Closed bensLine closed 8 years ago
I would suggest the programmatical API, not the REST API.
Aka: just provide a way for people to import your package var P = require('predictions..');
and then call something like P.predict(lat,lng,timestamp)
Additional params should be:
What other params can we offload to the clients?
@gyachdav but this should be optional params, right? Theoretically it's trough a call of .predict(..)
that these features get added to the data-point to then generate a prediction. Outsourcing this to the caller is shifting the computation to a different place, but at the end of the day it's always gonna be the same process/machine that runs the computation (though, sure: if in the future someone finds a faster API for weather that returns the same params as the one used for the predictions, then they can plug this info in)
We found the weather feature not to be relevant for the predictions. Thanks a lot @semioniy for so tirelesly working on the data for this particular feature. @MatthiasBaur will provide an overview in issue 62 of features that will be used in the end.
Create a API which team E will use to get predictions for a given location and timestamp.
predicted pokemonId, prediction accuracy, lat/lon (cell id center)
return results as list