PokemonTCG / pokemon-tcg-data

The data found within the Pokémon TCG API
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are PAF inside? #526

Closed miguelgargallo closed 6 months ago

miguelgargallo commented 6 months ago

I cannot find the Jirachi and Doublade

Cealgair commented 6 months ago

Yes, Paldean Fates has been added to this API, with the id sv4pt5. That set does not contain any Jirachi or Doublade. Did you mean PAR? Paradox Rift was also added, with the id sv4

miguelgargallo commented 6 months ago

let me check on db, thanks for your feedback, honestly so fast

miguelgargallo commented 6 months ago

okay I spent the sat and sun studying the set, i got 17443 cards, how many are there?

Cealgair commented 6 months ago

17438 is the current total number of cards. In general, if you make an api query, it will return a number called "totalCount" which tells you how many cards match your query. For example, if your query is set.id:swshp to get all Sword&Shield promos, the total count will be 304.

This is the url related to my example: https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2/cards?q=set.id:swshp

This is the url from which I got the total number of cards: https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2/cards

Here is the documentation if you need help understanding the queries https://docs.pokemontcg.io/

miguelgargallo commented 6 months ago

Then so, I do not understand this



Cealgair commented 6 months ago

It's likely that tcgdex doesn't use the Pokémon TCG API database directly. In particular, I see they have all trainer kits, while this database does not (see #316 )

If you have issues with the tcgdex card database, you should open them on https://github.com/tcgdex/cards-database/issues

miguelgargallo commented 6 months ago

Great, thanks to clarify, sounds ok, have a nice weekend