Polarice3 / Goety-2

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Cannot Trigger Magic Ritual #8

Closed Jackiecrazy closed 1 year ago

Jackiecrazy commented 1 year ago

2023-04-17_15 06 27 I have far more than enough blocks for the occasion. Is it perhaps because Apotheosis replaces the enchantment table? Even so, their implementation of the replacement still extends EnchantmentTableBlock... On the same note, a message telling us what we're missing would be very useful for these occasions.

Polarice3 commented 1 year ago

Does one of the pedestal contain a Hunger Core? It appears you're trying to create a Feasting Focus.

Jackiecrazy commented 1 year ago

It does indeed. The ender pearl and the hunger core are hidden by the bookshelf and the altar respectively. I also tried taking them out, and it seems like you won't actually get the "Inefficient Requirements!" message unless you have all the required item components?

Polarice3 commented 1 year ago

I just reviewed my code again. "Inefficient Requirements!" message only appears when there's not enough required blocks around the Dark Altar. So it could be the Bookshelves as from what I remembered, Apotheosis replaces Bookshelves for their own but aside from that, I'm gonna test if the ritual would work without Apotheosis.

Jackiecrazy commented 1 year ago

Do they? I only know about the enchanting table replacement. It would also be nice if the bookshelf check used the forge tag instead of the physical bookshelf item, so we could use ones from quark, twilight forest etc.

Polarice3 commented 1 year ago

I'm testing it with Apotheosis right now.

Polarice3 commented 1 year ago

EDITED: Scratch everything I said before, the ritual does work with Apotheosis! I put 15 Bookshelves instead of 16 just now, but now it works!

2023-04-17_19 11 10 2023-04-17_19 11 19 So it might be another problem, maybe provide a Modlist so I can see if there might be other mods messing with the ritual.

Jackiecrazy commented 1 year ago

Just checked again, and it still doesn't work. On a similarly bizarre note, I just managed to perform an animation ritual without having a carved pumpkin. Something is most likely wrong with my mod list, but it is also nightmarishly long. 2023-04-17_17 33 16

Polarice3 commented 1 year ago

I'll look into the Ritual block requirements closer to make sure everything works properly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Jackiecrazy commented 1 year ago

I'm currently running a zipgrep for lecterns and bookshelves to see which mods could be the most likely culprits. Maybe some mod did alter the bookshelves without my knowledge somehow. I suspected ars magica legacy for lectern, but upon checking its source code it seems like it doesn't replace lecterns. As an aside, I like how the mod is designed with its wearables so I can be a snazzy necromancer without sacrificing my armor slots :3

Polarice3 commented 1 year ago

I just checked the Carved Pumpkin Animation Ritual thing, and the ritual won't work without the Carved Pumpkin when I tested it.

I also think the Lectern might be the main culprit as the ritual is asking for the Lectern to have Book, but the book is defined as being either a Book and Quill or Written Book. Is the book on your Lectern the vanilla Book and Quill/Written Book or something else?

Jackiecrazy commented 1 year ago

Oh! That could explain it. I put the Black Book on it. Let me try again.

Jackiecrazy commented 1 year ago

aaaaaand now it works perfectly! I probably just left a carved pumpkin somewhere around my house to prank myself randomly at a future date. It certainly worked this time. Would be good to put a note somewhere that it only works with vanilla books.

Polarice3 commented 1 year ago

Alright, next update I'll make the ritual work if Lectern has any book on them! Thank you! :)