PokemonGoers / Catch-em-all

Now that we have tons of data about Pokemon (what they are, where they are, what’s their relationship, what they can transform into, which attacks they can perform, aso) we want to integrate it all into a comprehensive website. This website should contain sections about each Pokemon and its details. Additionally, the website should register the user’s location and tell the user how close is that the predicted pokemon to him/her. Additionally you will be incorporating the apps that were created by project B,C and D into the website. Your group will need to create automated builds and testing for this apps and use continuous integration to pull in new changes in the code repositories. Apps from projects B-D should be packaged and made available on NPM. Ideally when you completed these tasks the webapp component would integrate the apps by “requiring’ them. Here is a possible user story: when a user opens the website or the app the current location of the user will be shown. Additionally, the website/app will show automatically where the pokemons that are currently active are and where the pokemons that we predict to active in the nearest future (i.e. within half a day) will be located (all of this will be available from the app developed in project D). Hopefully, the website will be somewhat crowded by that data. Then, there needs to be a menu bar or something available (e.g. above the map or on the right side to it) that will list currently active or predicted pokemons. Clicking on one of them will make other pokemons on the map disappear, except of this clicked one. Separate web pages would allow the search and presentation of individual Pokemons and the information we gathered about them, including third party data (project A) and twitter analysis (project C)
9 stars 7 forks source link

Navbar #26

Closed WoH closed 8 years ago

WoH commented 8 years ago

Closes #10 and #13

johartl commented 8 years ago

Looks good and has everything we need. I like it!

sacdallago commented 8 years ago

But please: THE FONT

WoH commented 8 years ago

Ionic will fix that and use each platform's icons/fonts. Just wanted to get something visual in there.

johartl commented 8 years ago

Thinking about this again I noticed one thing that doesn't seem right. The searchbar as it is shown on the picture has a menu button on the left. However, I assume that the searchbar is only visible when showing the map and it is not shown for the about and wiki pages. This means the about and wiki pages need a different way of opening the navigation menu (probably a button on a top bar). Does this mean the button to open the navigation menu can be found at different places depending on whether the user is currently looking at the map or a wiki page? This seems like a bad idea in terms of usability.

To work around this we could do one of the following

  1. Remove the button from the searchbar and instead place it on a designated "top bar" on all screens (in Android this would be called an Action Bar).
  2. Make clear that the map view is the root screen of the app and every site that is opened from the map view (wiki and about) is just a subpage where the user eventually has to return to the map. In this case I think it would be okay to only show the menu button on the map screen but not on the wiki and about pages.
johartl commented 8 years ago

I started working on this on branch searchbar but I could still need some help. Another point we need to discuss is how we are going to parse the locations entered in the search bar (The user is probably not going to enter longitude and latitude coordinates directly). The obvious solution would be to use the Google Places API:

The downside of using the Google API is that it's restricted to 150.000 requests per 24 hours (I suppose this should be more than enough) and requires a credit card for identification before it can be used. Are there any other free options? @sacdallago @gyachdav Would the credit card identification be an issue?

sacdallago commented 8 years ago

@johartl I had this problem in the past, didn't want to give my credit card and didn't like the limit on number of requests, so I found another way around this using google but without paying...

johartl commented 8 years ago

Awesome! I will look into that :)

WoH commented 8 years ago

I think we could work around this issue by using popovers or modals (more likely) for the about and wiki section, but I think a global toolbar that shows the search bar and the relevant icons in the main view are a good solution. That said, I am actually not sure, what do you think?.

AlexanderLill commented 8 years ago

I also agree that a global bar showing the burger menue and then, if appropriate, the search bar next to it, is a good solution. Like here but with the search bar at the location of the "Manu" label. Is that what you meant @WoH ?

PS: How did you create the Mockup in the first post?

WoH commented 8 years ago

@AlexanderLill I used Axure and a Android Library for the UI Elements. Yes, that's what I meant. I am not sure if this is sexy though.

sacdallago commented 8 years ago

@WoH you sure like the word sexy :'D

johartl commented 8 years ago

I included the search bar into the navbar. My idea was to let the user query for both Pokemon and locations and show the results combined a list. I submitted a feature request for partial search at https://github.com/PokemonGoers/PokeData/issues/136 .

@sacdallago The location query hack seems to work fine :)

screenshot from 2016-09-10 20-06-25

WoH commented 8 years ago

Maybe just show a Search Symbol on the right side by default and fade the searchbar in, spanning over the whole Navbar (except Menu button), when clicked?

Edit: I actually think the current version works aswell, but the shadows are really confusing me.

johartl commented 8 years ago

untitled Maybe like this? :D I implemented the sliding behavior btw.

WoH commented 8 years ago

I already switched branch as soon as I saw you pushed it. @sacdallago please suggest a different word because I'd refer to this as extremely sexy.

Edit: https://i.gyazo.com/7d9945ea8ab9fd1355daa4e8325157be.gif

johartl commented 8 years ago

Little change of plans. When trying to figure out how I could show the search results I realized that using a popover result list might not be the best idea. First, it's not that easy to implement properly if you have to take care of mobile devices and second, it will probably not look very nice on all platforms. So I decided to go with the standard way of doing things. The search button opens a designated search screen where the results are shown.



The result lists are actually combined for locations and Pokemon (Pokemon on the top, locations below that). Clicking on a search result will take the user to the map (location) or the PokeWiki (Pokemon). I'm only waiting for #55 to be merged then I will open a PR for this.

WoH commented 8 years ago

Have you ruled out modals for some specific reason? Otherwise that could possible be a good approach I think.

WoH commented 8 years ago

@johartl I took over where you left at and tried to see what a modal could do for us, you can have a look at: Catch-em-all/tree/navbar-modal

I haven't figured out the best way to style this, but if you move the searchbar down a bit, make the background transparent and style the results I think this has potential. If you revert the last commit, it basically looks like before, but uses a Modal instead of a whole page. This is just a very rough draft though, please don't judge coding style and my css 😢

johartl commented 8 years ago

I like your idea. For the website I agree that a modal looks a lot better. But I'm not sure how we can handle the different styles for iOS and Android. Every time you do something customized that also means that we have to check that it looks good on all platforms and devices and put some effort into tweaking it. I only ever looked at the app in the browser so I don't know if the differences are really significant. But for the beginning I just wanted sth. that for sure works on every device.

WoH commented 8 years ago

On small screens they look like new pages (as in they fill the entire screen). I want to expand on the idea though I have some ideas what else we can do with the search but that'll leak into other issues aswell.

johartl commented 8 years ago

Should we leave the search like this for now? There are still lots of other issues we need to take care where we need your creativity @WoH ;) I would keep your branch and if we have time towards the end of the project we can give this a restyling.

WoH commented 8 years ago

Let's talk about this on Tuesday, for now I agree. Great job working on this so far by the way! :+1:

WoH commented 8 years ago

I definitely did not work on this, but it does actually look exactly like your page now on small screens.. I just don't know where to push additional commits to. I need that next meeting in my life.

WoH commented 8 years ago

Should we close this and reopen since the navbar itself is pretty much done and the remaining questions should be answered in a designated issue?

johartl commented 8 years ago

Yes I agree. I will open a PR for this in a few minutes.