AKA the 'spider pit', made infamous for the trigger at the top of a set of stairs that hurls unsuspecting players over a cliff into a pit full of radiation and several dangerous special spiders.
Makes the map bigger to let it 'breathe' more and have the radiation be a sense of pressure. Overall, attempts to create a dilemma of choosing where to go and how to navigate the central radiation hazard while going toe to toe with small groups of spiders.
Redraws to the map to lean into the flavor of it being a failed attempt at setting up a supermatter engine. To what end, of course, is the mystery...
Makes most of the loot of note various high end tools and radsuits (including a tesh radsuit!), cutting back weaponry to a single rifle spawn and a charge axe, with a few items of medicine. Also adds more anomalous items.
Just flat out removes the trigger for throwing the target. I couldn't get it to feel 'right'. The case where a player accidentally trips down the cliff into the radiation pit while a spider find them and eats them is still quite possible, just is no longer quite so binary.
AKA the 'spider pit', made infamous for the trigger at the top of a set of stairs that hurls unsuspecting players over a cliff into a pit full of radiation and several dangerous special spiders.