PokemonGoers / Catch-em-all

Now that we have tons of data about Pokemon (what they are, where they are, what’s their relationship, what they can transform into, which attacks they can perform, aso) we want to integrate it all into a comprehensive website. This website should contain sections about each Pokemon and its details. Additionally, the website should register the user’s location and tell the user how close is that the predicted pokemon to him/her. Additionally you will be incorporating the apps that were created by project B,C and D into the website. Your group will need to create automated builds and testing for this apps and use continuous integration to pull in new changes in the code repositories. Apps from projects B-D should be packaged and made available on NPM. Ideally when you completed these tasks the webapp component would integrate the apps by “requiring’ them. Here is a possible user story: when a user opens the website or the app the current location of the user will be shown. Additionally, the website/app will show automatically where the pokemons that are currently active are and where the pokemons that we predict to active in the nearest future (i.e. within half a day) will be located (all of this will be available from the app developed in project D). Hopefully, the website will be somewhat crowded by that data. Then, there needs to be a menu bar or something available (e.g. above the map or on the right side to it) that will list currently active or predicted pokemons. Clicking on one of them will make other pokemons on the map disappear, except of this clicked one. Separate web pages would allow the search and presentation of individual Pokemons and the information we gathered about them, including third party data (project A) and twitter analysis (project C)
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Fix Popover Initialization #76

Closed WoH closed 8 years ago

WoH commented 8 years ago
MajorBreakfast commented 8 years ago

Using the controls with the mouse and touch now works perfectly. Good job

Bug: Interaction with the menu button in the navigation bar is broken. The menu won't stay open properly.

AlexanderLill commented 8 years ago

Bug: When the content of the shown component is longer than the height of the popover, it is extended to the bottom of the screen and further down to the floor of the room I am currently sitting in.

This can be checked on the pokemon-filter branch. How can we proceed with this? Can you maybe fix that?

WoH commented 8 years ago

Bug: Interaction with the menu button in the navigation bar is broken. The menu won't stay open properly.

Please elaborate. If the popover is open you're not supposed to be able to access the navigation menu directly. The first tap next to the popover closes it, then you can use the navbar to navigate.

Bug: When the content of the shown component is longer than the height of the popover, it is extended to the bottom of the screen and further down to the floor of the room I am currently sitting in. This can be checked on the pokemon-filter branch. How can we proceed with this? Can you maybe fix that?

Explanation: To avoid issues with ionic, we render the tab view after the Popover is Loaded so the ionic event ionChange registers properly. This means ionic doesn't account for the space needed for the tab content to display on screen when it calculates the distance needed to the bottom. Therefore, we now pass the popover additional styling using the popover class that I pass to the Popover. Right now I was only considering the web view that should be similar to android and defined a global style (top: -500px). I am just trying to make the tools available for everyone else to maybe refine the styling and implement custom behavior for other platforms (iOS and wp8 seem very similar in that regard, you can look at this by going to url/ionic-lab) using the platform specific styles.

Edit: Added that to the todo list at the top, maybe someone can create an issue and link this wall of text.

WoH commented 8 years ago

Also, I noticed we should make the popover a bit wider and maybe dry it out by removing or shortening the text. As much as I enjoy reading it, it takes up too much space on a smaller screen

WoH commented 8 years ago

Posted the issue but I don't want to wait for the final styling. I'll merge this until we rewrite this as a simple component like @MajorBreakfast suggested.