PokemonGoers / Catch-em-all

Now that we have tons of data about Pokemon (what they are, where they are, what’s their relationship, what they can transform into, which attacks they can perform, aso) we want to integrate it all into a comprehensive website. This website should contain sections about each Pokemon and its details. Additionally, the website should register the user’s location and tell the user how close is that the predicted pokemon to him/her. Additionally you will be incorporating the apps that were created by project B,C and D into the website. Your group will need to create automated builds and testing for this apps and use continuous integration to pull in new changes in the code repositories. Apps from projects B-D should be packaged and made available on NPM. Ideally when you completed these tasks the webapp component would integrate the apps by “requiring’ them. Here is a possible user story: when a user opens the website or the app the current location of the user will be shown. Additionally, the website/app will show automatically where the pokemons that are currently active are and where the pokemons that we predict to active in the nearest future (i.e. within half a day) will be located (all of this will be available from the app developed in project D). Hopefully, the website will be somewhat crowded by that data. Then, there needs to be a menu bar or something available (e.g. above the map or on the right side to it) that will list currently active or predicted pokemons. Clicking on one of them will make other pokemons on the map disappear, except of this clicked one. Separate web pages would allow the search and presentation of individual Pokemons and the information we gathered about them, including third party data (project A) and twitter analysis (project C)
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Adjustments to the about page #100

Closed AlexanderLill closed 7 years ago

AlexanderLill commented 7 years ago

Feedback from @goldbergtatyana ( Taken from #95 )

I like the About page, too! A lot!


  • "augmented reality title PokemonGo" reads strange to me. Maybe instead "augmented reality game entitled PokemonGo". If you wrote the way you meant and in your opinion it is correct, then please ignore the comment.
  • Please put "Pokemon Legends" at the bottom of your list. The section can also be centralized, if you think it will make it look better.
  • Also, please have Burkhard listed first, Lothar second and Tim third.
  • The Sponsors sentence I would change to "We want to thank Iteratec for sponsoring our project and for giving interesting insights into the company."

Most likely this is still not the last round of a review, yet very looking forward to the result 😄

AlexanderLill commented 7 years ago

Issue Nr 100

\o/ :P

AlexanderLill commented 7 years ago

Now is also the time to tell us if you want any URL behind your particular name. Otherwise we could just put a github link for every profile.

If you want your customized website link, reply here ;)

@PokemonGoers/catch-em-all @PokemonGoers/hashpokemongo @PokemonGoers/pokedata @PokemonGoers/pokemap-1 @PokemonGoers/pokemap-2

sacdallago commented 7 years ago

Even better, propose changes on the relative PR? @AlexanderLill

gyachdav commented 7 years ago


sacdallago commented 7 years ago

@gyachdav I did that already 💃

AlexanderLill commented 7 years ago
sacdallago commented 7 years ago

@AlexanderLill please focus on more urgent matters

sacdallago commented 7 years ago

Ok. I believe this can be closed. If anything comes up, we will reopen or reference