PokemonGoF / PokemonGo-Bot

The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
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Ban wave coming #5746

Open avexus opened 7 years ago

avexus commented 7 years ago

Edit By Moderator, PokemonGoZ

\ The ban wave targeted accounts that were using v0.35 API calls, while in the main app have already pushed a force update. On 9/30/16 PokemonGo banned 80% of the accounts that were still running the v0.35 API calls. This bot uses the v0.35 API calls. In order to use the v0.39 API calls, we need to have a cracked unknown6. Thank you for your time everyone. **

Original Post


aaronluna18 commented 7 years ago

yep i have 2 ban accounts now

avexus commented 7 years ago

Sorry to hear that

avexus commented 7 years ago

I would say it's safe to not bot for a while. They have a way to flag which accounts uses bot / sniper. It's for them to decide when to ban.

marcotini commented 7 years ago

Do you have random pause active?

avexus commented 7 years ago


MerlionRock commented 7 years ago

Your 2 accounts that got banned, they snipe?

Paradoxum commented 7 years ago

First/only account, level 26, have sniped allover the world, still able to login - origin UK.

avexus commented 7 years ago

@marcotini why does random pause matter?

Fanlabiz commented 7 years ago

Do they currently detect that we play with an IP address which is not from the country where the bot is playing ?

iruy commented 7 years ago

@Fanlabiz I'd say that almost for sure!!

aaronluna18 commented 7 years ago

@MerlionRock YES in both I used the snipe! but I have 3 accounts working fine just one of that 3 I used snipe.

marcotini commented 7 years ago

@avexus it's matter because they can not ban somethings that do things at random. If you abuse it's obvious that ban is coming. Try to make more real than possibile. If you have a wrong config file, the ban is on their way.

Paradoxum commented 7 years ago

anyone from the UK had a bot banned?

camnomis commented 7 years ago

I am UK based and use the bot, will hold off for the time being (well might setup a brand new account to see if it gets banned), I don't know if it helps I mix up logging on through the app and though the bot which is keeping me off Niantic radar. Its a shame as starting to use the bot more of an "admin" tool rather than levelling, I still like the excitement of actually playing the game and catching things, but use the bot to sort and transfer the lower grade ones and auto evolve the higher spec based on rules etc.

I think of it more as a mod (used to playing WOW etc where mods are accepted and even encouraged as it enhances game play) than a cheat, I had a "bot" account that I levelled up very quickly, and have all four region exclusives on the same account (gimme a shout if you need co-ordinates) but had no affinity to the Pokemon, where as I know where I was when my Snorlax hatched, or where I caught the last Magikarp needed to evolve my Gyarados

I guess by using the simple act of using API that causes the risk of the ban, not the actions that are under taken

Paradoxum commented 7 years ago

Its a shame as starting to use the bot more of an "admin" tool rather than levelling,

I know what you mean. I have stopped actually botting with it and just using it to check the IV/CP/IVCP of my pokemon without having to run each one through a calculator individually etc..

darthmamour commented 7 years ago

just reading

bsjpark commented 7 years ago

How do you check if your repo is on v0.39 API or v0.35 API?

ShadyBS commented 7 years ago

No repos are in 0.39 because the API is not cracked as of yet. @bsjpark

MerlionRock commented 7 years ago

It's not cracked since 0.37 API By the time they crack it, Niantic will most likely come out something different again... Not looking good for botting community...

bsjpark commented 7 years ago

Sounds like safe thing to do is not to bot. What a sad day.

avexus commented 7 years ago

3 of my active bot accounts used this bot and 0.35 api. Even botted for 3 hours today. They all survived, for now. Will see what happens. I think they will catch me.

MerlionRock commented 7 years ago

@avexus I think it's a trap. To create enough buffer time to distingue who's using their latest app and who's not.

avexus commented 7 years ago

@MerlionRock I think so too. That's why ban comes in waves. They accumulate enough data. Then, turn on one parameter in their conf file {set ban="true"}, then run their bot.

iruy commented 7 years ago

So, they are botting too :)

ravey-davey commented 7 years ago

Surely older versions of the actual game will still run the older API (in the case where people have not updated it). It would seem a little odd to ban users on the basis of the API being used to interface into PG on that basis alone..?

MerlionRock commented 7 years ago

@ravey-davey they are forcing all to use latest version. You can't play with older version of the app.

ProZer0 commented 7 years ago

Botters in Sweden, hold your breath! The ban has just started, two bots of mine were banned before few minutes o_O

sullydog101 commented 7 years ago

Just today my level 28 account wasn't working on the bot (would log in but couldn't get any data) I logged in on my phone and got a crazy notification ,"We have detected signals from your account that suggests you are using third party applications or modified software typically associated with cheating. Please be aware..." (It's longer than that but that is thegist of it) had been botting locally for about six hours today.

sullydog101 commented 7 years ago

Made me do a captcha too

sullydog101 commented 7 years ago

Wow they hard flagged my account... The same message pops up every time I log in with it now, but not on my other account that I haven't botted with in a few days. Still, the message is better than being permabanned

MerlionRock commented 7 years ago

@sullydog101, at least you have a msg...

Mine just couldn't login at all...

Edit: Couldn't login because they implemented new SafetyNet. Can't login to rooted phone.

pacpac42 commented 7 years ago

@sullydog101 can you post the full notification you got? is this hard flag a temporary ban?

dogeatdog commented 7 years ago


Same here. Got the captcha once, but the message pops up every time now.

Tbh, I think this is better than just banning the account. This way you can redeem yourself and keep playing legitimately. I see it as a final warning :)

avexus commented 7 years ago

@iruy, they cannot do the banning manually. There are too many of us. To them, we are the "Pokemon" nearby.

mmixx commented 7 years ago

Yeah... I haven't used the bot with my 2 accounts for a few days until now and I haven't received a warning or even a captcha prompt...

sullydog101 commented 7 years ago

Dogeatdog beat me to it, same message. Pops up every time on that account when you first log in. After you click the button though you can play completely normally.