PokemonGoers / PokeData

In this project you will scrape as much data as you can get about the *actual* sightings of Pokemons. As it turns out, players all around the world started reporting sightings of Pokemons and are logging them into a central repository (i.e. a database). We want to get this data so we can train our machine learning models. You will of course need to come up with other data sources not only for sightings but also for other relevant details that can be used later on as features for our machine learning algorithm (see Project B). Additional features could be air temperature during the given timestamp of sighting, location close to water, buildings or parks. Consult with Pokemon Go expert if you have such around you and come up with as many features as possible that describe a place, time and name of a sighted Pokemon. Another feature that you will implement is a twitter listener: You will use the twitter streaming API (https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/public) to listen on a specific topic (for example, the #foundPokemon hashtag). When a new tweet with that hashtag is written, an event will be fired in your application checking the details of the tweet, e.g. location, user, time stamp. Additionally, you will try to parse formatted text from the tweets to construct a new “seen” record that consequently will be added to the database. Some of the attributes of the record will be the Pokemon's name, location and the time stamp. Additional data sources (here is one: https://pkmngowiki.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon) will also need to be integrated to give us more information about Pokemons e.g. what they are, what’s their relationship, what they can transform into, which attacks they can perform etc.
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 6 forks source link

Receive sightings in time range #184

Closed bensLine closed 7 years ago

bensLine commented 7 years ago

Hey guys,

I tried to receive data from the API for 1 day at a given timestamp but I do not get any results. http://pokedata.c4e3f8c7.svc.dockerapp.io:65014/api/pokemon/sighting/ts/1474702424000/range/1d

{"message":"Failure. No sighting details within this time range exists!","limited":false,"data":"Cast to date failed for value \"Invalid Date\" at path \"appearedOn\""}

I tried it for different timestamps and ranges. Am I doing something wrong? The docu says timestamp should be UTC.

vivek-sethia commented 7 years ago



Both of the above url works, anything that is accepted by new Date can be used. I will update doc since internally we are converting it into UTC.

bensLine commented 7 years ago

sweet, thanks! :)

bensLine commented 7 years ago

One more question, there is no data yet for the last week: http://pokedata.c4e3f8c7.svc.dockerapp.io:65014/api/pokemon/sighting/ts/2016-10-14T16:22:34.648Z/range/1w what's the latest data from when I can receive data?

bensLine commented 7 years ago

and is there a limitation that the API returns max 1k data points? cause we need more than 10k :p

jonas-he commented 7 years ago

@bensLine the latest data is from around 24th of septembre. Please note that the data there is not really thought to be something to work with. If you want nice and consistent data ask @sacdallago (im thinking of the 6GB thing).

sacdallago commented 7 years ago

AWS banned us :D we are fighting via fax to get the damn account up

jonas-he commented 7 years ago

@sacdallago for what did they ban us ?

sacdallago commented 7 years ago

They want to verify that we are human beings, and this is done via FAX!!!! Like: hello? 1950's calling?

So: we are still waiting.