Open EduardSchwarzkopf opened 2 years ago
that is perfect. We could test different values with that. Also it possible to make this a bit automated with I could write a small script, that is executed on mission start, to set that value. Needs to be tested with spawned in units, but this wouldnt be to much of a pain to implement
Code used:
player allowDamage false; player enableFatigue false; player setPosATL [0,0,0]; player setDir 0; unit setPosATL [0,500,0]; unit setDir 180; waitUntil {speed player > 0}; [unit, player] spawn { params ["_unit1", "_unit2"]; private _time = time; private _knowsAboutData = [ format ["world = %1\ndate = %2\nanim = %3\nweapon/scope = %4/%5\nskill/rank = %6/%7\nplayerType = %8", worldName, date, animationState player, primaryWeapon _unit1, (_unit1 weaponAccessories primaryWeapon _unit1) select 2, skill _unit1, rank _unit1, typeOf _unit2 ] ]; private "_knowsAbout"; private "_entry"; while { alive _unit1 && alive _unit2 } do { _knowsAbout = _unit1 knowsAbout _unit2; _entry = [_unit1 distance _unit2, _knowsAbout]; _knowsAboutData pushBack _entry; systemChat format ["time: %1 - %2", round (time - _time), _entry]; copyToClipboard str _knowsAboutData; sleep 1; }; };
Do not bother using that code
AI will see you with NVGs about 50-70 in any light condition at night. With our current setting, I was not able to see a unit in a pitch-black forest, but the ai had no problem. But while I'm able to see a unit on a full moon easily about 300m, an AI is not spotting me.