PolarisSS13 / Polaris

Polaris - A version of Spacestation13, forked from Baystation12.
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Updates the ATC to recent lore changes and additions + adds new organizations #9251

Closed elgeonmb closed 1 year ago

elgeonmb commented 1 year ago

Rubicon and I guess Procyon exist now, El received significant expansion, several systems were timeskipped, and Terminus has been officially pronounced dead. These changes are now reflected in the ATC.

Gilthari Exports, Kaleidoscope Cosmetics, SAARE, and PCRC were added to the tracon, and several corporations had mottos dug out of various bits of fluff and grafted onto their entries here

The Moghes Hegemony, both Zaddat governments, Almach, and the Five Arrows were added as well. The Hegemony and Almach are limited to diplomatic missions, while the Five Arrows sometimes do joint actions or medical missions on border worlds and the Zaddat governments also act as free traders. Pearlshield Coalition and skrell pending some more hashing out of those areas by the lore team. Hegemony ship name list contributed by Corpse Doll.

The GSA was also added.