Open SpadesNeil opened 8 years ago
I feel like @Leshana fixed this in Vorestation but I am not sure. Maybe @Arokha fixed it? Maybe no one fixed it and I am actually crazy.
Porting and finishing #2644 would probably put a stop to this for good, if it's still occurring.
@SpadesNeil It's an easy fix, I did it on Aurora years ago.
There's a query in modules/admin/DB ban/ on line ~40, which checks if a player is actually logged on the database. It does so by select the id
of said player. Just modify that query to also pull the computerid
and ip
. And shove that into the if(query.NextRow())
clause, so it replaces a missing CID/IP with the query result.
var/DBQuery/query = dbcon.NewQuery("SELECT id FROM erro_player WHERE ckey = '[ckey]'")
var/validckey = 0
validckey = 1
if(!banned_mob || (banned_mob && !IsGuestKey(banned_mob.key)))
message_admins("<font color='red'>[key_name_admin(usr)] attempted to ban [ckey], but [ckey] has not been seen yet. Please only ban actual players.</font>",1)
Fixed version:
var/DBQuery/query = dbcon.NewQuery("SELECT id, computerid, ip FROM erro_player WHERE ckey = '[ckey]'")
var/validckey = 0
validckey = 1
// Stop relying on manual entry, use the database.
if (!computerid)
computerid = query.item[2]
if (!ip)
ip = query.item[3]
if(!banned_mob || (banned_mob && !IsGuestKey(banned_mob.key)))
message_admins("<font color='red'>[key_name_admin(usr)] attempted to ban [ckey], but [ckey] has not been seen yet. Please only ban actual players.</font>",1)
Brief description of the issue
This is exploited maliciously by griefers to ban evade.
What you expected to happen
When you ban an offline player whose mob is SSD, for it to grab the lastknownIP and computerID vars, and include them in the ban.
What actually happened
Only the ckey is banned.
Steps to reproduce
Additional info: