Closed ablaette closed 2 years ago
Note that this works, but .cqp_subcorpus_query()
is not yet exported. This is not a high-priority issue, but I should like to keep it open, to pick up the idea later on.
More relevant than I had thought, but best way so far is to integrate it into cqp_query()
q <- cqp_query("GERMAPARL", subcorpus = "CONTEXT", query = '"Integration" []{3}')
m <- RcppCWB:::.cqp_subcorpus_regions(q)
gparl <- cl_find_corpus("GERMAPARL", registry = Sys.getenv("CORPUS_REGISTRY"))
p <- RcppCWB:::.cqp_subcorpus(name = "FOO2", corpus = gparl, region_matrix = m)
x <- cqp_query("GERMAPARL:FOO2", query = '"gescheitert";', subcorpus = "TTT")
cqp_dump_subcorpus("GERMAPARL", "TTT")
Don't know whether this is already a feature request. This is the sketch of an idea how to use the CWB internal representation of a subcorpus.