_interval": "00:05:49",
            "max_interval": "01:30:00"
    }, {
        "type": "HandleSoftBan"
    }, {
        "type": "CompleteTutorial",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "// set a name": "",
            "nickname": "",
            "// 0 = No Team, 1 = Blue, 2 = Red, 3 = Yellow": "",
            "team": 0
    }, {
        "type": "CollectLevelUpReward",
        "config": {
            "collect_reward": true,
            "level_limit": -1
    }, {
        "type": "BuddyPokemon",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "buddy_list": "Dratini",
            "best_in_family": true,
            "// candy_limit = 0 means no limit, so it will never change current buddy": {},
            "candy_limit": 0,
            "// force_first_change = true will always change buddy at start removing current one": {},
            "force_first_change": true,
            "buddy_change_wait_min": 3,
            "buddy_change_wait_max": 5,
            "min_interval": 120
    }, {
        "type": "IncubateEggs",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "infinite_longer_eggs_first": false,
            "breakable_longer_eggs_first": true,
            "min_interval": 120
    }, {
        "type": "UpdateLiveStats",
        "config": {
            "enabled": false,
            "min_interval": 10,
            "stats": ["uptime", "stardust_earned", "xp_earned", "xp_per_hour", "stops_visited"],
            "terminal_log": true,
            "terminal_title": true
    }, {
        "type": "UpdateLiveInventory",
        "config": {
            "enabled": false,
            "min_interval": 120,
            "show_all_multiple_lines": false,
            "items": ["pokemon_bag", "space_info", "pokeballs", "greatballs", "ultraballs", "razzberries", "luckyegg"]
    }, {
        "type": "ShowBestPokemon",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "min_interval": 60,
            "amount": 5,
            "order_by": "cp",
            "info_to_show": ["cp", "ivcp", "dps", "hp"]
    }, {
        "type": "TransferPokemon",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "min_free_slot": 5,
            "transfer_wait_min": 1,
            "transfer_wait_max": 4
    }, {
        "type": "NicknamePokemon",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "nickname_above_iv": 0.9,
            "nickname_template": "{iv_pct}-{iv_ads}",
            "nickname_wait_min": 3,
            "nickname_wait_max": 5
    }, {
        "type": "EvolvePokemon",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,

            "// evolve only pidgey and drowzee": "",
            "// evolve_list": "pidgey, drowzee",
            "// donot_evolve_list": "none",

            "// evolve all but pidgey and drowzee": "",
            "// evolve_list": "all",
            "// donot_evolve_list": "pidgey, drowzee",

            "evolve_list": "pidgey, drowzee, rattata,zubat,weedle,caterpie,psyduck,poliwag",
            "donot_evolve_list": "none",

            "first_evolve_by": "cp",
            "evolve_above_cp": 10,
            "evolve_above_iv": 0.2,
            "logic": "or",
            "min_evolve_speed": 25,
            "max_evolve_speed": 30,
            "min_pokemon_to_be_evolved": 1,
            "use_lucky_egg": false
    }, {
        "type": "RecycleItems",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "min_empty_space": 15,
            "max_balls_keep": 150,
            "max_potions_keep": 50,
            "max_berries_keep": 70,
            "max_revives_keep": 70,
            "item_filter": {
                "Pokeball": { "keep": 100 },
                "Potion": { "keep": 5 },
                "Super Potion": { "keep": 5 },
                "Hyper Potion": { "keep": 20 },
                "Revive": { "keep": 20 },
                "Razz Berry": { "keep": 20 }
            "recycle_wait_min": 1,
            "recycle_wait_max": 4,
            "recycle_force": true,
            "recycle_force_min": "00:01:00",
            "recycle_force_max": "00:05:00"
    }, {
        "type": "Sniper",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "mode": "url",
            "bullets": 1,
            "homing_shots": true,
            "special_iv": 100,
            "order": ["missing", "vip", "priority"],
            "sources": [{
                "enabled": true,
                "url": "http://pokesnipers.com/api/v1/pokemon.json",
                "timeout": 10,
                "key": "results",
                "mappings": {
                    "iv": { "param": "iv" },
                    "name": { "param": "name" },
                    "latitude": { "param": "coords" },
                    "longitude": { "param": "coords" },
                    "expiration": { "param": "until", "format": "utc" }
            }, {
                "enabled": true,
                "url": "https://pokewatchers.com/grab/",
                "timeout": 10,
                "mappings": {
                    "iv": { "param": "iv" },
                    "id": { "param": "pid" },
                    "name": { "param": "pokemon" },
                    "latitude": { "param": "cords" },
                    "longitude": { "param": "cords" },
                    "expiration": { "param": "timeend", "format": "milliseconds" }
            "catch": {
                "Abra": 1000,
                "Aerodactyl": 500,
                "Snorlax": 1000,
                "Dragonite": 1000,
                "Farfetch'd": 600,
                "Gengar": 600,
                "Alakazam": 600,
                "Arcanine": 600,
                "Poliwrath": 600,
                "Charizard": 600,
                "Venusaur": 600,
                "Lapras": 600,
                "Muk": 500,
                "Kabutops": 500,
                "Scyther": 500,
                "Dratini": 500,
                "Dragonair": 500,
                "Primeape": 500,
                "Articuno": 500,
                "Voltorb": 500,
                "Electrode": 500

    }, {
        "type": "CatchPokemon",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "catch_visible_pokemon": true,
            "catch_lured_pokemon": true,
            "min_ultraball_to_keep": 15,
            "berry_threshold": 0.35,
            "vip_berry_threshold": 0.9,
            "daily_catch_limit": 1932,
            "vanish_settings": {
                "consecutive_vanish_limit": 10,
                "rest_duration_min": "02:00:00",
                "rest_duration_max": "04:00:00"
            "catch_throw_parameters": {
                "excellent_rate": 0.1,
                "great_rate": 0.7,
                "nice_rate": 0.1,
                "normal_rate": 0.1,
                "spin_success_rate": 0.6
            "catch_simulation": {
                "flee_count": 3,
                "flee_duration": 2,
                "catch_wait_min": 2,
                "catch_wait_max": 6,
                "berry_wait_min": 2,
                "berry_wait_max": 3,
                "changeball_wait_min": 2,
                "changeball_wait_max": 3,
                "newtodex_wait_min": 20,
                "newtodex_wait_max": 30
    }, {
        "type": "SpinFort",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "spin_wait_min": 3,
            "spin_wait_max": 5
    }, {
        "type": "UpdateWebInventory",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true
    }, {
        "type": "MoveToMapPokemon",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "address": "http://localhost:5000",
            "//NOTE: Change the max_sniping_distance to adjust the max sniping range (m)": {},
            "max_sniping_distance": 6000,
            "//NOTE: Change the max_walking_distance to adjust the max walking range when snipe is off (m)": {},
            "max_walking_distance": 500,
            "min_ball": 50,
            "prioritize_vips": true,
            "snipe": true,
            "snipe_high_prio_only": true,
            "snipe_high_prio_threshold": 400,
            "update_map": true,
            "mode": "priority",
            "map_path": "raw_data",
            "walker": "StepWalker",
            "max_extra_dist_fort": 10,
            "skip_rounds": 5,
            "update_map_min_distance_meters": 500,
            "update_map_min_time_sec": 120,
            "snipe_sleep_sec": 2,
            "snipe_max_in_chain": 2,
            "debug": false,
            "catch": {
                "==========Legendaries==========": 0,
                "Aerodactyl": 1000,
                "Snorlax": 1000,
                "Articuno": 1000,
                "Zapdos": 1000,
                "Moltres": 1000,
                "Dratini": 1000,
                "Dragonair": 1000,
                "Dragonite": 1000,
                "Mewtwo": 1000,
                "Mew": 1000,

                "==========Region Locked==========": 0,
                "Farfetch'd": 1000,
                "Kangaskhan": 1000,
                "Mr. Mime": 1000,
                "Tauros": 1000,

                "==========Very Rare==========": 0,
                "Lapras": 900,
                "Electabuzz": 900,
                "Magmar": 900,
                "Ditto": 900,

                "==========Starters==========": 0,
                "Bulbasaur": 400,
                "Ivysaur": 600,
                "Venusaur": 1000,

                "Charmander": 400,
                "Charmeleon": 600,
                "Charizard": 1000,

                "Squirtle": 400,
                "Wartortle": 600,
                "Blastoise": 1000,

                "Pikachu": 600,
                "Raichu": 1000,

                "==========Semi Rare==========": 0,
                "Porygon": 200,
                "Scyther": 200,
                "Jynx": 200,

                "==========Uncommon==========": 0,

                "Omanyte": 150,
                "Omastar": 500,

                "Seel": 300,
                "Dewgong": 500,

                "Grimer": 200,
                "Muk": 500,

                "Shellder": 200,
                "Cloyster": 500,

                "Gastly": 200,
                "Haunter": 500,
                "Gengar": 1000,

                "Onix": 600,

                "Drowzee": 600,

                "Hypno": 600,

                "Vulpix": 200,
                "Ninetales": 600,

                "Paras": 100,
                "Parasect": 500,

                "Growlithe": 200,
                "Arcanine": 700,

                "Tentacool": 200,
                "Tentacruel": 500,

                "Mankey": 150,
                "Primeape": 500,

                "Clefairy": 150,
                "Clefable": 500,

                "Jigglypuff": 150,
                "Wigglytuff": 500,

                "Venonat": 100,
                "Venomoth": 500,

                "Diglett": 200,
                "Dugtrio": 500,

                "Meowth": 250,
                "Persian": 500,

                "Psyduck": 150,
                "Golduck": 500,

                "Geodude": 100,
                "Graveler": 500,
                "Golem": 800,

                "Eevee": 200,
                "Vaporeon": 800,
                "Jolteon": 800,
                "Flareon": 800,

                "Kabuto": 150,
                "Kabutops": 500,

                "Magikarp": 150,
                "Gyarados": 800,

                "Pinsir": 150,

                "Ponyta": 200,
                "Rapidash": 500,

                "Slowpoke": 200,
                "Slowbro": 500,

                "Magnemite": 250,
                "Magneton": 500,

                "Krabby": 100,
                "Kingler": 500,

                "Voltorb": 200,
                "Electrode": 500,

                "Exeggcute": 250,
                "Exeggcutor": 500,

                "Cubone": 300,
                "Marowak": 800,

                "Hitmonlee": 400,

                "Hitmonchan": 400,

                "Lickitung": 500,

                "Koffing": 200,
                "Weezing": 500,

                "Rhyhorn": 200,
                "Rhydon": 500,

                "Chansey": 800,

                "Tangela": 300,

                "Horsea": 200,
                "Seadra": 600,

                "Goldeen": 150,
                "Seaking": 500,

                "Staryu": 200,
                "Starmie": 800,

                "==========T1 Evolvers==========": 0,
                "Caterpie": 10,
                "Metapod": 10,
                "Butterfree": 500,

                "Weedle": 10,
                "Kakuna": 10,
                "Beedrill": 500,

                "Pidgey": 10,
                "Pidgeotto": 10,
                "Pidgeot": 300,

                "==========T2 Evolvers==========": 0,
                "Nidoran F": 10,
                "Nidorina": 10,
                "Nidoqueen": 10,

                "Nidoran M": 10,
                "Nidorino": 10,
                "Nidoking": 10,

                "Oddish": 100,
                "Gloom": 200,
                "Vileplume": 600,

                "Poliwag": 200,
                "Poliwhirl": 400,
                "Poliwrath": 800,

                "Abra": 300,
                "Kadabra": 600,
                "Alakazam": 800,

                "Machop": 150,
                "Machoke": 400,
                "Machamp": 800,

                "Bellsprout": 100,
                "Weepinbell": 400,
                "Victreebel": 800,

                "==========Trash==========": 0,

                "Rattata": 10,
                "Raticate": 10,

                "Spearow": 10,
                "Fearow": 10,

                "Ekans": 10,
                "Arbok": 10,

                "Sandshrew": 10,
                "Sandslash": 10,

                "Zubat": 10,
                "Golbat": 10,

                "Doduo": 10,
                "Dodrio": 10
    }, {
        "type": "MoveToFort",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "lure_attraction": true,
            "lure_max_distance": 2000,
            "log_interval": 5
    }, {
        "type": "FollowSpiral",
        "config": {
            "enabled": true,
            "diameter": 4,
            "step_size": 70
    "map_object_cache_time": 5,
    "forts": {
        "avoid_circles": true,
        "max_circle_size": 50,
        "cache_recent_forts": true
    "pokemon_bag": {
        "// if 'show_at_start' is true, it will log all the pokemons in the bag (not eggs) at bot start": {},
        "show_at_start": true,
        "// if 'show_count' is true, it will show the amount of each pokemon (minimum 1)": {},
        "show_count": false,
        "// if 'show_candies' is true, it will show the amount of candies for each pokemon": {},
        "show_candies": false,
        "// 'pokemon_info' parameter define which info to show for each pokemon": {},
        "// the available options are": {},
        "// ['cp', 'iv_ads', 'iv_pct', 'ivcp', 'ncp', 'level', 'hp', 'moveset', 'dps']": {},
        "pokemon_info": ["cp", "iv_pct"]
    "walk_max": 5.67,
    "walk_min": 2.35,
    "alt_min": 456,
    "alt_max": 4002,

    "sleep_schedule": {
        "enabled": true,
        "enable_reminder": false,
        "reminder_interval": 600,
        "entries": [{
            "enabled": true,
            "time": "1:00",
            "duration": "5:30",
            "time_random_offset": "00:30",
            "duration_random_offset": "00:30",
            "wake_up_at_location": ""

    "debug": false,
    "test": false,
    "walker_limit_output": false,
    "health_record": false,
    "location_cache": true,
    "distance_unit": "km",
    "reconnecting_timeout": 15,
    "logging": {
        "color": true,
        "show_datetime": true,
        "show_process_name": true,
        "show_log_level": true
    "catch": {
        "any": { "catch_above_cp": 0, "catch_above_iv": 0, "logic": "or" },
        "// Example of always catching Rattata:": {},
        "// Rattata": { "always_catch": true }
    "release": {
        "any": { "release_below_cp": 0, "release_below_iv": 0, "release_below_ivcp": 0, "logic": "or" },
        "Bulbasaur": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Ivysaur": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Venusaur": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Charmander": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Charmeleon": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Charizard": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Squirtle": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Wartortle": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Blastoise": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Caterpie": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Metapod": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Butterfree": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Weedle": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Kakuna": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Beedrill": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Pidgey": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Pidgeotto": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Pidgeot": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Rattata": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Raticate": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Spearow": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Fearow": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Ekans": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Arbok": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Pikachu": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Raichu": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Sandshrew": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Sandslash": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Nidoran F": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Nidorina": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Nidoqueen": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Nidoran M": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Nidorino": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Nidoking": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Clefairy": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Clefable": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Vulpix": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Ninetails": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Jigglypuff": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Wigglytuff": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Zubat": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Golbat": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Oddish": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Gloom": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Vileplume": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Paras": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Parasect": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Venonat": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Venomoth": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Diglett": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Dugtrio": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Meowth": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Persian": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Psyduck": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Golduck": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Mankey": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Primeape": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Growlithe": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Arcanine": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Poliwag": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Poliwhirl": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Poliwrath": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Abra": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Kadabra": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Alakazam": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Machop": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Machoke": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Machamp": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Bellsprout": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Weepinbell": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Victreebel": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Tentacool": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Tentacruel": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Geodude": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Graveler": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Golem": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Ponyta": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Rapidash": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Slowpoke": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Slowbro": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Magnemite": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Magneton": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Farfetch'd": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Doduo": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Dodrio": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Seel": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Dewgong": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Grimer": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Muk": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Shellder": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Cloyster": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Gastly": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Haunter": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Gengar": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Onix": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Drowzee": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Hypno": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Krabby": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Kingler": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Voltorb": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Electrode": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Exeggcute": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Exeggutor": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Cubone": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Marowak": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Hitmonlee": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Hitmonchan": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Lickitung": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Koffing": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Weezing": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Rhyhorn": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Rhydon": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Chansey": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Tangela": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Kangaskhan": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Horsea": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Seadra": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Goldeen": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Seaking": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Staryu": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Starmie": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Mr. Mime": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Scyther": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Jynx": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Electabuzz": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Magmar": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Pinsir": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Tauros": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Magikarp": { "keep_best_cp": 5, "keep_best_iv": 5 },
        "Gyarados": { "keep_best_cp": 3, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Lapras": { "keep_best_cp": 3, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Eevee": { "keep_best_cp": 3, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Vaporeon": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Jolteon": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Flareon": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Porygon": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Omanyte": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Omastar": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Kabuto": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Kabutops": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Aerodactyl": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Snorlax": { "keep_best_cp": 2, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Dratini": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Dragonair": { "keep_best_cp": 1, "keep_best_iv": 1 },
        "Dragonite": { "keep_best_cp": 3, "keep_best_iv": 1 }
    "vips": {
        "Dratini": {},
        "Magikarp": {},
        "Gastly": {},
        "Jigglypuff": {},
        "Lapras": {},
        "Moltres": {},
        "Zapdos": {},
        "Articuno": {},
        "Haunter": {},
        "// S-Tier pokemons (if pokemon can be evolved into tier, list the representative)": {},
        "Mewtwo": {},
        "Dragonite": {},
        "Snorlax": {},
        "// Mew evolves to Mewtwo": {},
        "Mew": {},
        "Arcanine": {},
        "Vaporeon": {},
        "Gyarados": {},
        "Eevee": {},
        "Pikachu": {},
        "Exeggutor": {},
        "Muk": {},
        "Weezing": {},
        "Flareon": {},
        "Voltorb": {},
        "Ponyta": {},
        "Abra": {},
        "Machop": {},
        "Growlithe": {},
        "Vulpix": {},
        "Charmander": {},
        "Squirtle": {}

    "websocket": {
        "start_embedded_server": false,
        "server_url": ""

Output when issue occurred

[INFO] Configuration initialized

Steps to Reproduce

run ./run.sh

Other Information

OS: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.5.0-54-generic i686)

Branch: DEV Git Commit: f65b063762384d97c5195a55db1b8257ba6cddee Python Version: 2.7.3 Any other relevant files/configs (eg: path files)
Paradoxum commented 7 years ago

Same here. Fresh install, stock config.json, this is on windows, using the stable branch install.

--------------------Starting bot-------------------- 2016-09-28 19:05:23,841 [ cli] [INFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0 2016-09-28 19:05:23,845 [ cli] [INFO] commit: unknown 2016-09-28 19:05:23,845 [ cli] [INFO] No auth argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\auth.json 2016-09-28 19:05:23,845 [ cli] [INFO] No config argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\config.json 2016-09-28 19:05:23,848 [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized

Edit: tried dev branch, same thing.

Paradoxum commented 7 years ago

Deleted the whole bot /dir/ downloaded the dev branch again, input all the same auth info, managed to get it running, was surprised, so I stopped the bot, changed some settings in config.json (just basic things like use incense=false to true, changed release pokemon bit, started it again, now I can't get back past 👍

2016-09-29 17:11:57,746 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] Health check is enabled. For more information: 2016-09-29 17:11:57,746 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/tree/dev#analytics 2016-09-29 17:11:57,750 [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] [INFO] Starting new HTTP connection (1): www.google-analytics.com

tried deleting everything again and trying again and it just won't work.. tried generating a new google maps API key and using that, tried using a whole new google app password for logging in, still can't get it to login again.. tried using my VPN and changing location to different countries, or no VPN altogether = nothing. Can login fine on my phone though. This is pretty frustrating.

Paradoxum commented 7 years ago

May be better help, fresh dev install:

--------------------Starting bot--------------------

2016-09-29 17:39:29,930 [ cli] [INFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0 2016-09-29 17:39:29,966 [ cli] [INFO] commit: unknown 2016-09-29 17:39:29,967 [ cli] [INFO] No auth argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\auth.json 2016-09-29 17:39:29,967 [ cli] [INFO] No config argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\config.json 2016-09-29 17:39:29,970 [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized 2016-09-29 17:39:29,970 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] Health check is enabled. For more information: 2016-09-29 17:39:29,970 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/tree/dev#analytics 2016-09-29 17:39:29,990 [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] [INFO] Starting new HTTP connection (1): www.google-analytics.com Traceback (most recent call last): File "pokecli.py", line 843, in main() File "pokecli.py", line 181, in main health_record.login_success() File "C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot\health_record\bot_event.py", line 55, in login_success self.track_url('/loggedin') File "C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot\health_record\bot_event.py", line 87, in track_url 'http://www.google-analytics.com/collect', data=data) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\api.py", line 111, in post return request('post', url, data=data, json=json, _kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\api.py", line 57, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, _kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 475, in request resp = self.send(prep, _send_kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 585, in send r = adapter.send(request, _kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\adapters.py", line 467, in send raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='www.google-analytics.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /collect (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x00000000063D7470>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 1 0061] WSAECONNREFUSED',)) 2016-09-29 17:39:31,045 [sentry.errors] [ERROR] Sentry responded with an error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x9c in position 1: ordinal not in ran ge(128) (url: https://app.getsentry.com/api/90254/store/) Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\raven\transport\threaded.py", line 174, in send_sync super(ThreadedHTTPTransport, self).send(data, headers) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\raven\transport\http.py", line 47, in send ca_certs=self.ca_certs, File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\raven\utils\http.py", line 66, in urlopen return opener.open(url, data, timeout) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\future\backports\urllib\request.py", line 494, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\future\backports\urllib\request.py", line 512, in _open '_open', req) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\future\backports\urllib\request.py", line 466, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\raven\utils\http.py", line 46, in https_open return self.do_open(ValidHTTPSConnection, req) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\future\backports\urllib\request.py", line 1284, in do_open h.request(req.get_method(), req.selector, req.data, headers) File "C:\Python27\lib\httplib.py", line 1057, in request self._send_request(method, url, body, headers) File "C:\Python27\lib\httplib.py", line 1097, in _send_request self.endheaders(body) File "C:\Python27\lib\httplib.py", line 1053, in endheaders self._send_output(message_body) File "C:\Python27\lib\httplib.py", line 895, in _send_output msg += message_body UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x9c in position 1: ordinal not in range(128) 2016-09-29 17:39:31,045 [sentry.errors.uncaught] [ERROR] [u"ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='www.google-analytics.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /collect (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x00000000063D7470>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 10061] WSAECONNREFUSED',))", u' File "pokecli.py", line 843, in ', u' File "pokecli.py", line 181, in main', u' File "C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot\health_record\bot_event.py", line 55, in login_success', u' File "C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_b ot\health_record\bot_event.py", line 87, in track_url', u' File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\api.py", line 111, in post', u' File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\api.py", line 57, in request', u' File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 4 75, in request', u' File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 585, in send', u' File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\r equests\adapters.py", line 467, in send']

Something went wrong and the bot needed to be restarted. Please investigate the cause.

Waiting for 45 seconds, press a key to continue ... 2016-09-29 17:39:47,328 [ cli] [INFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0 2016-09-29 17:39:47,344 [ cli] [INFO] commit: unknown 2016-09-29 17:39:47,344 [ cli] [INFO] No auth argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\auth.json 2016-09-29 17:39:47,344 [ cli] [INFO] No config argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\config.json 2016-09-29 17:39:47,344 [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized 2016-09-29 17:39:47,344 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] Health check is enabled. For more information: 2016-09-29 17:39:47,344 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/tree/dev#analytics 2016-09-29 17:39:47,344 [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] [INFO] Starting new HTTP connection (1): www.google-analytics.com

Close bot, disable health check, start bot:

--------------------Starting bot--------------------

2016-09-29 17:40:59,065 [ cli] [INFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0 2016-09-29 17:40:59,069 [ cli] [INFO] commit: unknown 2016-09-29 17:40:59,071 [ cli] [INFO] No auth argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\auth.json 2016-09-29 17:40:59,071 [ cli] [INFO] No config argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\config.json 2016-09-29 17:40:59,072 [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying pokemongobot [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking pokemongobot applied [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying catch_log [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking catch_log applied [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying eggs_hatched_log [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking eggs_hatched_log applied [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying evolve_log [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking evolve_log applied [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying pokestop_log [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking pokestop_log applied [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying softban_log [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking softban_log applied [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying transfer_log [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking transfer_log applied [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Applying vanish_log [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] - applying step 0 [2016-09-29 17:40:59] [yoyo.migrations] [INFO] Marking vanish_log applied (964) wsgi starting up on

Close bot, re-open:

--------------------Starting bot--------------------

2016-09-29 17:42:37,177 [ cli] [INFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0 2016-09-29 17:42:37,183 [ cli] [INFO] commit: unknown 2016-09-29 17:42:37,184 [ cli] [INFO] No auth argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\auth.json 2016-09-29 17:42:37,184 [ cli] [INFO] No config argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\config.json 2016-09-29 17:42:37,186 [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized (4252) wsgi starting up on

Tried this comment here: https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/issues/5724#issuecomment-250345956

change "server_url": "" -> "server_url": "" also set embedded server to false since I don't want to use it anyway.

Start bot again:

--------------------Starting bot--------------------

2016-09-29 17:44:15,815 [ cli] [INFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0 2016-09-29 17:44:15,819 [ cli] [INFO] commit: unknown 2016-09-29 17:44:15,821 [ cli] [INFO] No auth argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\auth.json 2016-09-29 17:44:15,821 [ cli] [INFO] No config argument specified, checking for C:\PokemonGo-Bot\pokemongo_bot..\configs\config.json 2016-09-29 17:44:15,822 [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized

Not sure what else I can do.

Gobberwart commented 7 years ago

Last line in config, change "server_url":"" to ""